Na osnovu dela Tajna markize de Šampanj postoji scenario za film, na engleskom jeziku. Dorade scenarija će uraditi Maja Spasić, i nadamo se da će već u petak scenario biti ponuđen filmskim kompanijama.
Marquis de Champagne in the room, midnight, playing the piano for a moment, then opens the door and enters her husband in the room.
CAROLINA: Jacques - stops playing when she sees before him.
JACQUES: You shouldn’t have stopped playing. I always loved your performance of Chopin
CAROLINA: I wasn’t paying attention to the time. I got carried away in the music
JACQUES: Midnight gig! Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? He sat down on the bed.
CAROLINA: Yes. I like playing at midnight. It always attracted me –. came to the window and looked out - A letter arrived yesterday
JACQUES: Did it?
CAROLINA: Yes, I think that we should travel to Paris soon
JACQUES : In Paris? In November?
CAROLINA: Why not?
JACQUES: But it is absurd to go to Paris in November. You can visit stores with various goods, perfume stores, most stuff are on discount in December