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Retrieved on 24 June 2015. When their rule ended, Pola came under the rule of the 540—751. An unusual feature of this church is the double , with one part projecting into the street. Nakon 4 minute oralne pripreme, voditelji su dali znak parovima za postavljanje u položaj sa snošaj odozada.

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For other uses, see. Pula Croatian pronunciation: ; and Pola is the largest city in , and the , situated at the southern tip of the , with a population of 57,460 in 2011. It is known for its multitude of ancient Roman buildings, the most famous of which is the , one of the best preserved Roman , and its beautiful sea. The city has a long tradition of , fishing, , and tourism. It has also been Istria's administrative centre since. Pottery from the period 6000—2000 BC , indicating , has been found around Pula — Pola. In the 1800—1000 BC , a new type of settlement appeared in Istria, called 'gradine', or Hill-top fortifications. The type of materials found in Bronze Age sites in Istria connects these with sites along the Danube. The inhabitants of Istria in the Bronze Age are known as Proto Illyrians. Greek tradition attributed the foundation of Polai to the , mentioned in the context of the story of and , who had stolen the. Ancient period Porta Gemina In classical antiquity, it was inhabited by the Histri, a or recorded by in the 1st century AD The was conquered by the Romans in 177 BC, starting a period of Romanization. The town was elevated to colonial rank between 46—45 BC as the tenth region of the late , under. During that time the town grew and had at its zenith a population of about 30,000. It became a significant Roman port with a large surrounding area under its jurisdiction. During the civil war of 42 BC of the triumvirate of , and against Caesar's assassins and , the town took the side of Cassius, since the town had been founded by , brother of Cassius. After Octavian's victory, the town was demolished. It was soon rebuilt at the request of Octavian's daughter Iulia and was then called Colonia Pietas Iulia Pola Pollentia Herculanea. The colony was part of , a region of. Great classical constructions were built of which a few remain. A great , , was constructed between 27 BC — 68 AD, much of it still standing to this day. The Romans also supplied the city with a water supply and sewage systems. They fortified the city with a wall with ten gates. A few of these gates still remain: the triumphal , the Gate of Hercules in which the names of the founders of the city are engraved and the Twin Gates. The town was the site of 's execution in 326 AD and 's execution in 354 AD. In 425 AD the town became the centre of a bishopric, attested by the remains of foundations of a few religious buildings. Middle Ages Pula Fortress After the fall of the , the city and region were attacked by the , Pola being virtually destroyed by , a Germanic foederati general in 476 AD The town was ruled by the from 493 to 538 AD. When their rule ended, Pola came under the rule of the 540—751. During this period Pola prospered and became the major port of the fleet and integral part of the. The Basilica of Saint Mary Formosa was built in the 6th century. From 788 on Pola was ruled by the under , with the introduction of the. Under the Franks it was part of the. Pola became the seat of the elective counts of Istria until 1077. The town was taken in 1148 by the Venetians and in 1150 Pola swore allegiance to the , thus becoming a Venetian possession. For centuries thereafter, the city's fate and fortunes were tied to those of Venetian power. It was conquered by the in 1192 but soon reconquered by the Venetians. In 1238 formed an alliance between Genoa and Venice against the Empire, and consequently against Pisa too. As Pola had sided with the Pisans, the city was sacked by the Venetians in 1243. It was destroyed again in 1267 and again in 1397 when the defeated the Venetians in a naval battle. Pola then slowly went into decline. This decay was accelerated by the infighting of local families: the ancient Roman Sergi family and the Ionotasi 1258—1271 and the clash between Venice and Genoa for the control of the city and its harbour late 13th and 14th centuries. In 1291, by the Peace of Treviso, Patriarch Raimondo della Torre gained the city as part of the , only to lose it to Venice in 1331, which then held it until its downfall in 1797. Venetian, Napoleonic and early Habsburg rule The took over Pula in 1331 and would rule the city until 1797. During the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, Pula was attacked and occupied by the Genoese, the Hungarian army and the Habsburgs; several outlying medieval settlements and towns were destroyed. In addition to war, the , and ravaged the city. By the 1750s there were only 3,000 inhabitants left in ancient