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How to make money?

This post is for new members who still learning the ropes how to make some earnings here.

This will be about making sales.

I will use example with Auctions / TCredits. It may work with any other of 80.000+ articles / services from TripleClicks if you think you can promote that better / easier than auctions.

Pricebender Auctions are pretty attractive so you can promote them. Many ideas and resorces like Ad copy, banners, Gateway with your link included etc. are already given LINKS

Anyone who want to participate need TCredits. What if you promote Auctions and you find someone who is interested? What you will earn that way?

Before I start here is important thing to be understood. Commissions structure. Every SFI or ECA article has a price, but a part of end sale price goes to TripleClicks. That is 15% or more. A part of that money TripleClicks gives back to us - SFI affiliates. That part we call CV - Commision Volume.

All such articles thus have SFI AFFILIATES TAB. Login to TripleClicks, and open this link:

that is SFI AFFILIATE TAB of 200 TCredits Pack. As you can see CV - Commision Volume in a case of 200 TCredits pack is $22.14 or $19.68 SO If a person who wants to buy that pack put that on SO - Standing Order, he will pay bit LESS, thus CV is slightly less than if it just a regular order ( w/o SO ).

Now, a part of the CV and that is exactly 45% we call DC - Direct Commission. That is a money in YOUR pocket if someone, referred by YOU, order that pack.

You can see real time report of all orders and a $ you earned on that orders here: MY ACCT >>> MY REPORTS >>> TC SALES REPORT

Also, there are some VP - Versa Points mentioned on the SFI AFFILIATES TAB One obvious way to get that VPs is to buy 200 TCredits pack. But there is also another way to get that VPs without you spending your money! And not just w/o spending any money, but you will also MAKE some money beside VPs yhat you will get!

A person referred by you can decide to become SFI affiliate, and be a part of your TEAM here. In such case we call him PSA - Personal Sponsored Affiliate.

But, there is another sort of referrals PRMs - Personally Referred Members. They are NOT SFI affiliates, they are rather just "registered buyers on TripleClicks". Registered via your link so you will be credited with commission if they buy something there ( including TCredits of course ). You will not find them in your GENEALOGY report, because they are NOT your *TEAM*. You will see them here: MY ACCT >>> MY REPORTS >>> TC MEMBERS

Example #1 Your PSA buy 200 TCredits pack
In that case you will be credited with DC - Direct Commission. That is, as we said, 45% of CV - Commission Volume. In case of 200 TCredits pack without SO ( Standing Order ) you will earn $9.96 You will see that earnings here: MY ACCT >>> MY REPORTS >>> TC SALES REPORT and that will be paid to you arround the 15th next month. If you have at least $20 in total earnings for the whole previous month. As you can see with just 2 such sales you are almost at $20 earnings, ready for your Payoneer Mastercard ( and 500 one time Action VP for that ). Plus, you will get that money around the 15th next month.

But in this example your PSA will get attached VPs - Versa Points and that is 1,661 VP. YOU can gt that 1661 VP as you MATCHING SHARES if you are at least TL - Team Leader, and your PSA is at least EA2 ( repeated Executive Affiliate )

NOTE: there is NO necessary qualification to earn DC - Direct Commission. Your own rank can be AFF but you WILL get DC on EVERY sale. So, if you don't have money to buy anything, MAKE IT, by promoting for example Pricebender auctions and bringing here people from all over the world who want to try them and who DO have money to buy TCredits. Promote and you will earn your *startup capital*

Example #1 Your PRM buy 200 TCredits pack
As we said, PRM is someone referred by you, but who doesn't want to bother with affiliate part of SFI. Instead they are looking for some great deals online. If your PRM buy 200 TCredits pack, you will again earn Direct Commission. $9.96 if your PRM makes just a regular order ( without putting that pack on his SO - Standing Order ).

What about VP - Versa Points? You PRM is not an SFI affiliate. Versa Points mean nothing to your PRM because they can't earn here. So YOU get that 1,661 Versa Points! Quite enough to be qualified as an EA / fulfill 1500 minimum Sales VP for any Team Leader rank.

What if your PRM buy 2 packs? You get DOUBLE! Double MONEY + Double Versa Points!

What if your PRM buy a Truck on TripleClicks??? Well, you will get A LOT of versa points + A LOT of PURE MONEY as your Direct Commission.

What if you promote, promote, promote, and have more PRMs? You will score more VPs and earn more money of course.

What if your PRM buy now 1 pack, than *disappear* i.e. don't buy anything for a while, but after a few months he decide to try auctions again and order 200 TCredits Pack? Well, you will wake up with some Versa Points AND some MONEY on your account! W/o you even knowing that your PRM will decide to do that. You would just spot that VPs and money on your Scoreboard and TC Sales Report.

So, What if you DON'T have ANY MONEY to buy ANYTHING here? Answer is above. PROMOTE.

This *qualifies* me to tell you that

Sales are not easy, but it is NOT a rocket science either!

Post je objavljen 09.05.2015. u 16:37 sati.