So, finally I moved to Singapore - again. Hopefully, this time forever. I mean, Europe is nice - for being a tourist. Especially Croatia. It's great to come for a week in Croatia, travel and enjoy. But to live there - not for me, really.
I'm still a bit jet lagged but I'm going out nevertheless. I want to see what has change since my last trip last year. Last time when I was here, I wasn't at a happy place really. My father just died and I felt so meaningless, so stupid. I lost a part of myself back then and couldn't really enjoy in life. I'm not in grief anymore, I still miss him and talk to him often. However, now I know that I can do anything with my life as long as I'm healthy and happy.
So, back on the track. Singapore Airlines is definitely one of the best airlines ever - especially their business class. I simply adore it and I always get great night sleep so the jet lag lasts for less than a day :).