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Bit će magičnog prah od super Maslačka i ljepotice Tratinčice za super #PLANTPOWER jutarnji smoothie . cerekcerek

- prirodni je antispazmodik, antiseptik, analgetik, antitusik, abortiv, ekspektorant, emolient, homeopatik, laksativ, metabolik, purgativ, tonik.
-čisti krv
-čisti jetru
-pomaže kod bolesti respiratornih organa i dišnih putova (iscrpljujućeg kašlja, kašlja, grčevitog kašlja, depresivnog kašlja, bronhitisa, prehlade, katara bronha, pleuritisa, prsnih bolova, upalnih stanja, infekcija, grčeva bronha, slabosti pluća, infekcije plućne maramice)
-pomaže kod bolesti želuca i crijeva (kod izgubljenog ili slabog teka, katara želuca, upalnih tegoba s crijevima, grčevima crijeva, katara crijeva, sluzi crijeva, krvarenja crijeva )
-pomaže kod bolesti jetara i žuči (masnih jetara, za detoksikaciju jetara kod otrovanja organizma, slabog rada žuči )
-pomaže kod bolesti kože (upaljenih rana, bolnih mjesta, raznih kožnih nečistoća, oteklina, edema, iznenadnih kožnih erupcija, varikoznih vena, raznih rana i krasti na glavi)
-pomaže kod kod reume, gihta, artritisa, bolesti bubrega (za detoksikaciju bubrega i mjehura, kao i mokraćnih putova, pijeska i kamenca )
-pomaže kod edema, ženskih bolesti (neuredne mjesečnice, grčeva maternice, bolne mjesečnice)

- je odličan za izbacivanje toksina iz tijela
-čisti krv,limfu, žuč i jetru
-čisti kožu
-pomaže kod raka
-pomaže kod reume
-odličan je za sve ženske tegobe
-pomaže kod ceulita i pretilosti
-ublažava svrab i osip


Ponavljanje gradiva. cerek

Zelena leća+mlada kopriva+mladi luk+peršin+sušeni vrganji. njami

Only The Lonely cerek

Trešnja cerek

Ko se nije skrio, magarac je bio. smijeh



Oasis - Whatever

....I'm free to be whatever I
Whatever I choose
And I'll sing the blues if I want
I'm free to say whatever I
Whatever I like
If it's wrong or right it's alright
Always seems to me
You only see what people want you to see
How long's it gonna be
Before we get on the bus
And cause no fuss
Get a grip on yourself
It don't cost much
Free to be whatever you
Whatever you say
If it comes my way it's alright
You're free to be wherever you
Wherever you please
You can shoot the breeze if you want
It always seems to me
You only see what people want you to see
How long's it gonna be
Before we get on the bus
And cause no fuss
Get a grip on yourself
It don't cost much
I'm free to be whatever I
Whatever I choose
And I'll sing the blues if I want
Here in my mind
You know you might find
Something that you
You thought you once knew
But now it's all gone
And you know it's no fun
Yeah I know it's no fun
Oh I know it's no fun
I'm free to be whatever I
Whatever I choose
And I'll sing the blues if I want
I'm free to be whatever I
Whatever I choose
And I'll sing the blues if I want
Whatever you do
Whatever you say
Yeah I know it's alright
Whatever you do
Whatever you say
Yeah I know it's alright.....



Post je objavljen 22.04.2018. u 14:30 sati.