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Vrlo brzo će Vam uliti sigurnost u sebe i poželećete da prepiska potraje. Za Krstarica Pricaonica; Serbian Cafe Diskusije; Pricaonica Sobe; Pricaonica Chat; Muvanje; Zaljubi Se; Chat Soba; Krstarica Chet.

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Pokrenite razne razgovore bez straha od osuđivanja ili prekih pogleda. Currently, you are looking at our chatters from Serbia. Učlanite se i okrenite šolju — videćete dobitak! Oduševiće Vas stalna dešavanja i raznolika prepiska koja će biti sve osim monotona.

chat serbiancafe

Pričaonica Krstarice - Sinonim lepog druženja i upoznavanja — Pričaonica Krstarice.

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A man has shot dead five people, including his wife, and injured another 20 at a Serbian cafe. The man entered the cafe in the town of Žitište, about 50 miles 80km north of Belgrade, and opened fire with an automatic rifle, a police statement said. Named only as ZS by police, the man was seen arguing with his wife in the cafe before leaving the building and returning with a Kalashnikov-style gun. Two people were killed instantly, while three died after being taken to hospital in the nearby city of Zrenjanin. The wounded were taken to various hospitals but were not in critical condition. The interior minister, Nebojša Stefanović, visited the scene and told reporters that jealousy was believed to be the motive, adding that the attacker was arrested after trying to run away. It is the third mass shooting in recent years in Serbia, which has tried to reduce the number of illegal weapons in circulation since the Balkan wars in the 1990s. In 2013, a 60-year-old Serbian war veteran shot dead 13 people as he rampaged through his village about 30 miles south of Belgrade. Police have previously said there could be several hundred thousand unregistered weapons in Serbia, including guns and grenades, left over from the wars. The interior ministry has launched a drive to encourage owners of illegal weapons to hand them in to police stations.

Tadić je uputio novi centaršut, a Mitrović ovaj put uputio neodbranjih udarac prema golu Švicarske, pa je Srbija u 5. Nakon dvije prilike njemačke reprezentacije, na red je došla prilika za Šveds… Ni majstorima iz Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine nismo više pretjerano zanimljivi — u Hrvatskoj se zadržavaju kratko i tek smo im usputna stanica za zapadnu Europu Negdje prije godinu i pol, Igora Staraja, građevinskog poduzetnika iz Opatije, nazvao je kolega na čijem je gradilištu iskrsnuo problem. Ovde su spojene dve najlepše stvari — chat i cafe. Stvarajte nova poznanstva s njima da biste i sami postali mudriji i srećniji! A ona je druženje s ljudima iz Srbije. Visit Underground Serbian Cafe Member Gallery also visit USC Member's Pet Gallery. Vrlo brzo će Vam uliti sigurnost u sebe i poželećete da prepiska potraje. Modrić je ubacio za Vrsaljka, ovaj centrira, a Tagliafico na… Bosanskohercegovačka glumica Selma Alispahić ovogodišnja je dobitnica počasne nagrade Glumica Evrope koju dodjeljuje Međunarodni teatarski festival Actor of Europe - jedan od najznačajnijih festivala u Makedoniji koji pored selektovanih pozorišnih kuća okuplja značajne teatarske umjetnike iz cijelog svijeta. Izabranici Mladena Krstajića su odlično otvorili susret i opasno zaprijetili nakon pet minuta igre preko Mitrovića. Suarez je danas odigrao 100. It is the third mass shooting in recent years in Serbia, which has tried to reduce the number of illegal weapons in circulation since the Balkan wars in the 1990s. Možda se neko iz Vašeg kraja već registrovao i želi da Vas upozna.

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Post je objavljen 18.12.2018. u 21:08 sati.