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Slobodne Bosanke (@slobodnebosanke) • Instagram photos and videos - Stranica za upoznavanje


Click here: Slobodne Bosanke (@slobodnebosanke) • Instagram photos and videos

A report for your preferred Wikipedia can be added. Što se tiče Pristlija kao specifičnog slučaja, mogao si primjetiti da smo i ja, Ripper i Edgar redovno prebacivali fonetizirana imena na izvornike, sve po pravilima koja su doduše interna.

Slobodne Bosanke (@slobodnebosanke) • Instagram photos and videos

Happy birthday, big sister! There might be some around Wikidata for you. Not much left it seems and we'll tackle that in one of the next sprints.

Slobodne Bosanke (@slobodnebosanke) • Instagram photos and videos

Sex - This was one of the last holdups for a first demo version.

Slobodne Bosanke (@slobodnebosanke) • Instagram photos and videos

Oprosti, ali što radiš s ovim imenima? Nismo ni Rusi ni Mađari pa da pišemo imena kao i oni? Naravno da ne koristimo strana pravila nomenklature Mađarska, Japan, Rusija,... Dakle, neće ići Leh Valensa nego Lech Wałęsa, ali ostaje činjenica da će Lajos Kossuth i Fjodor Dostojevski i Hidetoshi Nakata... Kod nas se ne piše prvo prezime pa ime i to se poštuje jer je takav pravopis našega jezika. S druge strane, specifična slova i akcenti na pojedinim slovima nisu stvar pravopisa, već širine abecede. Ovo što si ti izveo je dovođenje situacije do apsurda i potpuno izokretanje pravila koje je usvojeno onda isto tako uredno možemo pisati nazive članaka na hebrejskom, japanskom, hindiju i ostalim jezicima koji nemaju ista pisma, a da bi tako apsurdno tumečenje pravila imalo smisla. Mislim, lijep pokušaj, ali djeluje mi promašeno. No, da ne bi bilo previše rasprave sada ovdje jer bi ovo moglo otići u neželjenom smjeru - kao i svatko dosad, slobodan si pokrenuti raspravu po ovom pitanju da se postigne konsenzus naravno, s obzirom na uspjeh ranijih, trebat će ti dosta sreće u postizanju tog konsenzusa , a dotad bi bilo uputno da se primjenjuje nepisana praksa koju poštuju, koliko me memorija služi, svi -- 01:13, 23 jun-;8?0Z 2015 CEST Želim nešto razjasniti ne samo za ovu nego i cjelokupnu situaciju zadnjih par mjeseci. Svaki put kad se priča o tebi i tvojim doprinosima ovdje, bilo da je riječ o engleskim biografijama, italijanskim naseljima, šablonima, kategorijama ili nečem drugom, uvijek se sve svodi na greške, greške i greške. Opaske tako dolaze od mene, Edgara, Viteka, itd. Po tome nažalost ispada da si loš i nekonstruktivan, da samo radiš negativne stvari, da bi brojni ovdje željeli da te najradije nema. Meni je to već postalo iritantno i zato ti ovo sve pišem da budemo načisto — ti istina radiš na stotine i stotine grešaka, ali u odnosu na stotine hiljada doprinosa to je jedno veliko ništa. Greške ti se broje u promilima, kao i kod recimo Rippera, Edgara, itd. Činjenično stanje jest takvo da si se i ove i prošle godine pokazao kao daleko najbolji korisnik projekta, bilo po produktivnosti, kvaliteti članaka i tehničkoj potkovanosti. Stoga, molim te nemoj ni u ludilu misliti da će se takav moj stav promijeniti ako redovno prigovaram ili ispravljam nekih 0,0... Što se tiče Pristlija kao specifičnog slučaja, mogao si primjetiti da smo i ja, Ripper i Edgar redovno prebacivali fonetizirana imena na izvornike, sve po pravilima koja su doduše interna. Međutim, ta pravila vrijede samo za naslove i kategorije, unutarni sadržaj se ne dira i stvar je subjektivnog izbora. Kod nelatiničnih slučajeva složili smo se da se favorizira fonetizacija, tako da bi bilo bolje da su npr. Ne znam jesi li vidio ali Bokica je jednom predložio da čitav projekt fonetizira jer bi tako bilo lakše implementirati ono preslovljavanje na ćirilicu. Toliko za ovaj put, živio! There will be several talks and workshops related to Wikidata. How does it compare to Wikidata? Lydia is in touch with them to figure out how to best use the insights for us. The part doing constraint violation checks should go to test. The part doing checks against 3rd party databases will still take a bit longer but is also shaping up nicely. Expect her to be a bit less responsive during that time. There will be several talks and workshops related to Wikidata. It's updated several times during the day. There are about 20 to 30 new entries each day. There is currently some backlog from the Arabic, Marathi, and Thai Wikipedias. Items updated first in Wikidata wont appear in the report. They are listed directly in. Ali ima jedan mali problem, vaš bot radi i katastrofalne greške, - pogledajte ih i sami kod članka , koji je tako iskreiran. Kao prvo izbio je ispravan link sa en wiki portico na naš postojeći članak - umjesto na stranicu Portico disambiguation. Te kvartove nemaju ni Talijani, ali kad ih već imamo - još da je sve točno - bog i šeširdžija. Wikidata attempts to answer the question. You can now use to see the result for different items. Na ovom nalogu ti je dovoljna samo bot zastavica. Jel zato sto ti zdravorazumski nesta kazem? Nemoj da prebacujes svoje osobine drugom molim te. Da gomilas prava gomilas ih. Ako je neki nalog bot nalog onda treba da ima bot zastavicu i to je to a ne vidim razlog zasto treba da ima autopatoler i flood flag zastavicu kada u pravima za bota ima i jedno i drugo. Shvati ovo kao najbolju nameru. Kolegino pitanje možda, naglašavam to možda, nije bilo na mjestu jer on nije tu da to preispituje, međutim tvoje optuživanje i bezobrazne replike su jednako