Dear members,
here are all EMA acts. Please sent it to your national associations that we can have proposals for changing acts in General assembly.
By article 17, paragraph 2 of Statute of EMA-European majorettes’ association, 6th General Assembly of EMA on 24th January 2010 accept new, with changes in 7th General Assembly of EMA on 1st September 2011, in 8th General Assembly of EMA on 24th November 2012, in 9th General Assembly of EMA on 16th February 2014 and in 11th General Assembly of EMA on 6th August 2015, in 12th General Assembly of EMA on 9th April 2016, in 13th General Assembly of EMA on 3rd February 2017
1. General regulations
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. This Rulebook regulates types, forms and course of majorettes' competitions on European level, organized by European majorettes' association (EMA), EMA's members or a third party in the name of those institutions.
1.1.2. Rulebook regulates relations between EMA, competitors, judges, Technical board and majorettes' teams on competitions from article 1.2.
1.2. Rulebook competence (obligation)
1.2.1. Keeping these rules on European majorettes' championship (EMC) and other competitions organized by EMA is necessary.
1.2.2. The rules are recommended for national championships and competitions in member countries of EMA but national differences are allowed.
1.2.3. If something is not defined by this Rulebook judge is allowed to act by his national rulebook.
1.2.4. EMC is the highest competition run by this rulebook.
1.3. Technical board
1.3.1. EMA General Assembly (GA), by the Statute of EMA is allowed to appoint Technical board.
1.3.2. Technical board:
§ takes care that competitions are run according to this Rulebook
§ prepares calendar of the championships
§ takes care of results
§ suggest changes of the Rulebook to the EC (Executive Committee) and GA
§ takes care of other assignments according to the Rulebook
1.3.3. If the Technical board is not appointed, its function is assigned to the EC.
1.4. Judges
1.4.1. International judges are appointed by EMA. EMC and other EMA competition can be judged just by EMA international judges who have EMA license.
1.4.2. For EMC or any competition where EMA international judge is asked to judge EMA Executive committee (EC) is the only body to delegate them. International judges are appointed by EMA and therefore EMA decide who will be judges in those competitions. National competitions with judges from that country is not in jurisdiction of EMA but national association, but international competitions or competitions in one country where they ask judges with EMA license from other countries is in competition of EMA and EMA EC decide which international judge will judge on those competitions.
1.4.3. In EMC or other competitions EMA EC appoints one delegate and minimum 5 and maximum 9 judges. If there is problem in number of judges from different countries, EMA will nominate one more judge from each country. And if that is not possible one extra judges where it is possible.
1.4.4. One of the judges in EMC is head judge, appointed by EMA EC. He is responsible for other judges, control data impute, disqualification and conduct judging.
1.4.5. Replacing judge can be any licensed judge who is accessible to delegate, while simultaneously paying attention to select judges from same country as one to replace, and to select jogs between the present judges or judges in nearby area of competition, in order for a competition to continue within shortest time.
1.4.6. Judges and delegate must come to the official office of competition at least one hour before the official training starts.
1.4.7. Judges judge on official judging lists. They can use other tools (computer, notes etc), but official results must be on judging lists. Parallel with judging lists, judges must keep judging tables, to enter the scores for artistic impression, technical data, prop technique, and general impression. Judging table is a control document, and it is not subject to a public disclosure.
1.5. Delegate
1.5.1. EMA delegate takes care of the regularity of the championship, and forced this Rulebook and Statute of EMA in competition from article 1.2.1.
1.5.2. Delegate accepts the protests, deals with the formal shortcomings and situations such as vis major, controls input date at processing...
1.5.3. Delegate outranks judges during the championship in formal cases.
1.5.4. The delegate can suspend one majorette-team or all competition if organizer, competitors, judges or a third party does not act by this Rulebook or other regulations of EMA and legislative of country where championship is organized.
1.5.5. In case of delegate’s absence, a competition delegate becomes one of the present judges appointed by delegated judges.
2. Types and organization of championship
2.1. European majorettes' championship (EMC)
2.1.1. EMC is official and the most important championship for the title of European majorettes' champion.
2.1.2. Official titles in each form of EMC are:
§ European champion (gold medal)
§ European vice-champion or runner-up (silver medal)
§ Third place or 2nd runner-up (bronze medal)
2.1.3. If in one categories there are less than 3 participants champion can be competitor which earn average of at least 70 points per judge, if competitor earns 60-69 points he/it will get title of vice-champion or 50-59 points bronze medal.
2.1.4. Regardless of titles in EMC every formation that wins more than 70 points average per all judges wins gold status (gold majorettes), 60-69 points average per all judges wins silver status (silver majorettes) and 50-59 points average per all judges wins bronze status (bronze majorettes). In case two teams will earn 50 – 59 points, better one is second and worst one is third.
2.1.5. EMC is organized once per year.
2.2. Competitors in EMC
2.2.1. Each country where national championship or qualification cup were held can nominated 7 groups in each category and form.
2.2.2. Groups in same EMC can compete in baton, pom-pom, mace and show majorettes form.
2.2.3. If some of nominated groups do not send registration form, EC can accept another group instead from the same country.
2.2.4. Fee for participation in EMC is 5 EUR per majorette that participate in formation and 15 EUR per majorettes that participate in nonformation. Formation which perform in more than one form in same age class one forms pays in full price and all other forms 20% of price.
2.3. Organizer obligations
2.3.1. The organization of EMC or other competitions from article 1.2.1. is under the authority of EMA. Realization of those competitions can be trusted to one national association or majorette-team or to third organizer supported by one majorette-team. Realization is constantly instructed and coordinated by EMA.
2.3.2. Organization of each championship from article 1.2.1. must be authorized by EMA as regulated in this Rulebook.
2.3.3. Organizer of EMC is obligated to:
§ pay for all costs of judges and delegate (travel expanses, lodging, food, fee etc.)
§ provide judging room with equipment
§ provide arena and all other official areas of competition by this Rulebook
§ provide cups and medals by this Rulebook
§ provide all costs of computer operator
§ provide other costs by Study for organizing EMC
2.3.4. The organizer is morally and materially responsible for the realization.
2.3.5. The organizer and all involved are obligated to speak at least a beginner level of English.
2.4. Competition program
2.4.1. EMC must have 4 parts of competition:
§ Official training
§ Parade march
§ Stage choreography
§ Results announcement
2.4.2. Judges and delegate must inspect parade march route, stage, audio-system, judging room, data imputing, and all other conditions relevant for competition.
2.4.3. Each and every team has to be ensured regular training time during the competition, and in accordance with teams’ needs. Regardless of that, each team has to have at least one official training for positioning at arena. The training time can be limited to minimum of 3 minutes for parade march, and 4 minutes for stage choreography. In extremely special circumstance, judges can decide not to allow official training, but only an exclusively under these terms:
§ If extreme special circumstance is a result of vis major – higher power that could not be predicted
§ If having official training could prevent finishing the competition
§ If most teams did not have official training on specific arena for each discipline
§ If all judges and delegates of the competition unanimously decided not to allow the official training
2.4.4. Before opening of the competition, organizer arranges briefing of the group heads, judges and delegate in order to summarize competition program and rules. In that briefing bulleting for competition is organized, this is executed by competition delegate in the presence of at least 50% of competition judges.
2.4.5. Team which was bullet to start first in parade march starts last in stage choreography, 2nd in parade march starts before last in stage choreography etc.
2.4.6. Group must be ready for performance according to starting list. Deadline is the moment when speaker announces name of the group.
2.4.7. Accompanying program is in competence of organizer but it cannot disturb competition.
2.5. Orchestra (music)
2.5.1. Competitors can performer with the live music or play back.
2.5.2. Teams can bring their own orchestra or dance with the organizers orchestra, if such an orchestra exists.
2.5.3. In the stage choreography program any movement of the orchestra outside its space is forbidden.
3. Forms, disciplines and categories
3.1. Forms
3.1.1. EMC has 4 forms
§ baton majorettes
§ mace majorettes
§ pom-pom majorettes
§ show majorettes
3.1.2. Baton must be 400 grams or lighter and 75 cm or shorter, but mace must be 401 grams or heavier and 76 cm or longer.
3.1.3. Show majorettes dance only with pom-poms, but without limitation in music and uniforms. Limitations are set up for make up which must keep image of traditional majorettes (she can not look like male, animals, things, aliens etc.).The part of choreography must have elements of traditional majorettes (marching, step, formation).
