Izvor: Nezavisne Novine, 10. ASCII defined 127 different alphanumeric characters that could be used on the internet: numbers 0-9 , English letters A-Z , and some special characters like! Title Use : The title is a general description of your site between 10-80 characters Meta Description : Meta Keywords : these are categories and topics which will help define your sites use.
One of these provided services is Analytic. With a tiny code added to your site, Analytic allows you to track all user data on your site. On je istakao da je to i poruka predsjednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića, kao i da su predstavnici Evropske unije već obaviješteni o tome, ali da još nema nikakvog odgovora.
- Kada se kabinet vlade Njemačke početkom godine povukao na zasjedanje u dvorac Mezeberg, na njemu je bio i jedan važan gost: generalni sekretar NATO Jens Stoltenberg. Izvor: Nezavisne Novine, 10.
Information : Title, Meta Keywords and Meta Description are all HTML tags used for your site to be recognized by, and to give information to search engines. Title Use : The title is a general description of your site between 10-80 characters Meta Description : Meta Keywords : these are categories and topics which will help define your sites use. Information : Charset :ASCII was the first character encoding standard also called character set. ASCII defined 127 different alphanumeric characters that could be used on the internet: numbers 0-9 , English letters A-Z , and some special characters like! ANSI Windows-1252 was the original Windows character set, with support for 256 different character codes. Code Type : This shows what type of coding was used in the design of your site. HTML Version : This shows the version od coding you used in the design of your site. We advise that you use robots. Responsive : Shows whether or not your site which is compatible with desktop computers, is also compatible with tablet computers and mobile devices. Use: you can show this with the tag :. PageRank : Google ranks sites on a scale of 0-10. The higher the rank, the better and more beneficial this site is considered for Google. Analytic : Google, along with being the worlds largest search engine also provides many other great services. One of these provided services is Analytic. With a tiny code added to your site, Analytic allows you to track all user data on your site. Country Traffic Share Change Avg.