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Some of the dictionaries have only a few thousand words, others have more than 320,000. The third-highest official and the is the Chancellor, who is appointed by the Bundespräsident after being elected by the Bundestag. Claus German , Vangelis Katsoulas Greek , Roberto Marchesi Italian , Robin van der Vliet Esperanto , Reno Rake Indonesian , Nahuel Rodríguez Spanish , Gao Pan Chinese , Hoài Sang Lãng Vietnamese EUdict is online since May 9, 2005 and EnglishCroatian dictionary on tkuzmic.

fiktivni brak : Polish » German

Another sport, developed in the 16th century, did not require the expense of horses and big kennels, and made use of firearms, called Brackade. Archived from on 1 January 2015. The government and the agreed to phase out all by 2021. Retrieved 23 June 2014.

fiktivni brak : Polish » German

- Nevertheless, the country's were the highest in the EU in 2010.

fiktivni brak : Polish » German

It includes 16 , covers an area of 357,386 square kilometres 137,988 sq mi , and has a largely temperate seasonal climate. With nearly 83 million inhabitants, Germany is the most populous. Germany's and metropolis is , while its largest conurbation is the , with its main centres of and. The country's other major cities are , , , , , , , , , , and. Various have inhabited the northern parts of modern Germany since. A region named was before 100 AD. During the , the Germanic tribes expanded southward. Beginning in the 10th century, German territories formed a central part of the. During the 16th century, became the centre of the. After the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire, the was formed in 1815. The resulted in the establishing major democratic rights. In 1871, Germany became a nation state when into the -dominated. After and the , the Empire was replaced by the parliamentary. The in 1933 led to the establishment of , and the. After the and a period of , two German states were founded: , formed from the American, British and French occupation zones, and , formed from the. Following the that ended communist rule in Central and Eastern Europe, the country on. In the 21st century, Germany is a with ; it has the world's , and the. As a global leader in several industrial and technological sectors, it is both the world's and of goods. A with a , it upholds a and system, , and a. The Federal Republic of Germany was a founding member of the in 1957 and the in 1993. It is part of the and became a co-founder of the in 1999. Germany is a member of the , , the , the , and the. Known for its rich history, Germany has been continuously the home of influential and successful , , , , ,. Further information: The English word Germany derives from the Latin , which came into use after adopted it for the peoples east of the. The oldest complete found anywhere in the world were discovered in a coal mine in where three 380,000-year-old wooden javelins were unearthed. The was the location where the first ever non-modern human fossil was discovered; the new species of human was called the. The fossils are known to be 40,000 years old. Evidence of modern humans, similarly dated, has been found in caves in the near Ulm. The finds include 42,000-year-old bird bone and mammoth ivory flutes which are the oldest musical instruments ever found, the 40,000-year-old Ice Age which is the oldest uncontested figurative art ever discovered, and the 35,000-year-old which is the oldest uncontested human figurative art ever discovered. The is a artifact created during the attributed to a site near ,. It is part of 's. Germanic tribes and Frankish Empire Migrations in Europe 100—500 AD The are the or the. From southern and north Germany, they expanded south, east and west from the 1st century BC, coming into contact with the tribes of as well as , , and tribes in and. Under , began to invade Germania an area extending roughly from the to the. In 9 AD, three led by were by the leader. By 100 AD, when wrote , Germanic tribes had settled along the Rhine and the Danube the , occupying most of the area of modern Germany. However, , , southern , southern and the western had been into : , , , and. Frankish Realm and its expansion. As it was partitioned in 843, blue and red became predecessors of and Germany, respectively In the 3rd century a number of large West Germanic tribes emerged: , , , , , , and. Around 260, the Germanic peoples broke into Roman-controlled lands. After the invasion of the in 375, and with the decline of Rome from 395, Germanic tribes moved farther southwest. Simultaneously several large tribes formed in what is now Germany and displaced or absorbed smaller Germanic tribes. Large areas known since the period as , , and were conquered by the Franks who established the , and pushed farther east to subjugate and. Areas of what is today the eastern part of Germany were inhabited by tribes of , and the. Main articles: and In 800, the Frankish king was crowned emperor and founded the , which was later among his heirs. Following the break up of the Frankish Realm, for 900 years, the history of Germany was intertwined with the history of the , which subsequently emerged from the eastern portion of Charlemagne's original empire. The territory initially known as stretched from the Rhine in the west to the River in the east and from the to the. The rulers 919—1024 consolidated several major and the German king was crowned of these regions in 962. In 996 became the first German Pope, appointed by his cousin , whom he shortly after crowned Holy Roman Emperor. The Holy Roman Empire absorbed northern Italy and under the reign of the emperors 1024—1125 , although the emperors lost power through the. In the 12th century, under the emperors 1138—1254 , German princes increased their influence further south and east into territories inhabited by ; they encouraged in these areas, called the eastern settlement movement. Members of the , which included mostly north German cities and towns, prospered in the expansion of trade. In the south, the Greater Ravensburg Trade Corporation Große Ravensburger Handelsgesellschaft served a similar function. The edict of the issued in 1356 by Emperor provided the basic constitutional structure of the Empire and codified the election of the emperor by seven who ruled some of the most powerful principalities and archbishoprics. Population declined in the first half of the 14th century, starting with the in 1315, followed by the of 1348—50. Despite the decline, however, German artists, engineers, and scientists developed a wide array of techniques similar to those used by the Italian artists and designers of the time who flourished in such merchant as , and. Artistic and cultural centres throughout the German states produced such artists as the