You can register via Facebook or email and start selling and buying locally. Easily offer up your items for sale in less than 30 seconds. Vukovarsko-srijemski župan Božo Galić zahvalio je Vladi što, kako je kazao, kontinuirano ulaže u projekte u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji. Na turniru je sudjelovalo preko 70 igračica i igrača iz 12 klubova te iz 4 županije, a to su: STK Opatija 08, STK Graničar, STK Obrtnička škola 10.
Predmet Javnog poziva bila je dodjela bespovratnih novčanih sredstava Ministarst Recommended. Post your items in less than 30 seconds. Njihovo istraživanje ukazalo je kako je bakterija izrazito otporna na hladnoću, ali i na toksične kemikalije, odnosno perklorate koji se mogu naći na Marsu. Sporazum o suradnji potpisali su direktori navedenih tvrtki, predstavnici Talijanske svemirske agencije, talijanska ministrica Barbara...
Centralni telefonski imenik Republike Hrvatske - Download the letgo app for free and start enjoying the experience of having a flea market on your smartphone!
A fun, unique way to buy and sell second hand stuff within your neighborhood. Get cash for things you don't need anymore. Easily offer up your items for sale in less than 30 seconds. It's the best opportunity to make money by selling things that you no longer need. If you're a bargain hunter, letgo is for you! Know the location where the item was posted, and see full profiles for sellers or buyers. You can register via Facebook or email and start selling and buying locally. Post your items in less than 30 seconds. Just take a picture without even leaving the app and upload your items for sale. No more percentage, commission or transaction fees for your listings. Chat privately with buyers interested in purchasing your items. You can quickly pick up items near you. Download the letgo app for free and start enjoying the experience of having a flea market on your smartphone! With love from Letgo team.