Teenager who has been dating her long-lost FATHER for two years reveals the pair are planning to get married - and have children
From the very beginning, his dad has acted like a Disneyland Dad — not allowing naps because it takes away from play time, feeding junk food, cutting time short or refusing time when our son is sick, etc. Maybe it should be a thing. I know it bothers you but this is the way it is sometimes.
Disneyoand step-parent to his ol Being step-parent to his older kid was one of the deciding factors in having my own kid and I still consider the kid family even though I am no longer with his father - as a matter of fact I am planning on taking my daugher to San Diego for her brother's 10th birthday next weekend. And I repeat: respect yourself, respect yourself, respect yourself. By puberty, kids see their parents for who they are. Plus, it smacks of insecurity.
Need a lawyer? Contact Cordell & Cordell - There is a lot of tricky terminology and language used for the person hooked on their ex, but it all comes down to one thing, they still have unresolved feelings about them.