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Sometimes people who have childlike features, carry them through whole of their lifetime. So, they are easily recognizable even if we compare photos when they were 6 years old and 60 years old. One striking example is David Icke (virtually the only celebrity among the conspirologists), who is also well known for his childish theory about shape-shifting reptilians, among certain bloodlines (Habsburgs, for instance, but also others). Icke is resolute about their reptilian nature: „The Habsburgs, a big-time reptilian bloodline, ruled the Holy Roman Empire for 500 years before its demise in 1806.“

Well, the news for you, Icke, is that, if that is true, then it concerns yourself, too. Because, you were the son of the last Holy Roman Emperor and Empress, Francis II [incarnation Buster Keaton/Jim Parsons] and Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily [incarnation Kaley Cuoco]. Your name was Joseph Franz, and as second son, you were also second in line for the succession of the throne (The first was Ferdinand I [incarnation Prince William], who became emperor in 1835). That made you also linked with... Windsor dynasty - in your opinion, reptilians,too. So, were you not to die in your youth, you would eventually succeeded Ferdinand I, and became Habsburg emperor yourself!
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Post je objavljen 09.07.2018. u 08:53 sati.