neumjesne u ovoj situaciji. Molit ću lijepo da situacija dalje ne eskalira i da se ovakvi ispadi, ravni kafanskih rasprava, neće ponoviti. Hvala -- 17:32, 24 jul-A@?0Z 2015 CEST Prema pravilima ove Wikipedije, osim ako se radi o arhiviranju ili doista uvredljivom sadržaju ili onom koji otkriva neželjene podatke, uklanjanje sadržaja sa stranice za razgovor nije dozvoljeno -- 17:38, 24 jul-A@?0Z 2015 CEST Da, ali ovdje je praksa takva da se sadržaj uklanja samo u slučaju uvreda, otkrivanja osobnih podataka ili arhiviranja. Takvo je pravilo i praksa da se ne bi moralo kopati po stranicama za razgovor, odnosnoa izmjenama da se pronađe konkretni tekst -- 17:58, 24 jul-A@?0Z 2015 CEST Ne znam je li pod 'vi' misliš na mene, ili pak na cijelu ovu zajednicu koja se dosljedno pridržava tog pravila... To nije izmišljeno pravilo, već ono postoji i ono se primjenjuje. Interesantno kako je ono kod nekih sporno samo kad ih se upozori, a kad im se nešto drugo piše, onda nitko nije sklon mijenjanju -- 18:09, 24 jul-A@?0Z 2015 CEST Ajde neka sam i ja agresivan. Svakako, pojedine Wikipedije mogu imati svoju verziju pravila pa je tako slučaj i ovdje. Mislim da je Igor jednom na Pijaci potvrdio da je pronašao da to stoji kao pravilo ne mogu sada naći, istina, ali ako uspiješ pronaći suprotno od toga, ja ću se povući iz ove diskusije , a svakako postoji kao praksa tako da, ništa ja nisam ni izmislio, ni opravdavao -- 18:27, 24 jul-A@?0Z 2015 CEST Ubacujem se ovde i zbog toga se izvinjavam, ali je vazno. Kolega Edgare, ne postoji kao praksa kod nas, to je iluzija. Wikidata , so that development instances can have some sample data. Thank you a lot for your contribution in wikipedia! You have created by bot a lot of articles about settlements. But huge amount of them already has item in wikidata and yours were not linked. Could you please investigate and link all your created articles with existing wikidata items? You can sign up. You can request migrating your talk page at. Currently matching is happening at about 500 items per day. We'll need to investigate further and change things so the lag between an edit on Wikidata and it being send to the Wikipedias and other projects is not too high. For the years since 2000, only about 15% of items at Wikidata lack date of death. More to come in a few days. Looks like we'll have it on a demo system for you to try a first version within the next two weeks. It will be kept around and updated for some time to allow tool owners to migrate. Thanks everyone who voted and spread the word. The summary given by the API user will be appended to the automatic summary. Not much left it seems and we'll tackle that in one of the next sprints. Getting the new features deployed for the constraints checks will still take a bit longer. Editing will only be possible via the special pages! The limit does not apply to convenience functions in lua, such as mw. You can also submit your own until the 29th of September. There is a for you. You can add your language by and the. Next month it is likely to be less than half. This is groundwork for Commons support. We will have a party and you should come! Needs more input on best practices and commitment to update data. Found a few remaining bugs during testing. Now includes one where you can. Welcome to Wikidata, sisters! New tool to copy data from templates to Wikidata. Should make it easier for you to find the right items and properties. This was one of the last holdups for a first demo version. Please help translate them. We wouldn't be where we are today without you. So far they only have access to sitelinks. How about something awesome with Wikidata? Do awesome things with it, sisters! Meta will follow on 15th. This will go live later today. Additionally you can click a little magnifying glass next to an item ID in a query result and explore it further. We'd love to see many Wikidata-related submissions. If you need help with your submission contact. Check it out with , , or any of almost 3,000 articles. There might be some around Wikidata for you. Get in touch with if interested. Happy birthday, big sister! Thank you for all you are doing to make Wikidata truly shine! We owe you a ton. They added machine-readable information to articles. More will come later. Please review and comment on the associated talk page. Other entity types are Item and Property. We'll need Mediainfo for Commons. ORES will help us a lot with anti-vandalism fighting. They have their own hack. Everything with datatype external identifier goes there now. Once we have all identifiers converted items should be easier to scan and understand because of the clearer structure. Language links can be maintained on Wikidata now. Access to the data will follow. You can enable it in your preferences. Once enabled you will see notifications you received on the other Wikimedia wikis. Identifier values were replaced. For some items where it had been missing, it was recently added. This leads to improved coverage by. Work on both topics will continue. We'll publish both theses soon. A big congrats to both of them! Enjoy a faster Wikidata : Faster!!! Check it out with one of the example queries above. Select Map under Display results menu. Nothing shiny to see yet but we're making progress. Still some to go but 450 properties have been converted by now. This then shows the defined view map, table, image grid when executing the query. It went from 2. Add yourself to interested