I never watched the anime, but I decided to watch the movie to get the whole idea of it. The beginning was pretty fired up with the music and fighting and general disagreeing about things. It was interesting how they had the tendency to make up as fast as the fight started. Their lives in high school were all about club stuf like tea, sweets and music. It was nice while it lasted, but it was even nicer they decided to go out with a bang and one last hangout before moving further with their lives. Deciding where to go and what to see was done in a unique way which was enjoyable to watch. Excitement was so thick that you could cut it with a knife, but it's always nice seeing people who are excited about something they love. Going to London was easy, getting around London was a challenge. Getting an unexpected gig at a sushi bar was just awesome. This graduation trip was way more than they planned it would be.
Have you ever noticed that when you are in a foreign country and you meet someone familiar or even a stranger from your own country you'd feel more closer to them there than in your country. It's an interesting thing. Guess even K-ON! is not immune to that. This movie totally made me want to go to London!! ^-^ Seeing them have so much fun during their trip made me live it through together with them.
Preparations and final performance in their old classroom were really nice. It got really popular really fast, but it's not a surprise since those girls know how to make some really nice music. Totally cool and just awesome! Wish more people had their spirits to go for it and live their final high school days to the fullest.
Genres: comedy, drama
Themes: moe, music, school life
After passing their university entrance exam, Yui and co. started
to discuss a variety of things they wanted to do before they graduate,
including doing something for Azusa. In the process, they managed to
decide to go on a graduation trip to London as a club.