Dana 30.1. održana je u našoj školi radionica na temu "Fizika oko nas". Radionica je bila namijenjena učenicima šestih razreda. Učenici su kroz unaprijed osmišljene pokuse upoznavali fizikalne pojave i procese s kojima se susreću u svakodnevnom životu.
Radionica je kreirana i kako bi zainteresirala djecu za fiziku prije nego ju dobiju kao predmet u školi, te da im se pokaže kroz kreativno učenje, eksperimentiranje i dobru znanstvenu zabavu i zabavnu stranu fizike. Neki od pokusa koje su djeca radila bili su:
a) proučavanje odbijanja svjetlosti:
Učenici su pomoću ravnoga zrcala i izvora svjetlosti proučavali upadni i kut odbijanja svjetlosti. Uočili su da upadni kut odgovara kutu odbijanja svjetlosti, te na taj način potvrdili i nastajanje slike kod ravnog zrcala.
b) ravnoteža tijela:
Učenici su proučavali ravnotežu i stabilnost tijela i kako ona ovisi o položaju težišta u tijelu. Na primjeru vlastitog tijela, ali i pomoću jednostavnih primjera primjetili su da težište ne mora biti uvijek unutar tijela, te da ravnoteža velike uvisi i o veličini oslonca.
c) pokusi s magnetima
Pomoću školskih magneta učenici su demonstrirali privlačnu i odbojnu magnetsku silu, te magnetsko polje načinili vidljivim pomoću željezne piljevine koja nam je omogućila da uočimo oblik i smjer magnetskih silnica.
d) gibanje tijela niz kosinu
Učenici su pomoću elektromagnetskog tipkala snimali gibanje tijela niz kosinu. Promatrali su kako razmak točkica koje ostavlja uređaj ovisi o visini s koje su spuštali autić. Uočili su da povećanjem visine s koje kreće autić raste i brzina tijela, a samim time i razmak između točkica postaje veći.
e) kako nastaje duga
Učenici su pomoću male prizme i izvora svjetlosti načinili dugu. Prije pokusa učenicima su ponuđeni izvori svjetlosti primarnih boja, te su oni pomoću njih pokušali dobiti što više sekundarnih boja. Uočili su da će jasniji oblik duge dobiti koristimo li jači izvor svjetlost (mobitel), te ako kao sredstvo u kojemu će se lomiti svjetlost izaberemo CD.
f) sustav kolotura
Učenici su pomoću sustava kolotura demonstrirali kako manjom silom savladati veću silu.
Pokuse je osmislila nastavnica fizike Martina Bukvić, dokumentirala fotogrupa predvođena s nastavnicom Anitom Jukić.
On 30th January we had a workshop called 'Physics around us'. The workshop was meant for 6th grade students who were getting to know Physics through experiments about physical phenomena and various processes that they encounter in everyday life.
The workshop was created to get students interested in Physics before they encounter it as a subject in 7th grade and also to show them the fun side of Physics thorugh creative learning, experimenting and scientific fun. Some of the experiments that students did:
A) Light reflection examination
Students used a flat mirror and a light source to study the incoming angle and the angle of light reflection. They noticed incoming angle fits the reflection angle and in that way they realized and confirmed formation of a picure on a flat mirror.
B) Body balance
Students studied balance and stability of the body and how it depends on the position of the center of gravity in the body. Using their own bodies as examples, but also with the help of simple examples they noticed that the center of gravity does not need to be in the body and that the balance depends on the size of the standfast.
C) Experiments with magnets
With the help of the school magnets, the students demonstrated the attractive and repulsive magnetic force and made the magnetic field visible with the help of iron dust which made the shape and the direction of magnetic forces visible.
D) Motion od body down the slope
Students used a small electromagnetic push button to record the movement of a body down a slope. They watched how the distance between the little dots that the device leaves on the paper depends on the height from which the little car was pushed down. They also noticed that by increasing the height the velocity of the car increases too and by doing so the distance between the little dots gets bigger.
E) Making of a rainbow
Students used a litle prism and a source of light to make a rainbow. Before the experiment the students were offered a few primary colours sources of light with which they tried to get secondary colours, as many as possible. They noticed that the rainbow will be clearer if we use a stronger source of light (mobile phone) and if we choose a CD as a reflective surface in which to break the light.
F) Sheaf system
Students used a sheaf to demonstrate how a smaller force can overpower a bigger, stronger force.
The experiments were created by Physics teacher Martina Bukvić and were documented by a photo group led by Math teacher Anita Jukić.
Post je objavljen 18.02.2018. u 17:30 sati.