Pet ambalaža košta od 15 do 18 dinara po kilogramu, a karton od 4 do pet dinara. U razdoblju od tri godine sanirane su 43 lokacije, s kojih je uklonjeno 39700 m3 smeća. Izgradnja kompleksa regionalne deponije ne treba da traje duže od godinu dana.
Znate li da jedna šaka zemljišta iz vrta ima toliko živih bića koliko je ljudi na zemlji? Važno je znati da količina bio-otpada bogatog azotom i onog bogatog ugljenikom, treba da bide podjednaka. Lišće koje se sporo raspada: listovi bukve, hrasta, kestena, oraha, četinara, listovi pokriveni slojem smole.
KompostiranJe - Subotica, može pohvaliti činjenicom da su napori ka što efikasnijem zbrinjavanju otpada na području grada u uzlaznoj putanji. Na nama kao građanima i kao predstavnicima civilnog društva nije da samo čekamo da nam država i EU nudi gotova rešenja već da ih i sami tražimo i borimo se za svoje dobro.
Information : Title, Meta Keywords and Meta Description are all HTML tags used for your site to be recognized by, and to give information to search engines. Title Use : The title is a general description of your site between 10-80 characters Meta Description : Meta Keywords : these are categories and topics which will help define your sites use. Information : Charset :ASCII was the first character encoding standard also called character set. ASCII defined 127 different alphanumeric characters that could be used on the internet: numbers 0-9 , English letters A-Z , and some special characters like! ANSI Windows-1252 was the original Windows character set, with support for 256 different character codes. Code Type : This shows what type of coding was used in the design of your site. HTML Version : This shows the version od coding you used in the design of your site. We advise that you use robots. Responsive : Shows whether or not your site which is compatible with desktop computers, is also compatible with tablet computers and mobile devices. Use: you can show this with the tag :. PageRank : Google ranks sites on a scale of 0-10. The higher the rank, the better and more beneficial this site is considered for Google. Analytic : Google, along with being the worlds largest search engine also provides many other great services. One of these provided services is Analytic. With a tiny code added to your site, Analytic allows you to track all user data on your site.