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Savremeni trendovi u psihologiji (2017): Prijava i izlaganje radova na TraNSferovom podskupu


Istraživanje je provedeno na 84 para iz Hrvatske i 85 parova iz Srbije, dakle ukupno 338 sudionika, prosječne dobi 28 godina raspon dobi od 20 do 35 godina , a koji su u braku u prosjeku 3 godine raspon trajanja braka iznosi od mjesec dana do 7 godina. In the second phase, the focus of training and the type of characters was replaced.


Dakle, neophodno je obučiti mlade za bezbedno korišćenje interneta. Individualnim testiranjem su prikupljeni podaci koji su obrađeni primenom tehnika deskriptivne i inferencijalne statistike s ciljem provere distribucije skorova, faktorske strukture merenog prostora sposobnosti. Antagonizam prema partneru je veći kod parova koji imaju djecu i koji su kraće u braku. U parovima u kojima su oba partnera sigurno afektivno vezana mladići izveštavaju o tome da im njihove devojke ljubav češće pokazuju emotivnom otvorenošću i verbalnom afektivnošću.


Savremeni trendovi u psihologiji (2017): Prijava i izlaganje radova na TraNSferovom podskupu - The results showed that an intimate relationship does not significantly affect neither the assessment of general self-efficacy nor the interpersonal orientation what is contrary to Sullivan's and Erikson's theory claiming that the establishment of an intimate relationship is one of the basic 206 209 RAZVOJNA PSIHOLOGIJA and most important developmental tasks of young people and defines success in other areas of life.


Life satisfaction and gender differences in Dark Triad personality traits Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Filozofski fakultet Odsek za psihologiju Objavljeno u: Savremeni trendovi u psihologiji, 2013, str. The Dark Triad i. Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy framework represents correlated subclinical personality traits that capture these socially aversive personality traits. Although the number of papers on Dark Triad is large, only a few studies examined its relation to life satisfaction. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relation of Dark Triad personality traits and life satisfaction, as well as gender differences on these traits. Participants were 642 students from various faculties of University of Zagreb 383 female and 259 male with the mean age of 21. Data was collected using Satisfaction With Life Scale SWLS, Diener et al. After recoding SWLS results into a categorical variable low — medium — high , we ran MANOVA with gender and SWLS as independent, and scores on Dark Triad traits as dependent variables. Results indicated that Machiavellianism and psychopathy are, as expected, more pronounced in males, and that students with high life satisfaction are lower on Machiavellianism and psychopathy than those with medium and low life satisfaction. However, statistically significant interaction of gender and SWLS indicated that females with high life satisfaction have higher scores on narcissism, while males with higher scores on narcissism have lower life satisfaction. These results confirm existence of gender differences in dark personality traits, and show interesting patterns of relation of Dark Triad personality traits and life satisfaction. Keywords: Dark Triad, life satisfaction, gender differences.

1.01 - Uvod u psihologiju
Rezultati dobijeni regresionom analizom pokazuju da se i na osnovu pola i na osnovu obrasca afektivne vezanosti može predvidjeti percepcija kvaliteta socijalnih odnosa, ali da je pol bolji prediktor, što može da ukazuje na značaj procesa socijalizacije i socijalnih uloga koje diktiraju i podstiču različite oblike ponašanja i njegovog ispoljavanja. The criterion was defined through 10 items describing steps undertaken in the relationship and asking was the step taken by the participant or by his or her partner. Najizraženija je SD prema albanskoj manjini, dok najmanje prema srpskoj manjini. Both parents were turned to most often for affection and enhancement of worth. Iz rezultata koji se odnose na ulogu dimenzija afektivne vezanosti anksioznost i izbegavanje kao moderatora odnosa između potrebe za emocijama i samootkrivanja, možemo videti da izbegavanje vezano za bliske veze značajno menja odnos izbegavanje emocija i tri dimenzije samootkrivanja koje se odnose na količinu u samootkrivanju, kontrolu i nameru. Among men, ambivalent attitudes towards men played a more significant role in the prediction of attitudes towards gays, and ambivalent attitudes towards women played a more significant role in the prediction of attitudes towards lesbians. Ključne reči: Cognitive Assessment System, kognitivna efikasnost, metrijska svojstva, deca Cognitive assessment system - description of procedures and experience in implementation on Serbian population The aim of this work was to inform local expert community about one cognitive ability test, which, according to the authors' knowledge, has not been applied to our population, and to present the results of applying this test obtained in the context of a pilot study. Ključne reči: samoefikasnost, interpersonalna orijentacija, mladi Self-efficacy and interpersonal orientation for young people The aim of this study was to determine whether there is any relationship between self-efficacy and interpersonal orientation of youth. Dobijeni rezultati mogu da se ugrade u preventivne programe i time doprinesu boljem psihičkom zdravlju i subjektivnoj dobrobiti mladih.

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Post je objavljen 20.12.2018. u 03:39 sati.