Augsburg painters and his , and. The in 1648, after the , which ended the In 1517, the monk publicised , challenging the and initiating the. In 1555, the established as an acceptable alternative to Catholicism, but also decreed that the faith of the prince was to be the faith of his subjects, a principle called. The agreement at Augsburg failed to address other religious creed: for example, the was still considered a and the principle did not address the possible conversion of an ecclesiastic ruler, such as happened in in 1583. From the until the end of the 1618—1648 , religious conflict devastated German lands. The latter reduced the overall population of the German states by about 30 per cent, and in some places, up to 80 per cent. The ended religious warfare among the German states. German rulers were able to choose either Roman Catholicism, Lutheranism or the Reformed faith as their official religion after 1648. In the 18th century, the Holy Roman Empire consisted of approximately 1,800. The elaborate legal system initiated by a series of approximately 1450—1555 created the and provided for considerable local autonomy among ecclesiastical, secular, and hereditary states, reflected in. The held the imperial crown from 1438 until the death of in 1740. Having no male heirs, he had convinced the to retain Habsburg hegemony in the office of the emperor by agreeing to the. This was finally settled through the ; in the , Charles VI's daughter ruled the Empire as when her husband, , became Holy Roman Emperor. From 1740, the between the Austrian and the dominated the German history. In 1772, then again in 1793 and 1795, the two dominant German states of Prussia and Austria, along with the , agreed to the ; dividing among themselves the lands of the. As a result of the partitions, millions of Polish speaking inhabitants fell under the rule of the two German monarchies. However, the annexed territories though incorporated into the Kingdom of Prussia and the Habsburg Realm, were not legally considered as a part of the Holy Roman Empire. During the period of the , along with the arrival of the and the subsequent , most of the secular were annexed by dynastic territories; the ecclesiastical territories were secularised and annexed. In 1806 the Imperium was dissolved; German states, particularly the , fell under the influence of France. Until 1815, France, Russia, Prussia and the Habsburgs competed for hegemony in the German states during the. A map showing the 1815—1836 with its 39 member states. Following the fall of , the convened in 1814 founded the German Confederation Deutscher Bund , a loose league of. The appointment of the as the permanent president of the Confederation reflected the Congress's failure to accept Prussia's influence among the German states, and acerbated the long-standing competition between the Hohenzollern and Habsburg interests. Disagreement within politics partly led to the rise of movements, followed by new measures of repression by Austrian statesman. The , a tariff union, furthered economic unity in the German states. The in May 1832 was a main event in support of , freedom and democracy. In the light of a , which established a republic , intellectuals and commoners started the. King was offered the title of Emperor, but with a loss of power; he rejected the crown and the proposed constitution, leading to a temporary setback for the movement. Foundation of the in , 1871. King appointed as the new in 1862. Bismarck successfully concluded in 1864, which promoted German over Danish interests in the Jutland peninsula. The subsequent and decisive Prussian victory in the of 1866 enabled him to create the Norddeutscher Bund which excluded from the federation's affairs. After the French defeat in the , the German princes proclaimed the founding of the in 1871 at , uniting all the scattered parts of Germany except Austria. Prussia was the dominant constituent state of the new empire; the King of Prussia ruled as its concurrent Emperor, and Berlin became its capital. In the period following the , Bismarck's foreign policy as under Emperor William I secured Germany's position as a great nation by forging alliances, isolating by diplomatic means, and avoiding war. Under , Germany, like other European powers, took an course, leading to friction with neighbouring countries. Most alliances in which Germany had previously been involved were not renewed. This resulted in creation of a with the of , promoting at least if not outright military support. Similarly, Britain, France and Russia also concluded alliances that would protect them against Habsburg interference with Russian interests in the Balkans or German interference against France. The 1871—1918 , with the in blue At the in 1884, Germany claimed several including , , , and. Later, Germany further expanded its to include , and in the Pacific, and in China. In total, around 100,000 people—80% of the and 50% of the —perished from imprisonment in , where the majority died of disease, abuse, and exhaustion, or from dehydration and starvation in the countryside after being deprived of food and water. The of on 28 June 1914 provided the pretext for the Austrian Empire to attack Serbia and trigger. After four years of warfare, in which approximately two million German soldiers were killed, a ended the fighting on 11 November, and German troops returned home. In the November 1918 , Emperor Wilhelm II and all German ruling princes their positions and responsibilities. Germany's new political leadership signed the in 1919. In this treaty, Germany, as part of the , accepted defeat by the in conflicts of all time. Germans perceived the treaty as humiliating and unjust and it was later seen by historians as influential in the rise of. After the defeat in the First World War, Germany lost around 13% of its European territory areas predominantly inhabited by ethnic Polish, French and Danish populations, which were lost following the , the and the , and all of its colonial possessions in Africa and the South Sea. Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany proclaims the from the window, on 9 November 1918. Germany was declared a at the beginning of the in November 1918. On 11 August 1919 signed the democratic. In the subsequent struggle for power, the radical-left , but conservative elements in other parts of Germany attempted to overthrow the Republic in the. It was supported by parts of the military and other conservative, nationalistic and monarchist factions. After a tumultuous period of bloody street fighting in the major industrial centres, the by Belgian and French troops and the rise of inflation culminating in the , a and the creation of a in 1924 ushered in the , an era of increasing artistic innovation and liberal cultural life. After the , Chancellor 's government was enabled by to without parliamentary approval. Brüning's government pursued a and which caused high unemployment of nearly 30% by 1932. The led by won. After a series of unsuccessful cabinets, Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933. After the , a abrogated basic and within weeks the first at opened. The gave Hitler unrestricted legislative power; subsequently, his government established a centralised , following a national referendum, and began military rearmament. In public work projects of 1934, 1. The most famous of the projects was the high speed roadway, the Reichsautobahn, known as the. Other capital construction projects included facilities such as the , water supplies such as , and transportation hubs such as. Over the next five years, unemployment plummeted and average wages both per hour and per week rose. In 1935, the regime withdrew from the Treaty of Versailles and introduced the which targeted and other minorities. Germany also reacquired control of the in 1935, in 1936, Austria in 1938, the Sudetenland in 1938 with the and in direct violation of the agreement with the proclamation of the in March 1939. Many Jewish women were arrested and placed in jails and a curfew was placed on the Jewish people in Germany. In August 1939, Hitler's government negotiated and signed the that divided Eastern Europe into German and spheres of influence. Following the agreement, on 1 September 1939, Germany , marking the beginning of. In the spring of 1940, Germany , , , , and forcing the French government to sign an armistice after German troops occupied most of the country. The British repelled German air attacks in the in the same year. In 1941, German troops , and. By 1942, Germany and other controlled most of and , but following the Soviet Union's victory at the , the allies' and in 1943, German forces suffered repeated military defeats. In June 1944, the Western allies and the Soviets. By late 1944, the Western allies had entered Germany despite one final German. Following during the , on 8 May 1945, ending World War II in Europe. In what later became known as , the German government persecuted minorities and used a network of and camps across Europe to conduct a of what they considered to be inferior peoples. In total, over 10 million civilians were systematically murdered, including 6 million , between 220,000 and 1,500,000 , 275,000 , thousands of , thousands of , and hundreds of thousands of from Germany, and occupied countries. Nazi policies in the German occupied countries resulted in the deaths of 2. In addition, the Nazi regime abducted approximately 12 million people from across the for use as. German military have been estimated at 5. Around from across Eastern Europe. Germany lost roughly of its. East and West Germany in Germany, and the French controlled , 1947. Territories east of the transferred to Poland and the Soviet Union under the terms of the. After Germany surrendered, the partitioned Berlin and Germany's remaining territory into four military occupation zones. The western sectors, controlled by France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, were merged on 23 May 1949 to form the Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; on 7 October 1949, the Soviet Zone became the Deutsche Demokratische Republik. They were informally known as and. East Germany selected East as its capital, while West Germany chose as a provisional capital, to emphasize its stance that the two-state solution was an artificial and temporary status quo. Starting in 1948 West Germany became a major recipient of reconstruction aid under the and used this to rebuild its industry. The Federal Republic of Germany joined in 1955 and was a founding member of the in 1957. The during in 1989, with the in the background. East Germany was an state under political and military control by the USSR via occupation forces and the. Although East Germany claimed to be a democracy, political power was exercised solely by leading members of the communist-controlled , supported by the , an immense secret service controlling many aspects of the society. A Soviet-style was set up and the GDR later became a state. While was based on the benefits of the GDR's social programmes and the alleged constant threat of a West German invasion, many of its citizens looked to the West for freedom and prosperity. The , rapidly built on 13 August 1961 prevented East German citizens from escaping to West Germany, eventually becoming a symbol of the. The fall of the Wall in 1989 became a symbol of the , the , and. Tensions between East and West Germany were reduced in the early 1970s by Chancellor 's. In summer 1989, Hungary decided to dismantle the and open the borders, causing the emigration of thousands of to West Germany via Hungary. This had devastating effects on the GDR, where regular received increasing support. The East German authorities eased the border restrictions, allowing East German citizens to travel to the West; originally intended to help retain East Germany as a state, the opening of the border actually led to an acceleration of the Wende reform process. This culminated in the a year later on 12 September 1990, under which the four occupying powers renounced their rights under the , and Germany regained full sovereignty. This permitted on 3 October 1990, with the accession of the of the former GDR. Reunified Germany and the European Union was established on 3 October 1990. Since 1999, the in Berlin has been the meeting place of the , the German parliament. The united Germany is considered to be the enlarged continuation of the Federal Republic of Germany and not a. As such, it retained all of West Germany's memberships in international organisations. Based on the , adopted in 1994, Berlin once again became the capital of the reunified Germany, while Bonn obtained the unique status of a Bundesstadt federal city retaining some federal ministries. The relocation of the government was completed in 1999. Following the , politician became the first Chancellor of a with the party. Among the major projects of the two Schröder legislatures was the to reform the labour market to become more flexible and reduce unemployment. Germany became a co-founder of the 1993 , introduced the currency 2002 , and signed the in 2007 pictured. Since reunification, Germany has taken a more active role in the. Together with its European partners Germany signed the in 1992, established the in 1999, and signed the in 2007. Germany sent a peacekeeping force to secure stability in the and sent a force of to as part of a NATO effort to provide after the ousting of the. These deployments were controversial since Germany is bound by domestic law only to deploy troops for defence roles. In the , became the first female chancellor of Germany as the leader of a. In 2009, a - assumed leadership of the country. In 2013, a grand coalition was established in a. Germany was affected by the in 2015 as it became the final destination of choice for many asylum seekers from and the entering the EU. The country took in over a million refugees and migrants and developed a quota system which redistributed migrants around its federal states based on their tax income and existing population density. Physical map of Germany Germany is in and , with bordering to the north, and the to the east, to the southeast, to the south-southwest, France, and Belgium lie to the west, and the to the northwest. It lies mostly between latitudes and and longitudes and. Germany is also bordered by the North Sea and, at the north-northeast, by the Baltic Sea. With Switzerland and Austria, Germany also shares a border on the fresh-water , the third largest lake in Central Europe. German territory covers 357,021 km 2 137,847 sq mi , consisting of 349,223 km 2 134,836 sq mi of land and 7,798 km 2 3,011 sq mi of water. It is the seventh largest country by area in Europe and the. Elevation ranges from the mountains of the highest point: the at 2,962 metres or 9,718 feet in the south to the shores of the Nordsee in the northwest and the Ostsee in the northeast. The forested uplands of central Germany and the lowlands of northern Germany lowest point: at 3. Germany's alpine glaciers are experiencing deglaciation. Significant natural resources include iron ore, coal, , timber, , , copper, natural gas, salt, nickel, and water. Climate Rhine valley in summer at. Most of Germany has a seasonal climate dominated by humid westerly winds. The country is situated in between the Western European and the Eastern European climate. The climate is moderated by the , the northern extension of the. This warmer water affects the areas bordering the North Sea; consequently in the northwest and the north the climate is oceanic. Germany gets an average of 789 mm 31 in of per year; there is no consistent dry season. Winters are cool and summers tend to be warm: temperatures can exceed 30 86. The east has a more continental climate: winters can be very cold and summers very warm, and longer dry periods can occur. Central and southern Germany are transition regions which vary from moderately oceanic to continental. In addition to the maritime and continental climates that predominate over most of the country, the Alpine regions in the extreme south and, to a lesser degree, some areas of the Central German Uplands have a mountain climate, with lower temperatures and more precipitation. Though the German climate is rarely extreme, there are occasional spikes of cold or heat. Winter temperatures can sometimes drop to two-digit negative temperatures for a few days in a row. Conversely, summer can see periods of very high temperatures for a week or two. The recorded extremes are a maximum of 40. Biodiversity The territory of Germany can be subdivided into two : and Northeast-Atlantic shelf marine. As of 2008 the majority of Germany is covered by either 34% or and 30. The is the national bird of Germany Plants and animals include those generally common to Central Europe. There are many species of , , , and. Wild animals include , , a subspecies of wild sheep , , , , and small numbers of the. The was once a German. The 16 include the , the , the , the , the , the , the , the , the and the. In addition, there are 15 , as well as 98. More than operate in Germany, which is believed to be the largest number in any country. The , opened in 1844, is the oldest zoo in Germany, and presents the most comprehensive collection of species in the world. Main articles: , , and since 2017 since 2005 Germany is a , , republic. The German political system operates under a framework laid out in the 1949 constitutional document known as the Basic Law. Amendments generally require a two-thirds majority of both chambers of parliament; the fundamental principles of the constitution, as expressed in the articles guaranteeing human dignity, the separation of powers, the federal structure, and the are valid in perpetuity. The , 19 March 2017—present , is the and invested primarily with representative responsibilities and powers. He is elected by the federal convention , an institution consisting of the members of the Bundestag and an equal number of state delegates. The second-highest official in the is the Bundestagspräsident , who is elected by the Bundestag and responsible for overseeing the daily sessions of the body. The third-highest official and the is the Chancellor, who is appointed by the Bundespräsident after being elected by the Bundestag. The political system of Germany The chancellor, 22 November 2005—present , is the head of government and exercises through their , similar to the role of a in other parliamentary democracies. Federal is vested in the parliament consisting of the Federal Diet and Federal Council , which together form the legislative body. The Bundestag is elected through , by. The members of the Bundesrat represent the governments of the sixteen federated states and are members of the state cabinets. Since 1949, the party system has been dominated by the and the. So far every chancellor has been a member of one of these parties. However, the smaller liberal in parliament from 1949 to 2013 and the in parliament since 1983 have also played important roles. Since 2005, the left-wing populist party , formed through the merger of two former parties, has been a staple in the German Bundestag though they have never been part of the federal government. In the , the right-wing populist gained enough votes to attain representation in the parliament for the first time. The of Germany had its peak in 2010 when it stood at 80. Germany's by , and stands at the highest possible rating AAA with a stable outlook in 2016. Judges of the Bundesverfassungsgericht Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe in 1989 Germany has a based on with some references to. The Federal Constitutional Court is the German Supreme Court responsible for constitutional matters, with power of. Germany's supreme court system, called Oberste Gerichtshöfe des Bundes, is specialised: for civil and criminal cases, the highest court of appeal is the , and for other affairs the courts are the , the , the and the. Criminal and private laws are codified on the national level in the and the respectively. The German penal system seeks the rehabilitation of the criminal and the protection of the public. Except for petty crimes, which are tried before a single professional judge, and serious , all charges are tried before mixed tribunals on which sit side by side with professional judges. Many of the