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Strong Numbers for Dubrovnik

This year, Dubrovnik achieved two million nights, twelve days earlier than in the 2012. These accomplishments are another proof of stability of Dubrovnik as an attractive tourist destination.

Excellent results of tourist traffic in all forms of accommodation were the subject of press conference. Director of Dubrovnik Tourist Board Romana Vlašić has reported about the results of tourist traffic from the beginning of the year and pointed out that from January to August 24, 2013 Dubrovnik recorded 531,600 tourist arrivals and 2,003,197 overnight stays, which is an increase of 12 percent in arrivals and 10 percent in overnight stays. The tourists are coming from United Kingdom with 13.5 percent of the total number of arrivals and 18.7 percent of overnight stays, followed by guests from France, Germany, the U.S., Croatia, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Spain, Italy and others.

Božo Burić, associate for private accommodation in Dubrovnik Tourist Board, through the presentation presented the trends of tourist visits to Dubrovnik, from which is clear that the structure of the guest is very stable, and the largest group visitors are in category of 31 – 40 years. Increasing number of tourist are evident this year especially with the Scandinavian market boosted by the introduction of new direct flight connections with these emission markets. An increase of 39 percent in arrivals and 35 percent in overnight stays records the U.S. market, more than 34.000 tourists. The increase in realization is evident in economically fast growing market of so-called BRIC, especially from Brazil and India, which recorded a double growth performance. Domestic Croatian guests are high positioned, in fifth place of their nationalities charts and they achieved an increase of 21 percent in arrivals and 13 percent in overnight stays. This is another confirmation that Dubrovnik is popular among domestic tourists.

Month of August, which represents a peak of tourist season, is great because until August 24 was recorded 119.772 arrivals or 15 percent more, and 502.632 overnight stays which is 10 percent more than in August in 2012. Most nights in August were recorded in hotels – 1.264.515, the same as in 2012. In private accommodation were 35 percent more overnight stays or 427.125 achieved during August.

Zrinka Marinović from Adriatic Luxury Hotels Group in her speech pointed out the amount of investment for the hotel during the upcoming winter and the renewal of Hotel Kompas and units of Hotel Dubrovnik Palace, a total of about 17 million Euros and will in the season 2014 enter with a new quality. She emphasized the celebration of the 100th event anniversary of the Hotel Ecxelsior and a concert of world star Brian Ferry at Stradun on September 30.

Nike Labaš from Valamar Dubrovnik Babin kuk Hotel praised the great achievements of this group in the 2013. In September and October in Dubrovnik records traditionally excellent tourist months, marked by meetings and congresses, among which they can point out the UEDA congress in September, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly session in October, and the annual convention the UK’s largest association of travel agencies ABTA in October.

Post je objavljen 24.03.2014. u 09:16 sati.