Along with president of Yugoslavia Tito, there were two more prominent personalities of today, who as the past incarnations lived in the city of Marshall, capital of Harrison county, in East Texas.
George W. Bush, former governor of Texas, is incarnation, actually, of the very first governor of Texas (1845), named James P. Henderson. He came to Texas in 1836 from Mississippi, and was appointed by Sam Houston as the Republic of Texas’ attorney general, and soon became Secretary of State, after Stephen F. Austin’s death.
It is interesting that both Henderson and Isaac van Zandt (incarnation: Charlie Sheen), another political leader of the Republic, went in 1844 to Washington, to secure the annexation of Texas to the United States. As it was earlier said, at that time US president was John Tyler. If is true that incarnation of president’s daughter Pearl Tyler is actress Judy Greer, then in TV series “Two and Half Men” she played along with man who negotiated with her father in the past incarnation, about the annexation of Texas. Sounds strange, isn’t it?
Post je objavljen 16.03.2017. u 15:51 sati.