city, an area now covered with weeds and ivy. With the collapse of the Venetian Republic in 1797 following 's , the city became part of the. It was invaded again in 1805 after the French had defeated the Austrians. It was included in the of Napoleon as part of the , then placed directly under the French Empire's. Austrian Littoral province and union with Italy Austro-Hungarian dreadnoughts at Pola In 1813, Pola with Istria came back to the. Under the , the town — under the original Italian name, Pola — remained in until the latter's defeat and dissolution in 1918. Under Austrian rule, Pola regained prosperity. Its large became Austria's main naval base and a major centre. It was chosen for the base in 1859 by , a Danish admiral in the service of Austria. Subsequently, Pola grew from a fading provincial town into an industrial city. The famous island of Brioni in Croatian renamed to the North West of Pola became the summer vacation resort of Austria's. In World War I, the port was the main base for Austro-Hungarian and other naval forces of the Empire. During this period many inhabitants were Italian speaking. The 1910 Austrian census recorded a city population of 58,562 45. Following the collapse of Austria-Hungary in 1918, Pola and the whole of Istria — except the territory of Castua — went to. Pola became the capital of the. The decline in population after World War I was mainly due to economic difficulties caused by the withdrawal of Austro-Hungarian military and bureaucratic facilities and the dismissal of workers from the shipyard. Under the government of , non-Italians, especially Croatian residents who came to Pola under rule, faced stringent political and cultural repression because they had now to integrate themselves into the Kingdom of Italy and learn the Italian language. Many left the city and went back to the newly created , where their homes were. After the collapse of Fascist Italy in 1943, the city was occupied by the German and remained a base for U-boats. Consequently, the city was subjected to repeated Allied bombing from 1942—1944. In the last phase of the war, Pola saw the arrest, deportation and execution of people suspected of aiding the partisans who together with the Yugoslav communists killed many soldiers and civilians. Citation Needed - suspect statement Post-World War II and modern era building For two years after 1945, Pola was administered by the AMG. Pola formed an enclave within south Istria that was occupied by Yugoslavia since 1945 with the help of Churchill. The AMG was occupied by a company of the United States 351st Infantry and a of the 24th. Istria was partitioned into occupation zones until the region became officially united with the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on 15 September 1947, under terms of the. The city became part of the , upon the ratification of the Paris Peace Treaties on 15 September 1947 — which also created the that ultimately reverted to Italy. Initially Pola's population of 45,000 was largely made up of ethnic Italians. However, between December 1946 and September 1947, most of the Italian residents fled to Italy during the. Subsequently, the city's Croatian name, Pula, became the official name. Today the city of Pola or Pula is officially bilingual, hence both Pula or Pola are official names. Since the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1991, Pula-Pola has been part of the newly created Republic of Croatia. The city lies on and beneath seven hills on the inner part of a wide gulf and a naturally well-protected port depth up to 38 125 ft open to the northwest with two entrances: from the sea and through Fažana channel. Protected from the north by the mountain chain of as well the inner highland, the is : Cfa , very pleasant, with the highest averaging 24 °C 75 °F during August and lowest averaging 6 °C 43 °F , in January. Summers are usually warm during the day and cooler near the evening, although some strange heat wave patterns are also common. Normally, it is humid. Temperatures above 10 °C 50 °F last for more than 240 days a year. There are two different kinds of winds here — the brings cold and clear weather from the north in winter, and the southern bringing rain in summer. The '' is a summer breeze blowing from the inland to the sea. Like the rest of the region Pula — Pola is known for its mild climate, tame sea, and unspoiled nature with an average of sunny days of 2,316 hours per year or 6. Climate data for Pula Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Average high °C °F 10. ±% 1857 3,628 — 1869 10,601 +192. Its population density is 1,093. The majority of its citizens are representing 70. The largest ethnic minorities are: 3,454 6. Light design by on cranes in Pula harbour The city is best known for its many surviving ancient Roman buildings, the most famous of which is its 1st-century , which is among