3.2. Disciplines
3.2.1. Every formation must participate in 2 disciplines:
§ parade march
§ stage choreography
3.2.2. Nonformation and freestyle majorettes participates just in stage choreography without parade march.
3.3. Categories
3.3.1. Championship in every form is organized in nonformations and formations, in 3 categories:
§ nonformation - solo (one majorette)
§ nonformation - duo (two majorettes)
§ formation - team (7 and more majorettes)
4. Formation rules
4.1. Number of majorettes in formation
4.1.1. Minimum number of majorettes in formation is 7.
4.1.2. One of the majorettes in formation must be a captain (lead-majorette) who is clearly marked (different uniforms, colors, rank symbols etc.)
4.1.3. Maximum number is not defined.
4.1.4. At least 75% of majorette formation and 100% of nonformation must be citizen of country which is represented by that formation or nonformation. If formation has less than 75% and nonformation less than 100% of citizen from this article it will be disqualified. If majorette has dual citizenship she can choose which citizenship she want to use in that EMC, but she cannot change citizenship during one EMC. In case of citizen of any country member of European Union that can prove by ID, other document or on other way that she/he is resident in other country of European Union where she/he is not citizen she/he is considered as citizen of that country and has same status as citizen from article 4.1.4. paragraph 1 where she/he is resident, but during EMC she/he cannot change that status. Citizens of non European Union countries cannot have that status.
4.2. Age classes
4.2.1. Majorette teams compete according to following age classes:
§ cadets: 8 - 11 years
§ juniors: 12 - 14 years
§ seniors: 15 year and more
4.2.2. Only girls who have reached defined age on 1st January of current year can participate on EMC. Majorette has as many years as she had on 1st January of current year at 00:01 hours, and she will be that age class all that year. If majorette have birthday in meantime it is not relevant for her age class.
4.2.3. Younger age classes can take part in EMC just and only as non-competitors. As 40% exemption majorettes young 7 years and younger can perform in cadet category as competitor.
4.2.4. There can be 40% majorettes younger or older in each group, but just from bordering age class, exempt in solo and pair where there is no possibility of younger or older girls.
4.3. Uniforms
4.3.1. The formation must wear identical uniforms (all costumes have to be identical).
4.3.2. Costume as a whole must make an impression of stylized military uniform, exempt et show majorettes who do not have any limits in uniforms.
4.3.3. Particular parts of the uniform can be various. Certain functional differences are allowed like different color of the captains’ uniform, status and ranking symbols etc.
4.3.4. Mace majorettes’ uniforms mast be very traditional, based on military uniforms from 19 century or earlier. Mace uniforms must have a hat, a jacket/skirt or a dress and a boots.
5. Common rules of performance and judging
5.1. Relation of Common and Formation rules
5.1.1. Criteria specified in this chapter (Common rules) and in the Formation rules are related to parade marching and stage choreography in all forms.
5.2. Synchronization
5.2.1. The synchronization of the entire formation is obligated. Departure from the original synchronization is permitted only to the captain and with exception individual grupation of the formation.
5.2.2. Mirror-dancing is a form of dancing where one side of the formation dances exact the opposite from the other side of the formation and in same time use exactly the same steps and movements. Parts of those formations must be the same size. Mirror-dancing is not considered to be a departure from the original synchronization.
5.2.3. The departure from synchronization is also not considered in case where group is changing formations. Changing formations is process when one defined formation is transforming into another defined formation. A defined formation is considered to be any formation lasting long enough to be recognized as one.
5.2.4. In case one or several parts of formation departure from formation it must be performed choreographically clearly synchronized and with precision so that this kind of performance it’s in the synchronization of the entire team (ex. solo part including 4 majorettes, baton-technique part etc.).
5.2.5. The departure from synchronization must be made in the shortest time possible and are not allowed to last longer than 50% of the entire choreography. Every departure which is not allowed by this article brings negative points to the team.
5.3. Rhythm consistence
5.3.1. Inconsistencies of the original (given) rhythm are not allowed to majorettes, captain included.
5.3.2. Formation or part of formation can stop with rhythm sequence if that is necessary because of choreography, but in same time it can not be out of rhythm (allowed arrhythmia).
5.3.3. Any departure from the rhythm consistency must be short, and must not be longer than 25% of choreography in total. Every un-allowed arrhythmia brings negative points to the team.
5.4. Props technique
5.4.1. Props technique is also graded, except movements of the captain by which she defined dancing figure or beginning of choreography. Those elements are graded in general impression.
5.4.2. Special emphasis is on:
§ number of different figures made with props
§ gravity of an individual props figure
§ speed in props handling
§ rolling the baton (in front, above and behind the body, over and around the legs, shoulders, etc..)
§ usage of the left and right hand, simplicity of handling the baton with the left hand and the frequency of exchanging hands
§ usage of the other parts of the body (legs, head, shoulders, etc.)
§ length of the throwing the baton, as well as the form and confidence shown with catching it and throwing it off
§ synchronization of props technique and dance steps, and difficulty of the dance movements where props technique is incorporated.
5.4.3. One team can have at least one and not more than two batons/pom-poms per majorette dancing or strictly one mace per dancing majorette. No other equipment during the performance is permitted, except for the whistle used by the captain.
5.4.4. In case of prop drop during the competition, the head judge or the closest judge to the prop, upon approval of the head judge, must pass the prop to a competitor in shortest possible time. Such activity will not be executed if it is apparent that the competitor will take the prop by herself, or such activity could disturb other majorettes in the formation. In case that the prop flies away into the audience, or far away from the arena, the prop could be passed back to competitor by the coach.
5.5. Marching
5.5.1. Marching is also graded, especially:
§ harmony of the marching-step
§ type of the marching-step (step-by-knee, American step...)
§ styling of marching-step
§ performance
§ impression of the figure during marching
5.6. Entire choreography
5.6.1. Entire choreography is graded, especially:
§ artistic value of choreography
§ complexity and different
§ number of different elements
§ number of formation changes
§ number and difficulty of the dance-steps
5.6.2. No acrobatic figures like lifting the majorettes are allowed. Acrobatic figures are defined as putting the head in lower position than the rest of the body exempt hands.
5.6.3. The acrobatic movements and figures up to 3 meters high (one level lift-up) are allowed in show majorettes.
5.7. (Accompanying) music
5.7.1. Music has to be a march or some other music with 2/4 or 4/4 rhythm of classical performance.
5.7.2. Mace majorettes’ music must be very traditional, based on military marches from 19 century or earlier and played only by a marching band, a brass band, fanfare orchestra, symphonic orchestra or philharmonics which can be live orchestra or playback.
5.7.3. Majorettes with batons and pom-poms can compete in any music. Computer performance, electrical instruments, rhythm machines and computer effects can be just accompanying instruments or effects and cannot be dominant in entire music number. This instruments or effects cannot be solo instruments or effects more than 4 majorettes-eight (32 beats) in one peace, or not more than 30% of entire music number. In case of violate this article that will be sanctioned as inappropriate music. Extreme music which are not compatible to majorettes’ uniforms like punk, heavy metal, techno, rave, house, underground and similar modern stiles will be sanctioned as inappropriate music.
5.7.4. Rules from articles 5.7.3. are not obligated for solo and duo in baton, pom-pom and show majorettes, but are obligated for solo and duo in mace majorettes, and are not obligated for formations in show majorettes.
5.7.5. Team can perform on play back music, which must be stored on very good quality CD, which is defined in every year Bulletin published before EMC.
5.7.6. Group can use one complete composition or potpourri.
5.7.7. Forbidden music from article 5.7.1. and 5.7.2. will be sanctioned with 0,6 to 9,9 negative points. Inappropriate music from article 5.7.3. will be sanctioned with 0,6 do 3,0 negative points.
5.8. (Vis major)
5.8.1. If the group must interrupt its performance because of circumstances which it could not influence (vis major: break-down in power supply, sound equipment, changing weather etc.) it can have a new performance.
5.8.2. Interrupting caused by the group itself means penalization.
5.9. Other common rules
5.9.1. Parade marching and stage choreography are graded by the judges separately. However, with grading, they must take the following negativities into consideration and grade them negatively:
§ repetition of the steps, formations, etc. from parade marching to stage choreography, or reverse
§ no identical choreography can be made in stage choreography and parade marching
5.9.2. Place of competition can be outside or inside.
5.9.3. At arena, there must be no barriers, in height of 8 meters from the surface (branches, wires, constructions, bridges, etc…)
5.9.4. Around the arena, there should be area of 3 meters, but at least 1 meter, which prevents any contact of audience with teams. Organizer must physically prevent any possible entering of audience or animals.