attendees for the. What a ride it has been and continues to be. See for instance, for a second version of an artwork. Show the rest of the world you're using data from Wikidata! A report for your preferred Wikipedia can be added. It will be fixed tonight. This may break user JavaScript calling getEntitiesByPage. It will also no longer add query prefixes when editing the query. Those are not live yet. The site should load faster now. More Wikipedias will follow. This is needed for structured data support for Commons. There are some technical issues with it still though. Will take a while to sort through. The Wikidata-related program parts including slides and notes can be found on the. It gives you an icon next to each statement value. That gives you a list of other items with the same statement. It lets you easily run a Jupyter notebook and much more. The goal: convert 100 templates to make use of Wikidata over the course of 100 days. Please test and let us know what you think ont he linked page. If you like it it can become a gadget. This may break some existing gadgets and user scripts temporarily. There are still much information to migrate to Wikidata at. A might be an option. Wanted to sent out announcement on Friday but one configuration issue is still unsolved. Should be solved in the next 1 or 2 days. Please, link to them from your projects to give your fellow users chance to learn Wikidata basics. In English - please translate into other languages! There is now for you! When no matching property or item is found it will now tell you. Please add labels in your own languages, and consider making a similar template for your country or region. Also, add P17-statements to property entities. Please add labels in your own languages, and consider making a similar template for your country or region. Also, add -statements to property entities. You want to join or organise a meetup with other Wikidata editors? Keep an eye on this page! Why not start one for your local Wikipedia? Add it to if you do. Please add labels in your own languages, and consider making a similar template for your country or region. Also worked on showing which projects use a given item in the page information. Previously only German was supported. English is now supported as well. We'll start with units for length and then expand based on feedback. More work is needed. That has been fixed. With this we will for example link the value to a Wikipedia article where possible. Please add labels in your own languages, and consider making a similar template for your country or region. Around this date, a lot of events will happen online and offline. Birthday events Editors all around the world organize meetups to celebrate the birthday. You can or create an event in your own town! Check the or the every day to see what happens! You can also participate by posting a story , a tweet with WikidataBirthday, let a message or a present. If you're participating to Wikidata's birthday, you can add to your user page. The birthday party is not finished yet, every day until November 4th you will discover new presents and stories. Follow the or the or to get the news! Thanks, user Lokal Profil! The dataset was computed in August 2016 and provides PageRank scores for 10,364,840 Wikidata entities. Thanks to Matěj Suchánek! It is still waiting for security review before it can be deployed. If you're in the area and want to introduce attendees to Wikidata, feel free to send your application! It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of User:Coyau. He was a very active editor on Wikidata and the other Wikimedia projects. He will be deeply missed by his friends and family but his great work on open culture will stay. Feel free to browse and share his work. It also displays interesting red links for people born and dead that day that are not represented in eu:wp. Hope you do to :. The preview popup may now cover parts of the page. Please try it at and tell us what you think on. The map includes the location outline, if that object exists in OpenStreetMap OSM with a corresponding Wikidata ID ways and relations only, not nodes. Example: click coordinates in the upper right corner, or in the infobox on the side. If you create a Wikidata item about a specific administrative area, building, or other physical individual object which appears on maps, then please add the Wikidata ID to the relevant object in OSM, using here's. Now working on the click-dummy for it so we can try it with you. A good way to tackle that problem is by for property. If your wiki has forked this one, consider updating it and already reported. See on Commons Village Pump. If there are no major issues we will enable this for all placeholders.

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Previously only German was supported. Priatelia, nachystajte sa na to, že dám ešte asi tak 100 fotek s Jasminkou. The Wikidata-related program parts including slides and notes can be found on the. You can now use to see the result for different items. This will go live later today. Currently matching is happening at about 500 items per day. But huge amount of them already has item in wikidata and yours were not linked. They have their own hack. Absolutne to neni o peniazoch. The limit does not apply to convenience functions in lua, such as mw. Welcome to Wikidata, sisters!

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Post je objavljen 28.12.2018. u 03:23 sati.