the six largest surviving Roman arenas in the world. This is one of the best preserved amphitheatres from antiquity and is still in use today during summer film festivals. During the World War II Italian fascist administration, there were attempts to dismantle the arena and move it to mainland Italy, which were quickly abandoned due to the costs involved. Two other notable and well-preserved ancient Roman structures are the 1st-century AD , the and the co-eval , built in the 1st century AD built on the during the reign of the Augustus. The Twin Gates Porta Gemina is one of the few remaining gates after the were pulled down at the beginning of the 19th century. It dates from the mid-2nd century, replacing an earlier gate. It consists of two arches, columns, a plain and a decorated. Close by are a few remains of the old city wall. The Gate of Hercules dates from the 1st century. At the top of the single arch one can see the bearded head of , carved in , and his club on the adjoining. A damaged inscription, close to the club, contains the names of and who were entrusted by the to found a colony at the site of Pula. Thus it can be deduced that Pula was founded between 47 and 44 BC. The Augustan Forum was constructed in the 1st century BC, close to the sea. In Roman times it was surrounded by temples of , and. This Roman commercial and administrative centre of the city remained the main square of classical and medieval Pula — Pola. It still is the main administrative and legislative centre of the city. The temple of Roma and Augustus is still preserved today. A part of the back wall of the temple of Juno was integrated into the in the 13th century. Two Roman theatres have withstood the ravages of time: the smaller one diameter c. The city's old quarter of narrow streets, lined with and buildings, are still surfaced with ancient Roman paving stones. The Byzantine chapel of St. Mary Formosa was built in the 6th century before 546 in the form of a Greek cross, resembling the churches in. It was built by deacon Maximilian, who became later Archbishop of Ravenna. It was, together with another chapel, part of a that was demolished in the 16th century. The floors and the walls are decorated with 6th-century mosaics. The decoration bears some resemblance to the at. The wall over the door contains a Byzantine carved stone panel. The 15th-century wall paintings may be restorations of Early Christian paintings. When the Venetians raided Pula in 1605, they removed many treasures from this chapel to Venice, including the four columns of oriental alabaster that stand behind the high altar of. The was built in the 6th century, when Pula — Pola became the seat of a bishopry, over the remains over the original site where the Christians used to gather and pray in Roman times. It was enlarged in the 10th century. After its destruction by Genoese and Venetian raids, it was almost completely rebuilt in the 15th century. It got its present form when a late Renaissance façade was added in the early 16th century. The church still retains several Romanesque and Byzantine characters, such as some parts of the walls dating from the 4th century , a few of the original column and the upper windows of the nave. In the altar area and in the room to the south one can still see fragments of 5th- or 6th-century floor mosaics with memorial inscriptions from worshippers who paid for the mosaics. The windows of the aisles underwent reconstruction in after a fire in 1242. The belfry in front the church was built between 1671 and 1707 with stones form the amphitheatre. There also used to stand a baptistery from the 5th century in front of the church, but it was demolished in 1885. The Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas with its Ravenna-style polygonal apse, originally dates from the 6th century, but was partially rebuilt in the 10th century. In 1583 it was assigned to the Orthodox community of Pula — Pola, mainly immigrants from and. The church owns several icons from the 15th and the 16th century and an from the Greek artists from the 18th century. The star-shaped castle with four is situated on top of the central hill of the old city. It was built, over the remains of the Roman , by the Venetians in the 17th century, following the plans of the architect. Since 1961 it now houses the. Close by, on the north-eastern slopes, one can see the remains of a 2nd-century theatre. The Church of St. Francis dates from the end of the 13th century. It was built in 1314 in late style with Gothic additions such as the. The church consists of a single with three. An unusual feature of this church is the double , with one part projecting into the street. A 15th-century wooden from an artist adorns the altar. The west portal is decorated with shell motifs and a. The adjoining monastery dates from the 14th century. The cloisters display some antique Roman