EA 17 on the FUT Web Access 16 in preparation FUT take very soon. If this happens when you try to access the Web application, you will be redirected to a "Coming Soon" page, like this one. This means that your season starts almost.
This early access is only FUT 16 players who have created a security question and answer in the WAS console before August 1, 2016. They must be there. You will receive a starter kit and some house packages based solely on their play activities FUT 16. During the first days of daily gifts received http://www.fifacoinsreviews.com/fifacoinsde-reviews will also be available, so the sooner you start, the more you can earn. Do not forget every day to access their applications. Every day is forgotten, it is a package, unless you get. First, you have all the cards, which can get you to start their first investments.
But if the application site was FIFA 17 launched? Besides game developers, no one can the FIFA date web application confirm 17 release. It is very hard to find 17 launched because EA Sports FIFA Web application this time never given the start date to avoid server overload known. It will probably be a week announced before the release, but you should try to connect one or two days before the official date.
In FIFA 14, they put out the Web application on September 11 and announced what's the best pack to buy on fifa 17 that up to 15 but EA Sports advance in three days. In FIFA 15, the web application was shot on 12 and 18 September assurance. It is believed to be 17, but delayed some problems. Last year was the FIFA web application under construction since September 11, and was the world in the UK, released two days before the announced date from September 15 to 18 hours.
You can download the publication dates of the past five years safe fifa coins in the following table can be found at:
Early Access
Ad launch a series of ports of Access EA Origin Web Applications
FIFA 13 25/09/2012 18/09/2012 18/09/2012 N.A. n / A.
FIFA 14 24/09/2013 15/09/2013 13/09/2013 20/09/2013 N.A.
FIFA 15 23/09/2014 17/09/2014 18/09/2014 18/09/2014 N.A.
FIFA 16 22/09/2015 17/09/2015 15/09/2015 16/09/2015 N.A.
FIFA 17 09/27/2016 ?? / 09/2016 20/09/2016 * 22/09/2016 22/09/2016
* Estimated Date
Based on our past experience and according to the dates of the last few years the most likely date Tuesday, September 20, 2016. This is is not a final official date, but has a better chance.
Release dates scheduled for FIFA 17 Ultimate Team are:
made FUT web application by cheapest fifa coin seller maintenance
18:00 UK time, Friday, September 16, 2016
FUT Web App and Companion App
06:00 UK time, Tuesday, September 20, 2016
EA Origin and Access
18:00 UK Thursday, September 22 year 2016th
When Electronic Arts FIFA 17 Web App confirmed release date, we fifa coins comparison will update this page.
Stay connected with the FIFA U-Team, because we publish many exclusive content in the coming weeks.
From fifacoinsreviews.com
Post je objavljen 13.09.2016. u 10:44 sati.