5.9.5. The arena must be organized in such way, so judges can freely see every part of the arena. The arena must be organized in such way, so competitors are not faced towards suns, i.e. the sun must tackle competitors back. The stage for choreography must be organized in a way so judges are faced the South.
5.9.6. The playback sound and team announcement must be of good quality on all parts of route and stage, and lauder than audience.
5.9.7. Head judge determines two judges as timekeepers. Timekeepers’ task is to watch over allowed exceedings and time limits. Judges can agree that timekeepers can be trainee judges who are present at the competition.
5.9.8. Judges can communicate between themselves and share facts and opinion about competitor that was perform, and in the some doubtable cases they even should do so. After first performer in each category they should do so.
6. Parade marching
6.1. Discipline definition
6.1.1. Parade marching is a dance expression performed by moving group ahead. Because of the frequent changes in the formation, walk is not the most important element.
6.2. Route
6.2.1. Parade marching is performed in route long 60 meters. The parade must be organized so that all route can be seen well by the judges. The route can have 0 to 2 bends. The bends all together can not have more than 240 degree and every bend must not have over 230 degrees. Bends smaller than 60 degrees are not considered to be bends.
6.2.2. Route for parade marching must be flat and smooth, 6 meters wide. Route can not have big slope. The surface can not be covered with cubes or tiles.
6.2.3. Start and finish line must be marked.
6.2.4. Integral part of parade march route is also a entering and leaving area, which has to be at least 5 and at most 12 meter long, and 6 meter wide. It is permitted for parade march route or stage for choreography to have 5% oscillation.
6.2.5. Each group passes through the rout separately.
6.2.6. During the parade march, judges are walking alongside the team, whereas judges must be at least 3 meters behind or before, and at least 1 meter from the side (flank) of a majorette team. Judges must not step away from a majorette team as much as not to clearly and precisely see the performance.
6.3. Time limit
6.3.1. Parade marching has to be performed in time of 2 minutes. The time starts when the first majorette crosses the start line, and is stopped after the first majorette cross the finish line.
6.4. Graded elements
6.4.1. Elements graded in the parade marching are:
§ formation changes
§ formation figures
§ static and dynamic of formations in figures
§ lines and colons alignment
§ turning, especially dancing or changing formations in bends
§ techniques
§ dance movements
§ influence and position of captain.
7. Stage choreography
7.1. Discipline definition
7.1.1. Stage choreography is performed on stage or arena on ground.
7.2. Stage
7.2.1. The stage is 12x12 meters. The stage must be flat and smooth not covered with cubes or tiles. Stage can not have big slope. It can not be raised from the ground more than 30 centimeters.
7.2.2. Exceptionally stage can be raised from ground more than 30 cm but in that case it must have extension of 3 meters on each edge (so stage must have minimum 18 x 18 meters), and stage must have ramp (pad) with not more than 20% slope. Ramp must be at least 2 meters wide and on every meter of height should be at least 5 meters long.
7.2.3. Entering and leaving area has to have minimum of 120 m2 from which neither space margins cannot be less than 5m long. The minimum of 30 m2 has to be provided exclusively for entering area and as much as for leaving area. The minimum of 60 m2 has to provide for common enter-leaving area.
7.2.4. Judges are judging from platform which can not be less then 1,0 meter high, but recommended high is between 1,5 and 2,0 meters. Seating arrangement at the judging table is defined by the head judge.
7.3. Time limit
7.3.1. Performance time for each group is 2:00 minutes minimum and 4:00 minutes maximum. Nonformations performance time is 1:00 minute minimum and 3:00 minutes maximum.
7.3.2. Time starts after break of 5 seconds after entrance and last till break of 5 seconds before leaving arena.
7.4. Coming and leaving in stage choreography
7.4.1. Coming and leaving in stage choreography must be maximum 30 seconds each. Measurement of coming starts when first majorettes crosses the line and steps into A1 zone. Measurement of leaving starts with music or movement after the 5 seconds break and stops when first majorette crosses the line and leaves the A1 zone.
7.4.2. Performance of competition must be clearly separated from coming and leaving.
7.4.3. Every group in stage choreography must salute to the judges while coming in and before leaving the stage. Salute is regular if at least captain constantly keeps one hand on the edge of the cap or forehead for at least 4 beats (1/2 of majorette-eight).
7.5. Graded element
7.5.1. Elements graded in the stage choreography are:
§ difficulty of choreography, dance movements and formations
§ diversity and imagination of dance steps and changing in formation
§ originality
§ repeat of dance parts
§ adjustment of the movements from other types of dancing
§ synchronization of dancing with props’ technique
§ adoption of choreography to chosen music and tempo
§ artistic value of the performance
8. Nonformation program
8.1. Discipline definition and age category
8.1.1. Majorettes can compete in nonformation programs which are solo (dance of one majorette) and duo (dance of two majorettes).
8.1.2. Cadets, juniors and seniors can participate in nonformation.
8.1.3. Single majorette can compete as nonformation just in her age category. In case that two majorettes of different age class perform in duo, it is possible if they are inside border age class and in that case nonformation will perform in older age class (one majorettes is junior, second is senior, nonformation is senior one).
8.2. Specific nonformation rules
8.2.1. Nonformation programs does not perform parade marching so the rules of the parade marching cannot be applied to them. Nonformation program is graded identically as formation program, without those rules which are strictly formational.
9. Grading
9.1. Basic grading
9.1.1. The teams are graded:
§ artistic impression 0-30 points
§ technical data 0-30 points
§ props technique 0-30 points
§ general impression 0-10 points
9.1.2. Points for synchronization:
§ formation counting 7-12 majorettes 4 points
§ formation counting 13-16 majorettes 6 points
§ formation counting 17-20 majorettes 8 points
§ formation counting more than 21 majorettes 10 points
9.1.3. In evaluating artistic impression and technical data score range means:
0-4 very bad quality teams
5-9 bad quality teams
10-14 average quality teams
15-19 good teams
20-24 very good teams
25-29 excellent teams
30 perfect teams
Of this evaluation judges will deduct required number of negative points for each element according to this Rulebook (for example: inappropriate choreography according to traditional values of majorette dance in artistic impression).
9.2. Artistic impression
9.2.1. Maximum of 30 points is awarded for artistic impression.
9.2.2. Elements of the artistic impression are:
§ artistic value, beauty, difficulty and originality of the choreography
§ beauty and difficulty, diversity, and originality of the dance steps
§ beauty and difficulty of the formation changes, diversity of formation and figures
§ fitting of the props technique in choreography
§ fitting of the chosen music in choreography
9.2.3. The grade of artistic impression answers the question:
"How do I like choreography, dance performance and formation changes where I neglect performance?"
9.3. Technical data
9.3.1. Maximum of 30 points is awarded for technical data.
9.3.2. Elements of the technical data are:
§ consistency of marching step
§ lines and formations alignment, formation consistency, changing of formations and formation figures
§ technical performance of dance steps
§ body attitude and dancing figure, and communication with the audience
9.3.3. The grade of technical data answers the question:
"How had every single majorette preformed the choreography, not related to my opinion of choreography and to the artistic impression of the choreography?"
9.4. Baton and mace technique
9.4.1. Maximum of 30 points is awarded for baton and mace technique.
9.4.2. Grade of baton/mace technique depends on average degree of technique:
§ mostly 1st degree figures 0 points
§ mostly 2nd degree figures 0-4 points
§ mostly 3rd degree figures 0-9 points
§ mostly 4th degree figures 5-14 points
§ mostly 5th degree figures 10-19 points
§ mostly 6th degree figures 15-24 points
§ mostly 7th degree figures 20-30 points
9.4.3. Predominant performance of a degree presumes average performance of that degree.
9.4.4. The final grade includes diversity of figures, speed and safety in work with baton/mace. Drops of the baton/mace are punished separately and can not be sanctioning in same time on grade of baton and mace technique.
9.4.5. 1st degree of baton and mace technique includes all movements where baton/mace is used statically, not dynamically that means where baton/mace could be replaced with another type of equipment, or not be used at all.
9.4.6. 2nd degree of baton and mace technique inlcudes all the basic figures, and those are: horizontal and vertical spin (figure 8) and all variations of those figures with one hand.
