It works in following manner. It is very similar to your idea that not all vehicles of the same class in the same tier perform the same.
I can share a few things but it's not 100% confirmed. The gun however, thats the challenging part. How Stumpy Is It?
Simply's Favorites - It did worked out while platooning e.
World of Tanks - TOP 13 FUN Premium Tanks! For a 198 pen of T32 you have between 149 and 248. Because the side arour is just as thick as the front armor, sidescraping is also a very good tactic. So for the payers wot is indeed a great fun game and these payers can say the idiotic phrase 'carry-harder' while looking at their rigged stats and call themselves unicorn and mega unicorn. I experienced the following: I was doing around 5-6k damage per battle for some time regularly. Many of them are not good players! It was manufactured in October 1944, and can be easily distinguished from the Ob'yekt 253 by the large-diameter road wheels and lack of track support rollers. It has good armour and decent mobility, but an inaccurate gun with fairly low penetration.