fundamental matters of remain in the jurisdiction of the states. Germany has a low murder rate with 0. Constituent states Main article: Germany comprises sixteen federal states which are collectively referred to as Bundesländer. Each state has its own state constitution and is largely autonomous in regard to its internal organisation. Two of the states are consisting of just one city: and. The state of consists of two cities that are separated from each other by the state of : and. Because of the differences in size and population the vary. For regional administrative purposes four states, namely Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia, consist of a total of 19 Regierungsbezirke. As of 2017 Germany is divided into 401 Kreise at a municipal level; these consist of 294 and 107. Capital Area km 2 Population 2015 Nominal GDP billions EUR 2015 Nominal GDP per capita EUR 2015 35,751 10,879,618 461 42,800 70,550 12,843,514 550 43,100 892 3,520,031 125 35,700 29,654 2,484,826 66 26,500 420 671,489 32 47,600 755 1,787,408 110 61,800 21,115 6,176,172 264 43,100 23,214 1,612,362 40 25,000 47,593 7,926,599 259 32,900 34,113 17,865,516 646 36,500 19,854 4,052,803 132 32,800 2,569 995,597 35 35,400 18,416 4,084,851 113 27,800 20,452 2,245,470 57 25,200 15,802 2,858,714 86 31,200 16,202 2,170,714 57 26,400 Germany 357,386 82,175,684 3025 37,100 Germany hosted the in , 7—8 July 2017 Germany has a network of 227 diplomatic missions abroad and maintains relations with more than 190 countries. As of 2011 , Germany is the largest contributor to the budget of the providing 20% and the third largest contributor to the UN providing 8%. Germany is a member of , the , the , the , the and the. It has played an influential role in the European Union since its inception and has maintained a and all neighbouring countries since 1990. Germany promotes the creation of a more unified European political, economic and security apparatus. The development policy of Germany is an independent area of foreign policy. It is formulated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and carried out by the implementing organisations. The German government sees development policy as a joint responsibility of the international community. It was the world's third biggest aid donor in 2009 after the United States and France. In 1999, Chancellor 's government defined a new basis for German foreign policy by taking part in the NATO decisions surrounding the and by sending German troops into combat for the first time since 1945. The governments of Germany and the United States are close political allies. Cultural ties and economic interests have crafted a bond between the two countries resulting in. Military The is part of the fleet Germany's military, the Bundeswehr, is organised into Army and special forces , Navy , Air Force , and Joint Support Service branches. In absolute terms, German military expenditure is the 9th highest in the world. As of 2017 the Bundeswehr employed roughly 178,000 service members, including about 9,000 volunteers. Reservists are available to the Armed Forces and participate in defence exercises and deployments abroad. Since 2001 women may serve in all functions of service without restriction. About 19,000 female soldiers are on active duty. According to , Germany was the fifth largest exporter of major arms in the world from 2012—2016. A Mecklenburg-Vorpommern In peacetime, the Bundeswehr is commanded by the Minister of Defence. In , the Chancellor would become commander-in-chief of the Bundeswehr. The role of the Bundeswehr is described in the as defensive only. As of 2017 , the German military has about 3,600 troops stationed in foreign countries as part of international peacekeeping forces, including about 1,200 supporting operations against , 980 in the NATO-led in Afghanistan, and 800 in. Until 2011, was compulsory for men at age 18, and conscripts served six-month tours of duty; could instead opt for an equal length of civilian service , or a six-year commitment to voluntary emergency services like a or the. In 2011 conscription was officially suspended and replaced with a voluntary service. Germany maintains a large , and is the world's third largest of goods. The contributes approximately 71% of the total GDP including , industry 28%, and agriculture 1%. The unemployment rate published by amounts to 4. According to the Germany has one of the highest levels in the world. Germany is part of the which represents more than 508 million consumers. Several domestic commercial policies are determined by agreements among European Union EU members and by EU legislation. Germany introduced the common European currency, the in 2002. It is a member of the Eurozone which represents around 340 million citizens. Its monetary policy is set by the , which is headquartered in , the financial centre of continental Europe. Being home to the , the is regarded as one of the most competitive and innovative in the world, and is. The top 10 exports of Germany are vehicles, machinery, chemical goods, electronic products, electrical equipments, pharmaceuticals, transport equipments, basic metals, food products, and rubber and plastics. Companies Of the world's 500 largest stock-market-listed companies measured by revenue in 2014, the , 28 are headquartered in Germany. Well-known international brands include , , , , , , , , , , and. Germany is recognised for its large portion of specialised , known as the model. More than 1,000 of these companies are global market leaders in their segment and are labelled. Berlin developed a thriving, cosmopolitan for and became a leading location for venture capital funded firms in the European Union. The list includes the largest German companies by revenue in 2015: The in Cologne railway station With its central position in Europe, Germany is a transport hub for the continent. Like its neighbours in Western Europe, Germany's road network is among the densest in the world. The motorway network ranks as the third-largest worldwide in length and is known for its lack of a general speed limit. Germany has established a polycentric network of. The largest German airports are and , both hubs of , while has hubs at and. Other major airports include , , and. The is one of the top twenty. Energy and infrastructure Electricity production in Germany from 1980 to 2012 In 2008 , Germany was the world's sixth-largest consumer of energy, and 60% of its primary energy was imported. In 2014, energy sources were: oil 35. The government and the agreed to phase out all by 2021. It also enforces , , emission reduction activities, and aims to meet the country's electricity demands using 40% by 2020. Germany is committed to the and several other treaties promoting biodiversity, low emission standards, , and the. The