Kako se hiv prenaša?
To nije istina, naša ponašanja mogu biti rizična, a ne grupa kojoj pripadamo. Po pojedinim evropskim zemljama stanje je sledeće: Francuska 45 385, Španija 45 132, Italija 38 418, Nemačka 16 138, Velika Britanija 14 082. Kot pri vaginalnih izločkih, ki jih lahko na penis prenesemo tudi z roko in se prav tako okužimo recimo z glivicami ali genitalnih herpesom, ki je skrajno neprijeten in se ga nikoli več ne moremo znebiti. Jedina savršena zaštita jeste biti u monogamnoj vezi sa partnerom koji nema nikakve seksualnim putem prenosive bolesti.
Neke infekcije, poput stidnih ušiju, mogu se preneti putem kože ili deljenjem odeće, peškira ili posteljine, ali ne i sedenjem na WC šolji. Povoljan je period i za sudske procese. To je savršena zamena za nevaljale reči, ako se još uvek stidite da ih kažete naglas. No posljednjih je godina potvrđeno da je za veliki broj tih slučajeva odgovoran visokorizični tip Humanog papilomavirusa HPV-16 i HPV-18.
Nevarne plati seksa: ne boš verjela, kako zlahka se okužiš! - To podrazumeva osećanje sopstvene vrednosti i visokog samopoštovanja i želje da sebe zaštitite. Možete da se nadate nekim novim informacijama koje ćete dobiti od nadređenih.
Malo proguglamo i sta vidimo: Oral Sex and the Risk of HIV Transmission The risk of HIV transmission from an infected partner through oral sex is much smaller than the risk of HIV transmission from anal or vaginal sex. Because of this, measuring the exact risk of HIV transmission as a result of oral sex is very difficult. Finally, several co-factors can increase the risk of HIV transmission through oral sex, including: oral ulcers, bleeding gums, genital sores, and the presence of other STDs. Documented risk, on the other hand, is used to describe transmission that has actually occurred, been investigated, and documented in the scientific literature. Various scientific studies have been performed around the world to try and document and study instances of HIV transmission through oral sex. A programme in San Francisco studied 198 people, nearly all gay or bisexual men. The subjects stated that they had only had oral sex for a year, from six months preceding the six-month study to its end. No-one became HIV positive during the study. Due to the low number of unprotected serodiscordant pairings, all that can be said is that there was a less than 2. In 2000, a different San Francisco study of gay men who had recently acquired HIV infection found that 7. However, the results of the study have since been called into question due to the reliability of the participant's data. In June 2002, a study conducted amongst 135 HIV-negative Spanish heterosexuals, who were in a sexual relationship with a person who was HIV-positive, reported that over 19,000 instances of unprotected oral sex had not lead to any cases of HIV transmission. The study also looked at contributing factors that could effect the potential transmission of HIV through oral sex. They monitored viral load and asked questions such as whether ejaculation in the mouth occurred and how good oral health was. Amongst HIV-positive men, 34 per cent had ejaculated into the mouths of their partners. Viral load levels were available for 60 people in the study, 10 per cent of whom had levels over 10,000 copies. Nearly 16 per cent of the HIV-positive people had CD4 counts below 200. The study, conducted over a ten year period between 1990 and 2000, adds to the growing number of studies which suggest varying levels of risk of HIV transmission from oral sex when compared to anal or vaginal intercourse. At the 4th International Oral AIDS Conference held in South Africa, the risk of transmission through oral sex was estimated to be approximately 0. This percentage figure is a lot lower than the two American figures, because this figure is a risk per contact percentage, whereas the other figures are percentage risks over much longer time periods. Oral sex is still regarded as a low-risk sexual activity in terms of HIV transmission, but only when more work is done will we be clearer as to the risks of oral sex. Dopuna: 26 Jul 2005 14:56 Jos bih dodao da je, zbog kriticnog porasta zarazenih, u Juznoj Africi data zvanicna preporuka da se parovi ogranice na oralni sex, jer je mnogo manja verovatnoca zaraze. Istina je da se verovatnoca povecava sa ranicama, ali ne mnogo, jer je ipak potrebna velika kolicina virusa da bi on opstao... 0HB> 18 3C3;0;8 :04 A25 B> ;5?> ?8H5 8 =0 A@?A:>! 8A;8< 40 A<0 =5345 =0 >2>< D>@C