He used to work with the Oil Refineries LTD ORL here in Israel, as foreign Expatriate. The other option is that the money will revert back to the State to some corrupt top government officials as I mentioned earlier.
Finances, professional and love life... I contact you independently and no one is informed of this communication. Please get back to me immediately and provide your full details Full Name, Residential Address, Office Address, Contact Number, Occupation, Age etc.
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Contextual Analysis Using Contextual Analysis to evaluate texts A contextual analysis is simply an analysis of a text in whatever medium, including multi-media that helps us to assess that text within the context of its historical and cultural setting, but also in terms of its textuality — or the qualities that characterize the text as a text. A contextual analysis can proceed along many lines, depending upon how complex one wishes to make the analysis. But it generally includes several key questions: 1. What does the text reveal about itself as a text? These are the primary components of style. What does the text tell us about its apparent intended audience s? How can we tell? How can we tell? Why did the author write this text? And why did the author write this text in this particular way, as opposed to other ways in which the text might have been written? The author has chosen to write or paint, or whatever with these particular words and has therefore chosen not to use other words that she or he might have used. So we need to consider: — what the author said the words that have been selected ; — what the author did not say the words that were not selected ; and — how the author said it as opposed to other ways it might or could have been said. What is the occasion for this text? That is, is it written in response to: — some particular, specific contemporary incident or event? Is the text intended as some sort of call to — or for — action? Is the text intended rather as some sort of call to — or for — reflection or consideration rather than direct action? What is to be gained, and by whom? Can we identify any non-textual circumstances that affected the creation and reception of the text? Behrendt — Spring 2008.