9.4.7. 3rd degree of baton and mace technique inlcudes simple figures:
§ support of horizontal spin in front of body, called «sun» in all variations
§ figure of horizontal spin during denoting circle in all variations
§ simple floating of the baton/mace where levitation of baton/mace is short, and throwing and catching of the baton/mace has to be very simple
9.4.8. 4th degree of baton and mace technique inlcudes easy figures:
§ horizontal and vertical figures between fingers
§ rolls which are figures performed in combination with another part of the body
§ easy floating of the baton/mace where one of four elements of difficulties is present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching or task (element which runs between throwing and catching)
§ simple pitching of baton/mace (changing of batons/maces between majorettes where baton/mace must levitate some time) which has to be short and simple
9.4.9. 5th degree of baton and mace technique inlcudes middle difficult figures:
§ figures performed on the palm and top of the fingers
§ flip (constant vertical rotation over the thumb)
§ lance (launch of the baton through thumb) with no rotation of body
§ figures of crossing two batons/maces in air
§ figures, where during floating of one baton, other is changing hand by the figure of at least 3rd degree of baton/mace technical
§ middle-difficult floating of the baton/mace where two of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
§ easy pitching of baton/mace where one of four elements of difficulties is present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching or task
9.4.10. 6th degree of baton and mace technique inlcudes very difficult figures:
§ figure where you have at least 5th degree figure in one hand and a at least 2nd degree figure in other
§ lance with one body rotation
§ very difficult floating of the baton/mace where three of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
§ middle-difficult pitching of baton/mace where two of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
9.4.11. 7th degree of baton and mace technique includes extreme figures:
§ lance with at least two body rotation
§ spin and rolls of baton with neck, forearm and upper arm with no contacts with fingers, fist or other parts of the body
§ three batons figures
§ extreme floating of the baton/mace where all four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
§ very difficult or extreme pitching of baton/mace where at least three of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
9.5. Pom-pom technique
9.5.1. Maximum of 30 points is awarded for pom-pom technique.
9.5.2. Grade of pom-pom technique depends on average degree of technique:
§ mostly 1st degree figures 0 points
§ mostly 2nd degree figures 0-4 points
§ mostly 3rd degree figures 0-9 points
§ mostly 4th degree figures 5-14 points
§ mostly 5th degree figures 10-19 points
§ mostly 6th degree figures 15-24 points
§ mostly 7th degree figures 20-30 points
9.5.3. Predominant performance of a degree presumes average performance of that degree.
9.5.4. The final grade includes diversity of figures, speed and safety in work with pom-pom and also the way pom-poms are used to emphasize with dance technique and with the whole choreography. Drops of the pom-pom are punished separately and cannot be sanctioning in same time on grade of pom-pom technique.
9.5.5. 1st degree of pom-pom technique includes all the movements where pom-pom is not used, and that means that dancing and changing formations does not include pom-poms at all, like majorettes doesn’t have them in hands.
9.5.6. 2nd degree of pom-pom technique includes all basic figures where pom-poms of one majorette just change directions or mark the circle.
9.5.7. 3rd degree of pom-pom technique inlcudes simple figures:
§ where the majorettes are working in groups (more than 4 girls) and pom-poms of one majorette have connections with the other majorettes or with the pom-poms of other majorette/s and they execute simple combinations together
§ simple floating (throwing) of the pom-pom where levitation of pom-pom is short (max. 1-1,5 m), and throwing and catching of the pom-pom are very simple
9.5.8. 4th degree of pom-pom technique includes easy figures:
§ where the pom-poms of majorettes are in connection (the majorettes are grabbing the other majorette’s pom-pom) and execute simple figures like synchronized movements, circles, waves, etc.
§ working pom-poms in colors – whan teams has two colors of pom-poms (ex: groups or lines of 2 or 3 or 4 etc. majorettes where one part is working with color 1, and the other part is working with color 2 executing simple movements and figures)
§ simple wave moves in dance formations (ex: front to back, left to right, etc.) executed in max. 8 musical beats
§ simple changing of pom-poms between majorettes - at least twice
§ easy floating of the baton/mace where one of four elements of difficulties is present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching or task (element which runs between throwing and catching)
§ simple pitching of the pom-pom (changing of pom-poms between majorettes where pom-poms must levitate some time) where levitation is short and throwing and catching the pom-pom is very simple
9.5.9. 5th degree of pom-pom technique includes middle difficult figures:
§ groups of 2 or 3 or 4 majorettes where pom-poms of one majorette have connections with pom-poms of other majorette/s like they execute some combination together, interlace hands, make figures over body of other majorettes etc.
§ working pom-poms in colors (ex: groups/lines or other figure of 2 or 3 or 4 etc. majorettes where one part is working with color 1, and the other part is working with color 2 executing complicate movements and figures)
§ where pom-poms of the majorettes are in connection (the majorettes are grabbing the other majorette’s pom-pom) and execute complicated and original figures together
§ difficult and complicated wave moves in dance formations (ex: front to back, left to right, etc.) executed in max. 4 musical beats
§ at least 5 majorette working with two pairs of pom-poms
§ difficult changing of pom-poms between majorettes - at least three times
§ middle-difficult floating of the pom-pom where two of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
§ easy pitching of pom-pom where one of four elements of difficulties is present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching or task
9.5.10. 6th degree of pom-pom technique includes very difficult figures:
§ where all pom-poms of the majorettes make difficult figures like waves (in line, diagonal, column, etc.), circles, symbols etc. executed in complicated way like in circle with bow back, several levels, steps including etc. and without grabbing the pom-poms
§ at least 5 majorette working with three pairs of pom-poms
§ difficult and complicate wave moves in dance formations (ex: front to back, left to right, etc.) executed in maximum 2 musical beats
§ very difficult floating of the pom-pom where three of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
§ middle-difficult pitching of pom-pom where two of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
9.5.11. 7th degree of pom-pom technique inlcudes extreme figures:
§ extraordinary figures created by the pom-poms (very complicated and original figures)
§ extreme floating of the pom-pom where all four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
§ very difficult or extreme pitching of pom-pom where at least three of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
9.6. General impression
9.6.1. Maximum of 10 points is awarded for general impression. Elements graded are:
§ style of the uniforms,
§ appearance of majorettes, especially the captain,
§ difference in age and height of majorettes in the team
§ movements of the captain by which she defined dancing figure or beginning of choreography
§ parts of the dance that are not graded separately, but are still performed (entering and leaving the arena or parade march route)
§ Chosen music (i.e. whether a judges likes the music number, and not the way it is incorporated in a choreography)
§ influence, movements and style of orchestra
9.6.2. Evaluation for general impression is not given for each element of general impression, but for all elements together, and it is a small part in overall evaluation of a team.
9.6.3. In evaluating the general impression score range means:
0-1 extremely bad teams by all criteria of general impression
2-3 bad teams by all criteria of general impression
4-5 average teams or teams that have some elements above average but some far below average
6-7 good teams that have all criteria above average but none of them deviates and is extremely positive
8-9 excellent teams, but some criteria are worse or some elements are much worse then excellence (for example: all criteria are excellent or perfect but music is average, or some girls aren't laughing, etc. )
10 perfect teams by all criteria of general impression
9.6.4. When judge establish in which category of general impression team belongs, he deducts the following points:
§ up to 1 point – for extreme individual cases (for example: unbuttoned uniform, one majorette is chewing a gum, one majorette is talking while in formation, one majorette is giving a rhythm by gestures or voice)
§ up to 2 points – if whole or most of the team has extreme individual cases (for example: inappropriate chanting like ''tequila'' during the performance)
§ up to 3 points – long and extreme deviation from elements of general impression (for example: erotic dance)
9.7. Negative points for props technique mistakes
9.7.1. Negative points for drop of the props:
§ 0,5 points for drop of each prop if the formation counts 7-12 majorettes,
§ 0,4 points if the formation counts 13-16 majorettes,
§ 0,3 points if the formation counts 17-20 majorettes,
§ 0,2 points if the formation counts more than 21 majorettes,
§ 0,4 points for nonformations
§ majorette has to pick up baton immediately, if not she will be punished in negative points in asynchronization.
9.7.2. Every baton/mace contact with the surface is considered as baton/mace drop, unless any other part of baton/mace is in the hand of a majorette. Every pom-pom contact with the surface is considered as pom-pom drop, unless any other part of pom-pom is supported and held with any part of the body of a majorette. 9.7.3. In the evaluation of props technique, it is forbidden to take into consideration number of props drops, which are separately evaluated.
