Blizanački plamenovi su zajedno onda kada su spremni za takav intenzitet međuodnosa. nešto u vama ga džri na dinstacni. pronalaženje twin flame funkcionira najbolje KADA STE OČISTILI SVOJE VLASTITO SRCE. udružuju snage i sposobni su prevazći takve prepreke kakve obični smrtnici ne smiju ni pomisliti da bi ih mogli savladati. imaju mnogo toga da podijele s drugim ljudima. Iz odgovornosti prema drugome nesmiješ odašiljati negativnu energiju. Odašilji energiju ljubavi i nade. Ogromna neobjašnjiva radost ili depresija mogu biti od tvog twin flame.
U ime Hrista, pozivam Ja jesam prisutnost (unutarnju djecu) naših blizanačkih plamenova da sjedini naša srca radi ostvarenja naše misije u ovom svijetu. Pozivam svjetlo Svetog Duha da upije u sebe svu negativnu karmu koja ograničava projavu božanstva u nam i ispunjenja božanske misije. «Otvaram svoje srce. Kažem «DA» ljubavi. Neka Božija volja bude moja volja. Kažem «DA» mom blizanačkom plamenu i počinjem proces dozivanja mog blizanačkog plamena u svoju svijest, svoje srce i u svoj život.»
u vrijeme sureta ako imaš osjećanja koja su bazirana na egu ili strahu, oni će se također pokazati i u tvom twin flameu. svako od vas mora biti duboko i kompletno posvećen raskrinkavanju i eliminaciji svojih ego - starih vjerovanja. Tamo gdje ga primjeti ego u svom odnosu mora ga ukloniti i samo najčišću ljubav davati svom partneru. twin flame parovi moraju svaki dan čak i svaki čas predavati svoju volju Bogu, fokusirajući se na ljubav i vjerujući da će ih Bog odnijeti preko velova do savršene ljubavi.
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nakon susreta blizanačke polovine su zauvek izmenjene i nisu u stanju da se vrate i budu onakve kakve su bile pre sastanka. individualno će prolaziti kroz proces suočavanja sa dubokim stvarima u njima samima. ONE se ponovo ujedine kasnije kada budu bile BEZBEDNE i SNAŽNE u svojim individualnim. Bićete preopterećeni osećanjima. Ženske polovine nalaze da je vrlo teško što njihova muška polovina izgleda da se povlači. Šok upoznavanja PRE MALO RAZGOVORA. razdvajaju SE ako nisu spremne da budu zajedno na ljudskom nivou. razdvanjanje - POBJEĐIVANJE EMOCIJA bola, besa i frustracije, fizičke bolesti. Ujedinjenje uzrokuje telepatsku povezanost. nikada nećete biti sigurni da li su ono što osećate vaša sopstvena osećanja ili osećanja vašeg blizanca. Potrebno je da budete u stanju da VIDITE i PRIHVATITE sve u vezi sa sobom, to kakvi ste, dobre i loše stvari u vašoj ličnosti, da biste mogli da izdržite odraz vaše sopstvene blizanačke duše. Ne možete doći do vašeg blizanca ako osećate da nešto u vama nedostaje. ženske polovine Često žude za emocionalnom povratnom reakciom od svojih muških polovina. moram se odnostiti sa brigom i čašću prema Meni kao polovini jedne duše. Morate se suociti sa svojim zivotom i sa sobom ovde i sada. Morate biti potpuno ziva dusa u svom fizickom telu. Vasa blizanacka dusa ce uvek odrazavati ( reflektovati ) bilo koju situaciju u kojoj se vi nalazili. NPR. izgubljenost. kada se dogodi da izgubi sebe oba blizanaca su izgubljena. Vi morate biti vi, da bi ste bili magnet vasoj blizanackoj duši. Ujedinjenje sa blizanackom dusom na Zemlji zavisi od spremnosti, narocito licne spremnosti svakog od blizanaca pojedinacno.
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not to be romanticized in the context of perception of the male and female relationship. Do not expect candlelight dinners and bouquets of roses. This union transcends all definitions of male/female unions.
The Divine purpose ofTwin Flame union = create Completion and to be at service, higher service of humanity. Twin Flames must collapse duality.
union of male (Na) intonation 601 and the female (Se) intonation 702. iodine (I) intonation 801 will cause (Na) to leave (Se) and form (NaI). bromide (Br) intonation 701 will cause the (Na) to leave (I) and form (NaBr). chlorine (Cl) intonation 601 is true tonal mate of (Na) will cause (Na) leave (Br) to form very stable (NaCl). Once the true tonal mates unite ... NO element can separate them. The alkaline Na united with acid female Cl - neutralisation - equilibrium- become salts.- Overtone which creates a Field of No-Time.
personal preferences, relationships and perceived obligations may be thrust aside so that absolute service to the Divine Plan becomes the ONLY reality of the Twin Flame.
The energetic link of the former relationship needs to be dismantled . do not bring old baggage into this union? when Twin Flame comes together ... Everything is Amplified! The harmonious is amplified AND the inharmonious is amplified to. everything may be blown out of proportion. Little irritants become gigantic obstacles. Twin Flames cant stabilize their Union unless they sabilize themselves and avoid human emotional reactions. If your words seem to go unheard or unresponded to by your partner, its not necessary to respond to insignificant expressions of the human mind. let go inharmonious emotional reactions. not try to fit the Twin Flame relationship into a human context of interaction. If you need to get angry with your partner. so be. it is just an illusion Be but only five minutes. Do not let the mind and altered ego rationalize and justify such reactions. we are dealing with tremendous amplification here ...Twin Flame relationship = Androgynous. You may not feel female and you may not feel male? absence of polarity within the relationship. sodium and chlorine . have lost their metallic qualities and become the "salt of the earth". My partner loves to cook. I let him do the cooking. My partner brings information through vertical, direct from the Source, which is not necessarily sequential (in right order). I have the ability to sort it all out in a horizontal so that you can understand it! Together they can accomplish more than they could as two separate beings, multiply their powers exponentially.
to transcend male and female dualities, its not necessary to play the purported designated roles of society. it lies strictly in the hands of the Divine Mind. Let go of the male and female functions, demonstrated by society. They have been trained and prepared to undergo this Mission.
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the strength of that bond can stir up all sorts of emotions, not all pleasant, and it will depend to a great extent on the spiritual maturity of both parties as to how those emotions area dealt with. you should have have cleared out any emotional issues (both current and past life). If the emotional upheaval is severe enough, and if one or the other of the pair refuses to face their issues head on and tries to run from the emotions that are brought to the surface, it can temporarily wreck havoc(pustoš) with the twin flame relationship.
Twin Flame relationship is not by definition a romantic relationship. (its unconditional love and service to all of life). The Twin Flame connection involves the totality of all emotions including those of a friend, lover, parent, child, teacher, student or any other emotional tie. sometimes you will feel them all at the same time, which can be extremely disconcerting. Dont try to define this connection by earthy terms and by trying to fit the relationship into some sort of pre-labeled box where it can be understood and analyzed by the human mind. the soul may ask you to do things that you would normally never consider doing. you have to trust that it will not ask you to do anything that is not in alignment with your higher self and your soul purpose.
Post je objavljen 30.07.2016. u 20:37 sati.