artefacts. The Archaeological Museum of Istria is situated in the park on a lower level than the and close to the Twin Gates. Its collection was started by Marshall in August 1802 when he collected the stone monuments from the temple of Roma and Augustus. The present-day museum was opened in 1949. The building was constructed under Austro-Hungarian rule and was the former k. Transforming the fortress into the aquarium has been in progress since 2002. The installation encompasses about 60 tanks on the ground floor, the moat, and the first floor of the fortress. In an area of approximately 2,000 m 2 21,528 sq ft , visitors can view inhabitants of the Northern and Southern Adriatic Sea, tropical marine and freshwater fish and with representatives of European rivers and lakes. From the roof of the fort, visitors may view the entire city of Pula. It is also possible to see the first marine turtle rescue centre in Croatia. As a result of its rich , Pula — Pola is a city with a cultural mixture of people and languages from the and Central Europe, ancient and contemporary. Residents are commonly fluent in both Croatian and Italian language but also to like German and English. From 30 October 1904 to March 1905 Irish writer taught English at the Berlitz School; his students were mainly who were stationed at the. While he was in Pola he organised the local printing of his broadsheet The Holy Office, which satirised both and. The pearl nearby is Brioni island or visited by numerous world leaders since it was the summer residence of. The coastal waters offer beaches, fishing, to ancient Roman and World War I warships, , and sailing to unspoiled coves and islands large and small. Pula — Pola is the end point of the 9 that runs from on the through , the , , and. It is possible to track footprints on the nearby sea shores; certain more important finds have been made at an undisclosed location near. It was built in 1904 as a part of Pula's economic crescendo during the Austro-Hungarian rule. After World War I, during the Fascist rule, the need for tram transportation declined and it was finally dismantled in 1934. Similarly to nearby , it is not a major international destination. However, this is likely to change as , has started scheduled flights to Pula since November 2006. Jet2 also offer flights from Newcastle, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds-Bradford, Belfast, Manchester and East Midlands Airports. Scandinavian Airlines SAS operate scheduled flights from Stockholm and Copenhagen during summertime. Nearby include in Italy, , Croatia's capital and , Slovenia's capital. There are direct flights into Pula airport from London and Dublin during whole year and several other large airports in Western Europe during summer. On 9 April 2015 established a daily service from the downtown seaplane terminal at the city's main waterfront. Destinations as of April 2015 are , the island of and. Plans to tunnel the 'missing link' between this line and from Rijeka have existed for many years, and despite work commencing on this project previously, has never seen completion. From there, an excellent service to a wide range of local, domestic and international locations is available throughout the year. Several bus companies operate from this Terminus including the local service run by Pulapromet. Timetables can be found on www. Retrieved 10 March 2010. Zagreb: Viza MG d. Remetinečka cesta 81, Zagreb. Census of Population, Households and Dwellings 2011. Retrieved 13 March 2017. Retrieved 7 April 2012. Retrieved 7 April 2012. Retrieved 6 January 2010. Retrieved 27 January 2010. Retrieved 27 January 2010. Archived from on 13 October 2008. Retrieved 27 January 2010. The Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments. Retrieved 27 January 2010. Archived from on 6 April 2009. Retrieved 27 January 2010. Archived from on 6 March 2009. Retrieved 11 July 2009. Retrieved 26 January 2010. Retrieved 26 January 2010. Retrieved 9 March 2017. Census of Population, Households and Dwellings 2011. Retrieved 23 August 2009. Archived from on 2 November 2007. Retrieved 23 August 2009. Archived from on 17 April 2015. Retrieved 23 April 2015. Grad Pula in Croatian and Italian. Archived from on 2012-05-05. Archived from on 8 November 2009. Retrieved 5 January 2010. Archived from on 23 December 2011. Retrieved 21 December 2011.

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The present-day museum was opened in 1949. Iako sam mlada,krijem iznenađenje. Retrieved on 4 October 2015. One day, Pavazhamalli is kidnapped by a group of Vedhalams, who then ransack the village and also kill Vembunathan. Online sex i te fore ne pružam. DOSADILO TI JE NESTO STO MOZES IMATI SVAKI DAN,CEKA TE NESTO JEDINSTVENO,I PRAVO!!! The Gate of Hercules dates from the 1st century. Otherwise, this fantasy is a bore fest.

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