University of Alberta Libraries - The CIHM Monograph Collection
On the south side of the river, the University district and Whyte Avenue contain theatres, concert halls, and various live music venues. The system is operated by the. It is a collection of publications dating back to the early 17th century that are about Canada, or written and published by Canadians.
Researchers investigating the balance of household tasks examined how this shifts between partners across three stages of life. Public transit train crossing the North Saskatchewan River.
UAlberta study: women do more housework than male partners - Archived from on February 19, 2009. Edmonton's heritage is displayed through historical buildings many of which are originals moved to the park , , and authentic artifacts.
When it comes to doing household chores, women are more likely to dating on the brunt of the task — regardless of how much they work outside of home, and how much they earn, according to a new study. Researchers investigating the balance of household tasks examined how this shifts between partners across three stages of life. While women were found to consistently do more housework irrespective of other factors, male involvement was influenced by the demand of other responsibilities, such as work hours and child rearing. For young adults 32both work hours and the responsibility of raising children played a role — but, only for men. These factors, according to the researchers, were linked to reduced housework involvement among the male participants. At the midlife stage 43the researchers found that, again, gender was the biggest predictor, with women taking on most of ualberta housework. The new findings ualberta the continuing disparity in the sharing of domestic tasks. The team focused on participants who had life partners in rating, 1999, and 2012, when they were 25, 32, and 43 years old. For young adults 32both work hours and uakberta responsibility of raising children played a role — but, only for men. These factors, according to the researchers, were linked to reduced housework involvement among the male participants. While women were found to consistently do more housework irrespective of other datings, male involvement was influenced ualberta the demand of other responsibilities, such as work hours and child rearing. Stock image At the midlife stage 43the researchers found that, again, gender was the biggest predictor, with women taking on most of the housework. With the new findings, however, the researcher notes partners can become more aware of the outside factors that may dating the division of chores, to promote daating equality at home.