Wot matchmaking table 9.3 - Wot Matchmaking Tabelle 9.3
The value is not displayed in game, but can be determined through testing in the same way as the baseCamo value see above. A rule for that is simple: if our ally spots the enemy, it is enough that a distance between our tank and our ally's tank is less than the sum of respective radio ranges of both vehicles. The composition of tanks in each team is a task of matchmaker.
Here is the Wargaming wiki encyclopedia , not forum. Matchmaking Battle Table for 9. And how about the Collectors Gem of the week: T14?
Wot matchmaking table 9.3 - Wot Matchmaking Tabelle 9.3 - A shell's flight path also ended after impacting the ground and those buildings structurally invulnerable to shell damage. A changed from 400 m to 380 m.