country's household recycling rate is among the highest in the world—at around 65%. Nevertheless, the country's were the highest in the EU in 2010. The Energiewende is the recognised move to a sustainable economy by means of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Science and technology , physicist. The has been awarded to. Germany is a global leader in science and technology as its achievements in the fields of science and technology have been significant. The has been awarded to. It produces the second highest number of graduates in science and engineering 31% after. In the beginning of the 20th century, German laureates had more awards than those of any other nation, especially in the sciences , , and. Notable German physicists before the 20th century include , and , among others. Along with , he was instrumental in the introduction of , in which and later made major contributions. Numerous were born in Germany, including , , , , , , and. ESOC in Germany has been the home of many , including , the creator of the ; and , who built the first fully automatic digital computer. Such German inventors, engineers and industrialists as Count , , , , and helped shape modern automotive and air transportation technology. German institutions like the DLR are the largest contributor to. Research institutions in Germany include the , the and the. The in hosts a facility in the research of for instance. The is granted to ten scientists and academics every year. Tourism in Bavaria Germany is the seventh most visited country in the world, with a total of 407 million overnights during 2012. This number includes 68. In 2012, over 30. Additionally, more than 30% of Germans spend their holiday in their own country, with the biggest share going to. Domestic and international travel and tourism combined directly contribute over EUR43. Including indirect and induced impacts, the industry contributes 4. Germany is well known for its diverse tourist routes, such as the , the , the , and the. The Deutsche Fachwerkstraße connects towns with examples of these structures. Germany's most-visited landmarks include e. The near is Europe's second most popular theme park resort. German population development from 1800 to 2010 With a population of 80. Its stands at 227 inhabitants per square kilometre 588 per square mile. The overall at birth is 80. Since the 1970s, Germany's has exceeded its. However, Germany is witnessing increased birth rates and migration rates since the beginning of the 2010s, particularly a rise in the number of well-educated migrants. There is a minority about 50,000 in the northernmost state of. The , a of about 60,000, are in the region of and. The and live throughout the whole federal territory and the live on Schleswig-Holstein's western coast, and in the north-western part of. Immigrant population Germany is home to the. The classifies the citizens by immigrant background. Regarding the immigrant background, 22. In 2015, 36% of children under 5 were of immigrant or partially immigrant descent. In 2011 census, as people with immigrant background Personen mit Migrationshintergrund were counted all immigrants, including ethnic Germans that came to the federal republic or had at least one parent settling here after 1955. The largest part of people with immigrant background is made up of returning ethnic Germans and , followed by Turkish, European Union, and former Yugoslav citizens. Many companies preferred to keep these workers employed in Germany after they had trained them and Germany's immigrant population has steadily increased. In 2015, the Population Division of the listed Germany as host to the , about 5% or 12 million of all 244 million migrants. Germany ranks and 37th globally in terms of the per centage of migrants who made up part of the country's population. As of 2014 , the largest national group was from Turkey 2,859,000 , followed by Poland 1,617,000 , Russia 1,188,000 , and Italy 764,000. Since 1987, around 3 million ethnic Germans, mostly from the former countries, have exercised their and emigrated to Germany. Religion Main article: Upon its establishment in 1871, Germany was about two-thirds and one-third , with a notable minority. Other faiths existed in the state, but never achieved a demographic significance and cultural impact of these three confessions. Germany lost nearly all of its Jewish minority during the. Religious makeup changed gradually in the decades following 1945, with West Germany becoming more religiously diversified through and East Germany becoming overwhelmingly irreligious through. It continues to diversify after the German reunification in 1990, with an accompanying substantial decline in religiosity throughout all of Germany and a contrasting increase of and. Geographically, Protestantism is concentrated in the northern, central and eastern parts of the country. These are mostly members of the EKD, which encompasses , and dating back to the of 1817. Roman Catholicism is concentrated in the south and west. According to the , is the largest religion in Germany, claiming 66. Relative to the whole population, 31. Other religions accounted for 2. According to the most recent data from 2016, the Catholic Church and the Evangelical Church claimed respectively 28. Both large churches have lost significant numbers of adherents in recent years. In 2011, 33% of Germans were not members of officially recognised religious associations with special status. In the 2011 census, 1. Figures from Religionswissenschaftlicher Medien- und Informationsdienst suggest a figure of 4. A study conducted by the found that between 2011 and 2015 the Muslim population rose by 1. Most of the Muslims are and from Turkey, but there are a small number of , and other denominations. Other religions comprising less than one per cent of Germany's population are with 270,000 adherents, with 200,000 adherents, and with some 100,000 adherents. All other religious communities in Germany have fewer than 50,000 adherents each. Languages The , a German language academy, in São Paulo, Brazil is the official and predominant spoken language in Germany. To a lesser extent, it is also related to the. Most German vocabulary is derived from the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family. Significant minorities of words are derived from Latin and Greek, with a smaller amount from French and most recently English known as. German is written using the Latin alphabet. It is one of 24 official and working languages of the European Union, and one of the three of the. German is the most widely spoken first language in the , with around 100 million native speakers. Recognised native minority languages in Germany are , , , , , and ; they are officially protected by the. The most used immigrant