9.7.4. Every asynchronization, which is a result of props catch cannot be punished with more negative points than prop drop itself. At extremely difficult elements of prop technique, slight movements are tolerated, and are not punished at all.
9.7.5. If prop retrieval is taking a long time, or is badly executed a judge can add negative points for asyncronisation and/or arrhythmia.
9.7.6. If, during the floating or pitching, a majorette does not make a turn or any other assignment, even though the entire formation did it, the team will be punished at least with the value of 2 prop drops in asynchronization (reference example: entire formation did one turn during the lanse, and one majorette did not, judges will deduct 0,8 points).
9.7.7. A majorette, who did not do a floating or pitching even though the rest of the formation did it, will be punished at least with the value of 2 prop drops in asynchronization (reference example: 0,8 points).
9.7.8. In prop technique, number of turns during floating or pitching is limited on 2 for cadets formation, 3 for juniors and seniors formations, and 5 for nonformation. Formation or nonformation that will have forbidden turns will be punished, from 0,6 to 9,9 points, depending on:
§ Amount of forbidden turns
§ Solo or formation performance
§ Number of extra turns
Negative points from this article are given at the end of valuation, and it is not mathematical calculated amount.
9.8. Other negative points
9.8.1. Dislocation occurs when team is not using the whole stage or the whole parade march route, and at the same time it's visible that this is not a choreographic mistake (if it were, it would be sanctioned in artistic impression) but is entirely mistake in team's performance. Dislocation is marked as negative points in section for asynchronization and others. Maximum negative points for dislocation can be 2x2,9 points.
9.8.2. Asymmetry is a formation's mistake where it's visible that stage choreography or parade march is not choreographed for number of majorettes that are dancing, that is when it's visible that team is missing a majorette in some places in formation (so called ''hole in formation''). Team will be punished for asymmetry with 1,0 points for each girl that is missing during the whole time of parade march or choreography performance. If a majorette gets hurt or for some other reason can't continue dancing, judges will deduct number of points proportional to the rest of the parade march or choreography duration (for example: majorette got hurt and gave up dancing halfway the parade march, team will get 0,5 point deduction). Asymmetry is marked as negative points.
9.8.3. Every delay in relation to the rest of the formation, that is every time delaying in dancing, change of formation and/or props technique will be considered as a mistake, asynchronization. Constant delay in relation to the rest of the formation (so called ''copying other majorettes'' ) that is a result of not enough practice of the individual, must be punished with more negative points than concrete asynchronization and arrhythmia, and up to twice the value for concrete asynchronization and arrhythmia.
9.8.4. If one or more majorettes are marching with a different leg than the rest of the formation, arrhythmia occurs (so called ''marching with the wrong leg'' ), with the exception of solo part, individual groupation of the formation or mirror-dancing. This mistake is sanctioned with 2,9 points for one majorette during the whole parade march or stage choreography, and up to 9,9 points for large number of majorettes (25-50% of formation) during the whole parade march or stage choreography. Individual marching with the wrong leg are punished proportional to the mentioned parameters. Punishment also depends on duration of the mistake and number of majorettes that are doing it. Judge who notices marching with the wrong leg in parade march will raise his hand and give up knowledge to the other judges about mentioned mistake. He will have his hand in the air until arrhythmia stops. Other judges will acknowledge the suggestion in order to avoid focusing only and exclusively on specific mistake, that is, so the other judges can focus on other possible mistakes.
9.8.5. Misalignment of the lines is punished in section for asynchronization and others, and depending on:
§ number of majorettes that are not aligned
§ duration of misalignment
§ difficulty of formative figure
§ current and previous difficulty of the formation change, dance steps or props technique
9.8.6. Hat that fell halfway the parade march or stage choreography is sanctioned as well as the drop of the props, that is, with 0,4 negative points in section for asynchronization and others. According to that, hat that fell at the beginning of the parade march is sanctioned with 0,6 and at the end with 0,2 negative points, that is, with proportional number of points on other parts of the parade march or stage choreography.
9.8.7. If the formation stopped on their own fault (damaged or low-grade CD, wrong music, fall of the captain,...) judges will decide whether this is a natural behavior of the majorette, that is, instinctive reaction. In that case, they will allow team to repeat their performance but they will punish them during the new performance in section ''repeats'', in a scale from 1,1 to 9,9 points, depending on where is the performance interrupted and what kind of mistake was made.
9.8.8. In case of interruption because of external influence of audience (laser, throwing objects on stage, etc..) judges will establish whether the external influence was made by their own audience or by an audience of the opposing teams. If the influence was made by their own audience, it will be considered that formation stopped on their own fault (article 9.8.7.). If judges can't determine what kind of audience is involved, or if an audience is opposing or neutral, they will allow team to repeat their performance without any consequences.
9.8.9. Negative points can be given to the team during performance for every asynchronization and arrhythmia:
§ hard and long 1,1 – 2,9 points
§ hard and short 0,6 – 1,0 points
§ easy and long 0,6 – 1,0 points
§ easy and short 0,1 – 0,5 points
9.8.10. None of the formation’s mistakes during the entire choreography or parade march performance cannot be higher than 9,9 negative points. This amount of points does not depend on total amount of mistakes, but to a single mistake (example: marching with a wrong leg, entire formation during the entire parade march), however, the total amount of points for asynchronization, arrhythmia, and other mistakes can be higher than 9,9 negative points. In case of multiple mistakes, simultaneously executed by one or more majorettes (example: running after falling prop, and tackling other majorette) a mistake is not valuated mathematically, but it is treated as a single mistake, while a judge must not punish a team for a single mistake of entire formation with more than 9,9 points, regardless of number of mistakes in a single mistake.
9.8.11. For similarity or repeat of the steps and formations judges gives negative points for:
§ identical parade march and stage choreography 5,0 – 9,9 points
§ important similarity in parade march and stage choreography 3,0 – 4,9 points
§ similarity in part of parade march and stage choreography 1,1 – 2,9 points
9.8.12. After performance judges gives negative points for:
§ formation does not have captain 0,6 – 9,9
§ majorettes does not have uniforms 0,6 – 9,9
§ majorettes have acrobatic figures in their dance 0,6 – 9,9
§ forbidden turns in props technique 0,6 – 9,9
§ formation dance on forbidden music from article 5.7.1. and 5.7.2. 0,6 – 9,9
§ formation dance on inappropriate music from article 5.7.3. 0,6 – 3,0
§ for every second longer or less than estimated time of performance 0,1 points are taken
§ every time a salute to the judges is not performed 1,0 points will be taken
9.9. Disqualification
9.9.1. Judges must disqualify group if:
§ formation or nonformation have male in formation
§ formation have less than 7 majorettes or duo have less or more then 2 majorettes, or solo have more than 1 majorette.
§ formation is made by majorettes from age class which are not allowed or have more than 40% of majorettes from other age classes
§ formation or nonformation use equipment which is not allowed by Rulebook
§ formation does not wont to dance one of disciplines
§ formation does not have 75% or nonformation does not have 100% of citizens of country which it represents
9.9.2. Team which is disqualified is last on EMC, and can not compete on that EMC any more.
9.9.3. Team which is disqualify in one form, category or age class have right to performer in other forms, category or age class they are qualify in.
10. Ranking and protest
10.1. Data processing
10.1.1. Data from judging form are put in computer. Computer has to calculate all positive and negative points and show total score.
10.1.2. Score is put on list from biggest to lowest score. Biggest score gets index 1, second 2 etc.
10.1.3. If two or more teams have same score they will share same index and next team skip as many places as there are teams who have same score.
10.2. Skating
10.2.1. All indexes from all judges and from all disciplines are put in one skating sheet. First team is the one who have most of indexes 1. Second team is one who has most of indexes 1 and 2. Third team is one who has most of indexes 1, 2 and 3 etc.
10.2.2. If two or more teams have same number of relevant indexes judges compare indexes on the left till they found which team has more indexes. If that can not be done judges compare indexes on right till they found which team has more indexes. In that case judges skip as many indexes as there are teams with same indexes.
10.2.3. If two or more teams have same indexes compared, and same indexes on left and right, judges calculate all total points from all judges and disciplines. Better place will get team which has biggest subtotal score.
10.2.4. If teams have difference in subtotal score from article 10.2.3. less then 1% they will share place.
10.3. Protest
10.3.1. Protest against giving points is not acceptable.
10.3.2. Other protests are handed over to the delegate not later than 10 minutes after finishing of the age class in discipline of competition.
