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My Story!

I was introduced to SFI by an internet marketer, who got into SFI as a result of another marketer. So my up-line consists of two people who make a lot of money from SFI, will probably never quit SFI, and do nothing to help their down-line. Everything I know about SFI, my successes and failures, are all my doing. My co-sponsor tries somewhat, with the occasional 'inspirational' message, and reminder to do my daily tasks.

I started out in SFI using my own money, doing the tasks, etc. I became a BTL, with a 'team' that basically did nothing. I had one CSA that had a standing order for 125 TC, and the rest usually didn't bother to sign in. I got over 1,000 PSA's, and about 800 CSA's. But, I was not making as much as I was spending.

I made a decision to quit spending anything other than profits. I knew that within a short period of time that I would probably lose the only person who consistently made me a few dollars, and I was going to lose all my CSA's as well. But no matter, I wanted to learn how to run the business without spending any money on it.

I went back down to EA2, and then Affiliate in just 2 months. I stayed at the Affiliate level for a long, long time. Now, I'm not going to pretend that I spent months reading up on all the great ways I could market myself, nor did I bother joining safelists or traffic exchanges, nor any of that 'stuff' that we keep telling newbies to do. Why?

To be honest, at first I felt that scraping around the bottom of the barrel looking for the occasional tidbit was beneath me. Just to be clear, I am an internet marketer, and sell all kinds of info-products. I know how to write good sales copy, how to target my audience, where to advertise at, how to set up and run a blog, and many other things. However, I found SFI to be quite unique in its promise, and it did appear to deliver for some people. I wanted to understand what it must be like for somebody who really doesn't have any money, and is not an online geek or marketer.

I signed in most days, played a few games, won T-Time about once a week, and slowly built up some MRP. I did do some free advertising, but the time required was ridiculous in comparison to the pathetic results I achieved. So, I read thoroughly through the training, and started to implement as much of the given program as is possible with no money. The results? Generally disastrous, and quite disappointing. However, I noticed that if I did certain things, I tended to gain TCredits, and MRP. I could save up those MRP, and purchase an S-Builder share, so I did. I purchased an S-Builder, which delivered a few PSA's, but they were duds. Repeated the process, and didn't get much more than the first attempt. Frustrated somewhat, I started to wonder if those who said that they never spent any money on SFI were just BS'ing. I stopped working on SFI, and focused on other things for a while.

I don't know how long I didn't bother to log in for, maybe 3-4 months. I was in between projects, and decided to check back in to SFI. There were a few new games, and there had been a few changes to the overall layout of things, but mostly it looked pretty much the same as before. I still had $20 of commissions, dunno where they came from, a couple of TCredits, and about 500 MRP. I decided to give it another go.

I tried out the new games, won a few rounds of KOT, got some TCredits from Pick or Punt, won a few times on T-Time. This lasted a couple of months, while I accumulated MRP. Things changed for me with the new Fast-Track program introduction, and the New Member Pack. I had enough MRP to buy one NMP, which gave me 3 CSA's, and some VP. I decided to up my game, and try to maintain my regained EA2 status, but still not spending any money out of my pocket. I ended up buying some S-Builder shares with my MRP, and I've been able to maintain EA2 using the MRP I have acquired. I'm starting a free blog on where I will talk about things that I know about making money online. (Needless to say, I will have a lot to tell about SFI.)

I never spent the $20 of commissions, and I have 1500 MRP and 20 TCredits at the time of writing this. In other words, I can maintain my EA2 for at least a couple more months without earning any more points or commissions. I still don't have any decent active members in my down line.

SFI does in fact provide a self-sustaining business opportunity. You do NOT need to spend a single dime out of your own pocket! Sure, buying affiliates might help, spending money for decent advertising will help, but putting in the time and effort to learn as much as you can about SFI is the biggest single thing a person can do to help themselves. Over time, if you work the opportunities that are presented to you, you can slowly build up a team. Sure, most of that team will be duds, but you'll get the occasional jewel. By simply earning TCredits and MRP, you can buy S-Builder shares, or PSA's To Go. You don't need to worry about advertising, getting a website, posting on social media, harassing your family and friends, or any of that other 'inconvenient' stuff. You can indeed build a business from home, dressed in your best birthday suit if you so choose.

So what have I learned in the couple of years that I have been with SFI?

It's up to me to decide to work the business, and learn what I need to know. I am the one that has to log in each day, and complete my tasks. It is up to me to figure out how to carefully conserve those precious points. My choices and decisions are my problem, deal with them. It is not my upline's responsibility to grow my business for me.

People from around the world, who don't speak English, can make the program work for them. Many of those people have become Team Leaders, and are willing to help you if you ask. There is help available in the forum for almost any aspect of SFI, no matter your rank/status. Support does a good job of looking after account problems, and seems to care about the people in SFI. (Yeah, they have their off days too, but who doesn't?) It is up to you to seek out any help that you need.

I look forward to working with the people in SFI, and this forum, while I slowly grow a real team.

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Post je objavljen 22.05.2015. u 17:36 sati.