languages are , , , the , and. Germans are typically multilingual: 67% of German citizens claim to be able to communicate in at least one foreign language and 27% in at least two. The is a non-profit German cultural association operational worldwide with 159 institutes. It is offering the study of the German language and encouraging global cultural exchange. Education The , established in 1386, is a. Responsibility for educational supervision in Germany is primarily organised within the individual. Optional education is provided for all children between three and six years old, after which school attendance is for at least nine years. Primary education usually lasts for four to six years. Secondary education includes three traditional types of schools focused on different academic levels: the enrols the most gifted children and prepares students for university studies; the for intermediate students lasts six years and the prepares pupils for vocational education. The unifies all secondary education. A system of apprenticeship called leads to a skilled qualification which is almost comparable to an academic degree. It allows students in to learn in a company as well as in a state-run trade school. This model is well regarded and reproduced all around the world. Most of the are public institutions, and students traditionally study without fee payment. The general requirement for university is the. However, there are a number of exceptions, depending on the state, the college and the subject. Tuition free academic education is open to international students and is increasingly common. According to an OECD report in 2014, Germany is the world's third leading destination for international study. Germany has a long tradition of higher education. The established include some of the , with established in 1386 being the oldest. It is followed by the 1409 , the 1419 and the 1456. The , founded in 1810 by the liberal educational reformer , became the academic model for many European and Western universities. In the contemporary era Germany has developed eleven : , the , the , , the , , , , the , , and the. Health The Hospice of the Holy Spirit in , established in 1286, is a precursor to modern hospitals. Germany's system of hospices, called spitals, dates from medieval times, and today, Germany has the world's oldest system, dating from of the 1880s, Since the 1880s, reforms and provisions have ensured a balanced health care system. Currently the population is covered by a health insurance plan provided by statute, with criteria allowing some groups to opt for a private health insurance contract. According to the , Germany's was 77% government-funded and 23% privately funded as of 2013. In 2014, Germany spent 11. Germany ranked 20th in the world in life expectancy with , and it had a very low 4 per 1,000. In 2010 , the principal cause of death was cardiovascular disease, at 41%, followed by malignant tumours, at 26%. In 2008 , about 82,000 Germans had been infected with and 26,000 had died from the disease cumulatively, since 1982. According to a 2005 survey, 27% of German adults are smokers. A 2007 study shows Germany has the highest number of overweight people in Europe. A typical German Weihnachtsmarkt in Culture in German states has been shaped by major intellectual and popular currents in Europe, both religious and. Germany is well known for such folk festival traditions as and , which include , , , cakes, and other practices. As of 2016 inscribed. There are a number of determined by each state; 3 October has been a of Germany since 1990, celebrated as the Tag der Deutschen Einheit. Prior to reunification, the day was celebrated on 17 June, in honor of the which was brutally suppressed on that date. In the 21st century has emerged as a major international creative centre. According to the Anholt—GfK Nation Brands Index, in 2014 Germany was the world's most respected nation among 50 countries ahead of US, UK, and France. A global opinion poll for the revealed that Germany is recognised for having the most positive influence in the world in 2013 and 2014. Music German includes works by some of the world's most well-known composers. During his tenure as violinist and teacher at the Salzburg cathedral, Augsburg-born composer mentored one of the most noted musicians of all time:. Germany is the second largest music market in Europe, and fourth largest in the world. German gained global influence, with and pioneering in this genre. DJs and artists of the and scenes of Germany have become well known e. German painters have influenced. Such German sculptors as , , and made important contributions to German art history in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Several German art groups formed in the 20th century, such as the or The Bridge and The Blue Rider , by the Russian-born , influenced the development of in Munich and Berlin. The arose as a counter-style to it during the. Post-World War II art trends in Germany can broadly be divided into , and. Especially notable neo-expressionists include , , , , , and. Other notable artists who work with traditional media or figurative imagery include , , , and. Leading German conceptual artists include or included , , , , , , , and photography. Major art exhibitions and festivals in Germany are the , the , and. Architecture on Architectural contributions from Germany include the and , which were precursors of. Also in and art, regional and typically German elements evolved e. Among many renowned Baroque masters were , , and the. The exerted a decisive influence on, and at times even dominated, the art of stucco in southern Germany in the 18th century. The offers a baroque-themed tourist route that highlights the contributions of such artists and craftsmen as the sculptor and plasterer , one of the foremost members of the family and the brothers and. Regional historicist styles include the , Style and Dresden's - School. Among the most famous of German buildings, the represents. Notable sub-styles that evolved since the 18th century are the and architecture. German artists, writers and gallerists like , and also contributed to the development of at the turn of the 20th century, known as Jugendstil in German. Germany was particularly important in the early : it is the home of initiated by , and of the movement founded by. Consequently, Germany is often considered the cradle of modern architecture and design. He conceived of the glass façade. Renowned contemporary and offices include , , , , , , , , , and the last two being winners. Literature and philosophy The collected and published popular German. German literature can be traced back to the Middle Ages and the works of writers such as and. Well-known German authors include , , and. The collections of folk tales