10.3.3. The judges decide on legitimacy of the protest.
10.3.4. All protest on judges even about giving points is handed to EC not later than 15 days from championship. EC decide on legitimacy of the protest, and GA in 2nd instance.
Zagreb, 3rd February, 2017
By article 17, paragraph 3 of Statute of EMA-European majorettes’ association, 8th General Assembly of EMA in Zagreb on 24th November 2012, accept
I. General regulations
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. This Act regulates compensation for travel costs, fees and other costs for EMA officials, judges, computer operators, technicians and other EMA staff (from here on: officials).
1.1.2. Act is effect whenever EMA officials from article 1.1.1. are involved, regardless of whether the event organizer is EMA or third person.
II. Tariffs
2.1. Transportation
2.1.1. All travel costs are calculated by RuterMichelin in optimal option. Optimal option is shortest route from departure to destination exempt in case of much better road especially highway and state route instead local roads, but not more than 20% of longer route.
2.1.2. Departure is residence of official, but if that cuts costs of transportation it can be some other location. Exemption from that rule can also be other location if that is absolutely necessary and if EMA decide to cover that extra cost. In that case EMA president must make decision and inform official if EMA will pay that extra cost or not.
2.1.3. EMA will pay 0,20 EUR per every km official made by his car defined in article 1.2.1. EMA will pay for toll, parking and other real cost by original receipt that must be given to EMA. Without receipt that stay in EMA archives EMA will not pay for those costs.
2.1.4. Officials must use pool-car, and that means he must take other officials in his car by instruction of EMA to cut costs, even if that means his route will be longer. Official who will refuse pool-car will not get compensation, but all compensation will be given to that one who want to have pool-car, or if all officials agree one compensation for one car will be split to all officials.
2.1.5. If that is cheaper EMA will pay for train, bus or plane ticket for official or will organize trip and sent ticket to official. If official comes to event with charter bus of one team, EMA will pay 0,03 EUR per every km defined in article 1.2.1. to those who give transportation service for official. Official can not refuse to travel with other way of transportation that is organized by EMA. If EMA instruct him to use other transportation from this article, and official still insist to use his car, EMA will pay to official just amount of money for that transportation, doesn’t meter that car cost are bigger and that official use his car.
2.1.6. If official does not have his car in event, local transfers must be organized by EMA.
2.2. Lodging
2.2.1. Official has right for lodging in hotel with 3*** for every day of his presents in event. Maximum number of days defines EMA in advance. EMA will take care of possible connections with public transportation and lodging to support that.
2.2.2. Officials can be lodged in hotel with 2** just if in radius of 30 km there is no lodging of 3***.
2.2.3. Officials can not be lodged in room with more than 4 beds, and all officials in one room must be same sex.
2.3. Meals and beverages
2.3.1. Official must have one meal on every 8 hours spend in event, out of which at least one hot meal on every 24 hours spent on event. Meal must be good quantity, good quality and sanitary correct.
2.3.2. Official must use board meals (breakfast in hotel of lodging, half-board, full board) if it is organized by EMA, or some other meals that is organized by EMA.
2.3.3. If, because of reasonable reason, official can not use meals from article 2.3.2. he can have compensation of 12 EUR for lunch, 9 for dinner and 4 EUR for breakfast, or maximum of 25 EUR for one day (for example he has just 2 bigger meals).
2.3.4. Official has right for fresh water for drinking during event. In countries where water from tap is not drinkable official has right to get as much bottled water as he needs.
2.4. Privileged rights
2.4.1. Female official who has child younger than two years (from now one: privileged official) has privileged right to refuse pool-car from article 2.1.4. and in that case EMA will compensate costs like official comes to event alone. Privileged official has right for compensation of lodging and transportation costs for that child, and costs of lodging, transportation and meals for one more person to take care of that child when official is occupied on event.
2.4.2. EMA can refuse delegation of privileged person on that event, because of huge costs, and can ask for another person to be delegated.
2.4.3. President and general secretary if they are Croatian citizens and as headquarters is in Croatia will get daily allowance and transportation costs by law limits of Republic of Croatia. In same time they can not get costs for meals and beverages defined in article 2.3.1, 2.3.2. and 2.3.3. which is part of daily allowance.
2.5. Fee
2.5.1. Judges’ fee is 100 EUR per day of judging netto. Judge does not have right to get any fee for days that he comes earlier or stays latter than event, or that he is on trip.
2.5.2. Computer operators’ fee is 55 EUR per day of operating netto. One computer operator can be paid for one more day for preparation of data and software per one event.
2.5.3. Starter, head of security and other professionals’ fee is 50 to 100 EUR per day netto, in event delegated by EMA, depends of their position and rating.
2.5.4. Trainee judges and other officials do not have right for fee.
III. Other obligation
3.1. Documents necessary for compensation
3.1.1. EMA will pay all the real costs just and only if official gives original receipt to EMA which one EMA will keep for accounting in archives. Official must give to EMA original toll receipt, parking receipt, plane ticket, boarding pass, train ticket, bus ticket, invoice for rent’a’car and all other receipts or documents which proves that real cost was paid by official.
3.1.2. EMA will give certificate or other document for any fee that is paid to official.
3.2. Legal actions
3.2.1. Both sides would solve possible misunderstanding peacefully but in case of legal proceedings competent court is in Zagreb, Croatia.
3.2.2. Official is responsible for taxes or any administration obligation in his country connected to compensation from this Act.
3.2.3. Competent tax position is place of the event, and if it is not clear defined which is place of event than place of event is City of Zagreb, Republic of Croatia.
In Zagreb, 24th November, 2012
By article 17, paragraph 3 of Statute of EMA-European majorettes’ association, 8th General Assembly of EMA in Zagreb on 24th November 2012, accept
I. General obligation
1.1. Members have obligation to pay fee once per year by invoice that are sent to members in begging of the year for that year.
1.2. General Assembly decides of amount of yearly fee.
1.3. If member does not pay fee in current year it will not have right to vote in General Assembly and right to participate in European majorettes’ championship for that year.
II. Fee
2.1. Full members that has national association pays fee by how big association is:
tariff country fee
2.1.1. Croatia, Czech Republic 200,00 EUR
2.1.2. Romania, Slovenia 150,00 EUR
2.1.3. Bosnia and Herzegovina, France 100,00 EUR
2.1.4. Montenegro, Serbia, United Kingdom and other countries 50,00 EUR
2.2. Full members which does not have national association but temporary representative and affiliate members don’t pay membership fee, but they pay extra fee if they participate in European championship:
tariff country extra fee
2.2.1. Italy 25,00 EUR
2.2.2. Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and other countries 10,00 EUR
2.3. Fee can be paid in account of EMA by invoice, or in cash to EMA general secretary.
2.4. Both sides would solve possible misunderstanding peacefully but in case of legal proceedings competent court is in Zagreb, Croatia.
In Zagreb, 24th November, 2012
Article 1
This Statute defines the name, the headquarters and the area which EMA – European Majorettes Association (in following text: EMA) covers, representation, goals and activities by which the goals are achieved, realisation of public work, membership and membership fee, rights, obligations and responsibilities of members, internal constitution, bodies and their structure, authorities, deciding mode, conditions and mode of election and revocation, mandate duration and body members responsibility, assets and management of possible profit, manner of gaining assets, dissolves procedure as well as assets managing procedure in case of dissolves of EMA.
By this Statute majorette is defined as girl in uniform which on rhythm of march dance in stage or on parade and in same time do baton, mace or pom-pom technique.
Article 2
EMA is constituted by free and voluntarily allied physical and legal subjects who accept rights and obligations from the Statute.
EMA acts in the capacity of a legal subject and it’s registered in the Association Register at the authorized body of the Republic of Croatia state administration.
Legal subjects by international law are organizations which have the right to make contracts and other legal steps. In this Statute legal subject, as the member of EMA, can be national majorettes’ association or other organization that organizes national championship or some other collaboration between majorettes in one country or region. in some cases one or several teams from one country, can be a member of EMA, if and only if, EMA does not recognize majorettes’ association in that country. Automatically, when EMA recognizes national association in that country, it becomes full member instead of the teams that were members before. This procedure is automatical.
Article 3
Full title of the Association is EMA – European Majorettes Association.
The Association has shorter title which is EMA.
The headquarters of EMA is placed in Zagreb on the address Trebež 25.
EMA is represented by the President of EMA.
Article 4
EMA seal has 12 yellow five-pointed stars in circle which symbolized united Europe. Stars are connected with 6 white majorettes’ baton with balls at both ends that cross in the middle. In same time all that image symbolizes pom-pom. In bottom right corner of seal there is light blue sign “ema”. Seal can have worlds “european majorettes’ association” which then are yellow.
