How Do You Hook Up a Bush Hog
Ralph Turkeyman, don't know what type of tractor you're dealing with, but on most, the output shaft of the tractor will turn easily by hand about 2 or 3 splines worth. Contact your dealer or Great Bend for replacements. A better solution is an adjustable linkage often made with heavy chain which allows the mower to lift freely, but limits how low to the ground it will go.
I asked the salesman, to unhook it, he messed with it about an hour, after several calls to the dealership, we got it off. Place your mouse over the image to enlarge any portion of the product below. What's another few thousand dollars, right???
How Do You Hook Up a Bush Hog - Get a bungee cords 24 in long and a landscape rake tine. First they are harder to back into corners and tight spots as they are essentially a two-wheel trailer.
It's a piece of cr p, but it worked better last year. B4 you ask, the gearbox weld is just a little loose and the blades are adequatly sharp and bolted properly. It does have a rear wheel with no spacers or adjusters. I use an adjustable top link and my 3pt levers. Like I said earlier, it worked fine last fall. Adjust it to level? It's a piece of cr p, but it worked better last year. B4 you ask, the gearbox weld is just a little loose and the blades are adequatly sharp and bolted properly. It does have a rear wheel with no spacers or adjusters. I use an adjustable top link and my 3pt levers. Like I said earlier, it worked hog last fall. Adjust it to level? I'll try to answer as many of these questions as possible. Let's start with hook deck height. Set the bush height with the 3-point hitch. Don't let the skids run on the ground. If the tractor you're using doesn't have adaquate position control, a set of check chains will help to hold constant height. Top link should be slack with the mower in that position. Some people will contend that a chain will allow the mower to pivot upwards and on to the operator should the mower strike something solid. A work-around on that would be to put a short piece of pipe over most of the length of the chain. If you're getting hit with objects from under the mower, I'd cease using it until I got some sort of gaurd in place. You never know when the next object might be one capable of seriously injuring you. I use a chain with plenty of slack instead of top link. I keep tractor tach at the mark and use 540 pto speed.