published by the popularised on an international level. The Grimms also gathered and codified regional variants of the German language, grounding their work in historical principles; their , or German Dictionary, sometimes called the Grimm dictionary, was begun in 1838 and the first volumes published in 1854. Influential authors of the 20th century include , , , and. The German book market is the third largest in the world, after the United States and China. The is the most important in the world for international deals and trading, with a tradition spanning over 500 years. The also retains a major position in Europe. German philosophy is historically significant: 's contributions to ; the philosophy by ; the establishment of classical by , and ; 's composition of metaphysical pessimism; the formulation of by and ; 's development of ; 's contributions to the dawn of ; 's works on Being; 's historical philosophy; the development of the by , , and have been particularly influential. Media headquarters in centre. The largest internationally operating companies in Germany are the enterprise, and. The is also significant. Around 90% of German households have cable or satellite TV, with a variety of and channels. There are more than 500 public and private , with the public being the main German radio and television broadcaster in foreign languages. Germany's national radio network is the while stations are covering local services. Many of Europe's best-selling and are produced in Germany. The papers and internet portals with the highest circulation are a , , , and , the largest magazines include , and. The is one of the largest in the world. The in Cologne is the world's leading gaming convention. Popular game series from Germany include , the , , the , , the , and. Relevant game developers and publishers are , , , , , , and some of the largest companies like , , and. Cinema Main article: has made major technical and artistic contributions to film. The first works of the were shown to an audience in 1895. The renowned in was established in 1912, thus being the first large-scale film studio in the world today it is Europe's second largest studio after in ,. Other early and still active studios include and. Early German cinema was particularly influential with such as and. Director 's 1927 is referred to as the first major science-fiction film. In 1930 directed , the first major German , with. Films of set new artistic standards, in particular. Such films included 's The Murderers are among us, 1946 and Somewhere in Berlin, 1946 by. The state-owned East German film studio produced notable films including Marriage in the Shadows by 1947 , 1951 ; The Story of Little Muck, 1953 , 's Divided Heaven 1964 and 's 1975. Characteristic for the films of the 1960s were genre films including and adaptations. One of the most successful German movie series of the 1970s included the called Schoolgirl Report. During the 1970s and 1980s, directors such as , , , and brought West German auteur cinema to critical acclaim. Among the box office hits, there were films such as 1970 , The Boat, 1981 , 1984 , 1985 , 1998 , 2001 , the series 2002—2016 , 2003 , 2004 , 2009 , 2010 , and 2012. The annual ceremony is held every other year in Berlin, home of the. Cuisine , a German cuisine varies from region to region and often neighbouring regions share some culinary similarities e. International varieties such as , , , , and are also popular and available, thanks to diverse ethnic communities. German account for about a third of all cheese produced in Europe. In 2012 over 99% of all meat produced in Germany was either pork, chicken or beef. Germans produce their ubiquitous sausages in almost 1,500 varieties, including , , and. In 2012, accounted for 3. Although is becoming more popular in many parts of Germany, especially close to , the national alcoholic drink is. German beer consumption per person stands at 110 litres 24 imp gal; 29 US gal in 2013 and remains among the. The 2015 awarded eleven restaurants in Germany , the highest designation, while 38 more received two stars and 233 one star. German restaurants have become the world's second-most decorated after France. Sports The after winning the for the fourth time in 2014. Twenty-seven million Germans are members of a sports club and an additional twelve million pursue sports individually. With more than 6. The won the in 1954, 1974, 1990, and 2014, the in 1972, 1980 and 1996, and the in 2017. Germany hosted the and and the UEFA European Championship in. Other popular spectator sports include , , , , , , , and. Germany is one of the leading countries in the world. Constructors like and are prominent manufacturers in motor sport. The driver has set many motor sport records during his career, having won seven , more than any other. He is one of the highest paid sportsmen in history. Also won the Formula One World Championship. Historically, have been successful contenders in the , ranking third in an when combining East and West German medals. Germany was the last country to host both the summer and winter games in the same year, in 1936 the Berlin and the in. In it hosted the Summer Games of. Fashion and design , German German designers became early leaders of modern , with the designers like , and of being essential pioneers. Germany is a leading country in the. The German textile industry consisted of about 1,300 companies with more than 130,000 employees in 2010, which generated a revenue of 28 billion Euro. Almost 44 per cent of the products are exported. The and the fashion trade fair are held twice a year. Munich, Hamburg, Cologne and Düsseldorf are also important design, production and trade hubs of the domestic fashion industry, among smaller towns. Renowned fashion designers from Germany include , , , and. Important brands include , , , , and. The German , , , and , , have come to international fame. Since 1991, the third verse alone has been the national anthem. There were also unions in other smaller German states happening independent of each other. 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Polish vs Imigrants in Germany
Retrieved 25 June 2010. The state-owned East German film studio produced notable films including Marriage in the Shadows by 1947 , 1951 ; The Story of Little Muck, 1953 , 's Divided Heaven 1964 and 's 1975. Statistische Ämter des Bundes und der Länder. Related to the hunting with Bracke is the use of horns to communicate with the dogs, a custom that is continued today. German Hound The German Hound is a small hound, 40 — 53 cm 16 - 21 ins at the , with long, drooped ears and a long, narrow tail. The country's other major cities are , , , , , , , , , , and.

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Post je objavljen 18.12.2018. u 01:29 sati.