The seal of the EMA is the shape of a square each side 30 mm long, and contains the armour of EMA described in the first paragraph of this article.
Article 5
EMA can co-operate and become a member of similar Associations and Unions.
Article 6
The activity of EMA is public. The publicity of the activities is insured and realized through timely and truthfully informing of the members of EMA, as well as informing by media.
Members are being informed on the activities of EMA by written materials they receive, and on meetings of EMA bodies.
Media representatives can attend the meetings of EMA bodies, as well as inform the public about activities of the bodies and EMA.
As to insure the publicity of its activities, EMA publishes its paper according to rules on public informing. The resolution on publishing of the paper is formed by Executive Committee.
EMA also publishes other means of public information if necessary (periodical publications, bulletins, posters etc.).
Article 7
The basic goal of EMA is encouragement and promotion of the majorette-dance and common interests of the members, as well as encouragement of the gathering and allying of all majorettes in Associations and Unions, as to materialize interests of the members and promote majorette-dance.
The goals mentioned in the first paragraph of this article are achieved by EMA through:
• organizing European championship and other competitions;
• insuring high quality of common organization of performances in promotive actions;
• insuring regular flow of relevant information concerning activities of its members;
• organizing seminars, professional lectures, exchange and all other ways of improvement;
• training and creating competent judges;
• realizing common advertising as to promote majorette-dance;
• insuring fast and efficient flow of professional information, ideas and opinions;
• publishing different publications when needed;
• co-operating with other similar associations, as well as those which support the activities of EMA;
• representing interests of the members before authorized bodies.
Article 8
The decision about joining of EMA to the any form of union with other organizations or associations is made by General Assembly, if suggested by Executive Committee.
Representatives which constitute management bodies, mentioned in paragraph one of this article (union where EMA is member), are chosen by General Assembly amongst the members of Executive Committee. Being a representative does not exclude their membership in Executive Committee.
Representatives of EMA from paragraph two of this article has following obligations:
• to make regular reports to the Executive Committee of EMA on activities of the organization he/she has been elected for;
• not to make important decisions or attitudes without consulting the Executive Committee and the General Assembly. All statutory decisions as well as decisions concerning any rulebook, document or resolution of the bodies in Associations where EMA is member (paragraph one of this article), cannot be made by the representative alone. They have to be verified by General Assembly or by the Executive Committee of EMA, depending on the field of action the decision is related to;
• the representative of EMA in earlier mentioned organizations and bodies has to attend at least 75% of meetings of the managing of the managing bodies he/she is delegated into;
• to actively represent the interests of EMA.
Article 9
The member mentioned in first paragraph of the Article 2 of this Statute that will join EMA, forms a resolution about joining EMA and accepting all rights and obligations of the members defined by this Statute.
Rights and obligations of the membership of EMA become valid on the day EMA receives the resolution about joining EMA.
Members who sent resolution about join EMA becomes affiliated member by decision of Executive Committee. In first General Assembly members will vote eider member will stay in status of affiliated member of will become full member.
In those countries which does not have national association EMA can decide to have one club or other institution to become representative of EMA. This institution has same status as other full members but if EMA gets resolution for joining EMA from some national association from same country EMA will automatically transfer full membership to that national association.
Membership in EMA creates a bond of professional solidarity between members of EMA as well as between members of allied member, and sense of duty to be rightful and loyal, to give moral support and to co-operate with other members.
EMA keeps a register of its members. The Executive committee decides on the matter of form, content and mode of keeping the register.
Article 10
The full member of EMA has following rights:
• taking part in managing EMA;
• to delegate and choose its representatives in EMA’s bodies, initiate and propose forming, as well as changing and amending of the Statute and other general documents, resolutions, programs and other documents that are formed by EMA’s bodies;
• to initiate and propose actions concerning development and realization of EMA activities;
• to make notes and suggestions on the activities of EMA’s bodies;
• to take part in any activity of EMA according to its own choice and interests;
• to receive information gained by EMA and to be informed about activities of EMA and its bodies, as well as about its financial transactions.
Affiliate member has following rights:
• to initiate and propose actions concerning development and realization of EMA activities;
• to make notes and suggestions on the activities of EMA’s bodies;
• to take part in any activity of EMA according to its own choice and interests;
• to receive information gained by EMA and to be informed about activities of EMA and its bodies, as well as about its financial transactions.
• to participate in General Assembly but without right to vote.
The member of EMA has following obligations:
• to protect and to promote interests and reputation of EMA by its fair and professional attitude and behaviour;
• to take part in activities and realization of the goals of EMA, as well as to realize assignments trusted to a member;
• to act according to this resolutions of EMA’s bodies;
• to abide by the rules of this Statute and other general documents of EMA;
• to pay membership and attendance fees.
Article 11
The membership in EMA is suspended by:
• suspension of EMA;
• written resolution of the competent body of member of EMA about withdrawal from the membership;
• exclusion from the membership;
• striking out from the membership.
The member of EMA can be excluded from EMA if it has seriously damaged EMA and/or its members by its actions, or if it is damaging the reputation of EMA and/or its members, as well as if it is acting against the resolutions of this Statute.
The member of EMA can be stricken out from the members register if it has not paid the membership fee for more than two years or if it has not paid attendance fee it is obliged to pay.
The resolution about exclusion and striking out from the members register is formed by the Executive Committee. The member in question can appeal against such decision in 30 days time to the General Assembly, whose decision is final.
Article 12
The bodies of EMA are:
1. the General Assembly (in following text: GA)
2. the Executive Committee (in following text: EC)
3. the President of EMA
4. the Vice-president of EMA
5. the general secretary of EMA
6. the Supervisory Board.
Article 13
GA is the highest body that runs EMA, and is constituted by two legitimate representatives of each legal subject as member of EMA and physical subject as member of EMA.
Article 14
Regular GA of EMA is held at least once every two years.
The President of EMA can summon an special GA at his own initiative or as a response to demands of minimum one half of the total number of members of EMA, assuming the agenda is suggested along with the demand.
If the President of EMA does not summon GA responding to the demands of the subjects mentioned in the second paragraph of this article, the member which has demanded it will summon it itself within 30 days from presenting the demand.
The special GA considers only the questions it has been summoned about.
In case of emergency EMA president can summon special GA within 15 days but for that he must have preliminary positive decision of EMA Executive Committee
In case of emergency and for subjects that are not very important for EMA (changing of member, changing of place or date of championship, minor changers of Rulebook, conflict of minutes ratification etc.) and that subject is not changing of Statute EMA or election of bodies, president can ask members of GA to vote by e-mail or some other way (video conference, skype etc.). In that case there must be preliminary positive decision of EMA Executive Committee. In case of voting by e-mail EMA administration must sent all documents by e-mail in advance and allow possibility for all members to react and sent their reaction to all other GA members. In that case question for GA members must be in form that answer can be simple YES or NO. In same form there must be possibility for EMA members to put veto on e-mail voting and if 1/2 of full EMA members put veto there can be no e-mail voting and EMA must organize special GA.”
Article 15
GA is summoned by the President of EMA by delivering written invitations to the members of the GA at least 30 days prior to the date GA meeting is held on.
The invitation contains data on the place and the time of GA meeting, as well as the suggested agenda. Along with the invitation, all the materials concerning suggested agenda are delivered.
GA meeting is presided by the President EMA.
The manner in which GA acts can be regulated by standing orders of GA.
Article 16
The quorum necessary for GA decisions to be valid is at least one half of the total number of members – representatives of EMA’s members. If in GA is no quorum from this article GA will wait for 30 minutes and then will proceed with regular work with members that are present. In that case members that are present are quorum doesn’t matter how many of those are present.
The valid decisions of GA are formed by voting of the majority of the present members of GA in favour of.
GA meetings are public and everything that happens is noted in minute-book of the meeting.
Members must sent mandate with name of representatives in GA at least 15 days in advance of GA. If they don’t sent mandate with names of representatives in GA EMA will presume that member will not participate in that GA. In case of GA that was summoned by article 14 paragraph 5 mandate must be sent at least 5 days in advance, and if not EMA will presume that member will not participate in that GA. Members cannot sent that mandate latter than 15 days in advance or 5 days in advance in case of GA summoned by article 14 paragraph 5, or during GA.
