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ID o upr (hr) - Pronađi pratnju

Bridging the gap between Academia and the UN Human Rights Mechanisms

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Pomocnika ravnatelja samostalne federalne uprave i federalne ustanove, bez natjecaja, postavlja i smjenjuje ravnatelj federalne uprave, odnosno federalne ustanove, uz suglasnost zamjenika ravnatelja. The Programme seeks to increase the institutional capacity of local academics as well as to facilitate their engagement with the UN human rights mechanisms, both in terms of implementation and follow-up. GHR Global Training Department has set up three training programmes.

ID o upr (hr)

The Universal Periodic Review UPR is a crucial additional tool to implement human rights inside countries. Rukovoditelja organa uprave imenuje i smjenjuje organ odredjen Ustavom i zakonom. Vlada Federacije, odnosno premijer ukinut ce propis i opci akt koji je donio rukovoditelj federalnog organa uprave i federalne ustanove, ako se utvrdi da taj propis, odnosno opci akt nije sukladan Ustavu Federacije i federalnom zakonu, odnosno propisu Vlade Federacije. U vrsenju inspekcijskog nadzora federalni upravni inspektor sastavkalja zapisnik o izvrsenom inspekcijskom pogledu, koji narocito sadrzi: utvrdjeno cinjenicno stanje i nepravilnosti i nedostatke u radu.

ID o upr (hr)

Bridging the gap between Academia and the UN Human Rights Mechanisms - Poslove inspekcijskog nadzora nad sprovodjenjem federalnih zakona i drugih federalnih propisa vrse federalni organi uprave, sukladno sa odredbama ovog zakona i drugim federalnim zakonom o inspekcijskom nadzoru.

ID o upr (hr)

Covering topics ranging from the mechanics of treaty bodies and universal periodic review UPR to the political dynamics that fuel the mechanisms, the participants engaged in lively discussions with prominent experts and practitioner from the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, NGOs, as well as diplomats. Kamelia Kemileva, Executive Manager of the Geneva Academy, lead the first introduction and discussion on the UN human rights mechanisms system. Eric Tistounet, chief of the Human Rights Council Branch at the OHCHR, explored the work of the Human Rights Council and the role of its resolutions and decisions. Patrick Mutzenberg, director of the Centre for Civil and Political Rights, lead a practical exercise on shadow reports. Discussion on Treaty Bodies and the role of academia with Nahla Haidar CEDAW expert and Patrick Mutzenberg Director, CCPR Centre. Nuno Cabral, diplomat from the Permanent Mission of Portugal raised the question on the politics behind human rights in the UN system. Finally, Nahla Haidar, member of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, held a lecture and accompanied the participants during the entire week engaging in the discussions and providing a gender perspective into the debate. The experts highlighted the importance of the academia and the vital role they play in countries where there is limited space for civil society, or to supply treaty bodies and independent experts with priceless insight on fundamental issues for their work. This was a great opportunity to experience the work of these mechanisms. Finally, the participants engaged in practical exercises involving writing UPR recommendations and following up the steps to become a special rapporteur or a treaty body member. Participants listening in to the UPR of Cuba at the Palais des Nations Photo: UiO. Three year programme 2017-2019 This training is part of a series that the International Department of the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights NCHR has prepared for the period of 2017-2019. The Programme seeks to increase the institutional capacity of local academics as well as to facilitate their engagement with the UN human rights mechanisms, both in terms of implementation and follow-up. The forthcoming 2019 training will focus on the UPR hearings of Iran and Vietnam. Tags: , , , , , , By Lorena Muńoz Carmona.

Federalni i zupanijski-kantonalni organi uprave osnivaju se zakonom. III - POVJERAVANJE JAVNIH OVLASTI Clanak 27. Comment This is an important decision dealing with the collision between freedom of religion and the right of traditional leaders to preserve the cohesiveness and traditional values of their communities. Inspektor vodi evidenciju o svim izvrsenim inspekcijskim pregledima i poduzetim upravnim mjerama iz clanka 86. U cilju sukladnog osiguranja provodjenja federalne politike i izvrsavanja federalnih zakona, Vlada Federacije, odnosno premijer u svezi s tim utvrdjuje zadatke federalnim organima uprave i federalnim ustanovama, izdaje zadatke u svezi predlaganja i davanja preporuka glede propisa iz okvira nadleznosti federalnih organa uprave i federalnih ustanova, nalaze i povjerava federalnim organima uprave izdavanje uputstava, institucija, naredbi i donosenje propisa radi osiguranja izvrsavanja zakona iz nadleznosti federalnih organa uprave i nalaze i povjerava izvrsavanje drugih zadataka federalnim organima uprave i federalnim ustanovama.

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Post je objavljen 22.12.2018. u 04:13 sati.