If in GA is election for bodies of EMA members must sent proposals at least 7 days In advance of GA and if not EMA will presume they don’t have candidate for bodies. Members cannot sent those proposals latter than 7 days in advance or during GA. If there is no enough candidates for bodies members can candidate persons for bodies in GA but then GA vote separately for proposals sent in advance and separately for “free” number/s of persons between candidates that are proposed on GA. If one national association candidate representative from other national association or country he/she must give them written permission that they can do that and that he/she has will to candidate. Without that permission candidature will not be considered as one.
Article 17
General Assembly:
• accept the Statute as well as changes and amendments of it;
• accept the Rulebook;
• accept general documents necessary for EMA activities;
• elects and discharges the President, Vice-president and the general secretary of EMA, as well as the members of the Executive Committee and the Supervisory Board;
• considers Presidential report on EMA’s activities;
• decides on participation of EMA in other international organizations’ activities;
• decides on joining of EMA to other organizations, becoming a member of other organizations or withdrawal from one;
• deals with appeals of EMA members in second degree;
• decides on dissolves of EMA;
• decides on other questions important for EMA activities defined by this Statute that are placed under authority of other body.
Article 18
Executive Committee is the executive body of GA and it runs the activities of EMA between two GA meetings.
EC is constituted by 5 members, including President of EMA, from different countries, who are elected by EMA GA members.
The President of EMA is also the president of EC. Other members of EC are elected by GA out of its membership for the mandate of two years, with the possibility of re-election.
GA can decide that president, general secretary and vice-president of EMA participate in EC activities but without the right to vote, if not they have the right to vote.
The general secretary and Vice-president of EMA are elected every two years, with the possibility of re-election by GA amongst members of EC.
Article 19
Executive Committee:
• executes decisions, conclusions and recommendations of GA;
• proposes changes and amendments to the Statute as well as to other documents of EMA;
• forms necessary decisions on organizing competitions, festivals and other meetings of the majorettes;
• delegates judges and delegates for competitions;
• decides on using the assets of EMA;
• decides on directing representatives of EMA to international gatherings related to the profession, as well as on the approvement of the travel and stay costs of the representatives;
• founds boards, commissions and other bodies that help achieving EMA’s goals;
• insures regular informing of the public and members EMA about EMA activities and results;
• regulates the membership fee;
• fulfils all other duties trusted to it by GA.
The meetings of EC are held as often as necessary, and they are summoned and presided by the President of EMA.
The meeting can be held only if more than a half of total number of members of EC is present, and the decisions of EC are valid if more than a half of total number of EC members votes in favour of one.
In case of emergency and for subjects that are not very important for EMA president can ask members of EC to vote by e-mail or some other way (video conference, skype etc.). In case of voting by e-mail EMA administration must sent all documents by e-mail in advance and allow possibility for all members to react and sent their reaction to all other EC members. In that case question for EC members must be in form that answer can be simple YES or NO.
Article 20
The President of EMA:
• is responsible to EMA;
• summons and presides EMA and EC meetings, suggests the agenda of those;
• is responsible for legality of EMA activities;
• takes care about informing of the members and realization of EMA activities publicity;
• executes the decisions of GA and EC.
He/she is also the president of GA and EC.
The President of EMA is responsible to GA and EC.
The President of EMA is also the giver of orders concerning financial transactions of EMA.
The Vice-president of EMA replaces the President of EMA in case of:
• death of the President of EMA;
• longer illness of mental disability of the President of EMA;
• authority given to him by the President of EMA.
The President and Vice-president of EMA are elected for a mandate of two years, with possibility of re-election.
Article 21
The general secretary (in following text: the secretary) of EMA runs the business and the activities of EMA according to the law, this Statute and general documents. The secretary of EMA is the business managing body of EMA.
The general secretary executes following tasks:
• organizes professional, technical and assisting services for EMA;
• gives professional instructions to the activists in professional services;
• takes care about execution of GA and EC decisions;
• reports as needed to EMA’s bodies;
• takes the minutes of EC and GA meetings;
• fulfils other duties according to EMA’s bodies’ decisions.
The general secretary is responsible to EC and GA.
Article 22
GA can revoke and acquit EC, the President, Vice-president and the general secretary of EMA before their mandate has run out if they violate their authorities or if they do not fulfil their obligations, as well as if they do not act according to this Statute.
Authorized body of member of EMA can, because of the reasons described in the first paragraph of this article, revoke its own representative in GA. If that representative is also a member of EC, his mandate in this body is automatically terminated. The mandate of the new representative elected by member of EMA lasts to the end of the mandate of his predecessor. If the revoked member was also member of EC, EC proclaims new member of EC, whose mandate lasts to the end of the mandate of EC he/she has been elected into.
If revoke particular members of EC or the President of member of EMA, GA elects new members of EC or new President of EMA for the time of the mandate of the body they were elected into.
If revoke the entire EC, GA elects the new one with the full mandate.
Every member of EC and the President of member of EMA can ask for his/hers resolution before their mandate has run out, but they have to attend to their duties until their resolution is official. GA is obliged to form a revocation resolution at its first meeting.
Article 23
The Supervisory Board has 3 members elected by GA for the mandate of two years, with possibility of re-election.
President, Vice-president and the general secretary of member of GA of EMA can not be the members of the Supervisory Board at the same time.
The Supervisory Board makes valid decisions by voting the majority of its members in favour of.
The president of the Supervisory Board, elected by Boards members amongst themselves, summons the meetings of the Board, runs its activities and fulfils other duties trusted to him by the Board or by GA.
The members of the Supervisory Board are responsible to GA.
Article 24
The Supervisory Board considers and supervises:
• execution of resolutions formed by this Statute and other general documents of EMA;
• financial transactions and managing the assets of EMA;
• realization of the decisions, conclusions and other documents;
• fulfils other duties trusted to it by GA.
Article 25
The Supervisory Board is entitled to ask to gain insight in the documentation and all data about EMA activities and business. EC and the President of EMA are obliged to make this possible without further ado.
Members of the Supervisory Board can attend EC meetings, but with no voting rights.
The Supervisory Board can ask for summoning of EC and GA meetings if it recognizes some irregularities in financial or other transactions and/or activities of EMA, negligence in execution of tasks or violation of the Statute and other general documents of EMA.
Article 26
The manner and procedure of revocation of the Supervisory Board or one of its members is regulated by the Revocation regulations of this Statute.
Article 27
EC can constitute boards and other temporary working bodies of EMA.
EC appoints the president and the members of the boards and other working bodies out of its membership or membership of GA. It can also appoint someone from the membership of some EMA’s member. Tasks and appointments, as well as the mandate of the members are defined by the appointment resolution paper.
Boards and other temporary working bodies execute their tasks and appointments they were constituted for and report to EC.
Article 28
Assets of EMA are composed of the incomes EMA gains through:
• membership and attendance fees;
• donations and grants;
• means given to EMA by international organizations that support the actions and activities of EMA;
• means gained by organizing seminars and lectures, as well as by publishing activities according to the law;
• other incomes gained according to the law.
Article 29
EMA manages its assets according to the regulations on material and financial transactions and activities of no profitable organizations.
Account and book-keeping business is run for EMA by EC, which can for that purpose hire an outside assistant.
All incomes and expenses are regulated by the financial plan that is made for the time of one calendar year and is valid during that year.
At the end of that year, the final account is made.
EC of EMA has ordering rights in the field of managing EMA assets.
If through its own activities EMA gains profit, it is used exclusively for the purposes of realization and promotion of EMA’s activities by which the goals of EMA defined by this Statute are achieved.
Article 30
The Statute is fundamental general document of EMA and all other general documents have to be written according to its regulations.
Scheme of the changes and amendments of the Statute is prepared and defined by EC of EMA and is presented for discussion to the members of EMA.
EMA considers remarks and propositions given at the discussion, takes stands on them and defines the proposition of the Statute.
Article 31
Interpretation of the Statute regulations is given by GA, and between the sessions of GA, EC can also give its interpretation, of which is obliged to report to GA at its first following meeting.
Article 32
The Statute of EMA is established by voting of the two-thirds-majority of all present members of GA in favour of. Changes and amendments of the Statute are treated in the same manner.
All general documents and rulebooks, as well as the changes and amendments of those are treated in the same manner as the Statute.
Decision on suspension of EMA makes GA by two-third-majority votes of all EMA’s members given in the favour of.
In case of suspension of EMA all the assets of it are to be given to The Children and Youth Centre, Vladimira Nazora street 49, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Post je objavljen 06.10.2017. u 13:45 sati.