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Iz velegradskog prizemlja II: Dollars and Cents

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Sent Items
Friday, May 31, 2013 5:37 PM

You're quite welcome. The check is for $230.73. I'll write another one for the remaining debt then: $56.04. Who should I write this one to?

Again, I must disagree. It might be you who are paying the rent, but I have made no subletting contract with you so the only responsibility I have towards you as far as the rent is concerned is to give you the check with the right amount on time (i.e. with whatever I have agreed with Nora). By this logic, if I am to report my exact dues to people I have signed no contracts with, shouldn't I have also informed whoever you are paying the rent to that I will only be attributing 1/3 of June and not 1/2?

Honestly, the "afraid" email was not meant in a condescending manner but it clearly exhibited a degree of irritation with Nora for not having passed this information on (which was misdirected at you and for which I apologize). The "wonders of math", on the other hand, clearly was condescending. But then again I cannot say I was completely off there because the math was not fully accurate in the end. And yes, much of this could have been avoided if either of the two of us bothered to converse in a non e-mail fashion.


Cane on behalf of Isabel []

Friday, May 31, 2013 3:14 PM

You're most welcome. Is the check for $175? I haven't been home and not working for enough consecutive hours to check, and had assumed it was the bundled so just sort of left it there. I will deposit it today.

Further, the tone of my previous emails was knowingly aggressive in response to tone that I found problematic. ("Afraid that's not the deal I worked out with Nora," or "Ah, the wonders of math.") If your emails were not intended as condescending, lesson learned -- by the both of us -- about email communication.

It's your responsibility to keep me posted inasmuch as I am collecting the rent money.

Finally, you were going to receive the data sheet either way because, as you said, you ought to see the bill you are paying for. Mentioning that I was loathe to provide it seemed like my most passive of my repertoire of passive-aggressive methods for expressing my frustration with our correspondence. If nothing else, I got my point across.

Isabel. on behalf of Isabel []

Friday, May 31, 2013 3:14 PM
Replying from my phone to say this looks fine to me and have no intention of double-checking it on a computer at this point. So, there it is.


Sent Items
Friday, May 31, 2013 12:09 PM

First of all I don't care for the comments that supplying the sheet somehow depends on the quality of my tone (I went into the tone debate in more detail in a personal correspondence to Isabel). And I certainly don't care for the idea that I am to be given the sheet because I bought something. If I am expected to pay something, then I expect to see the bill for it (regardless of whether I might add something to the list or not). My math is as follows:

My utilities:
1/4 April + 1/4 May + 1/12 June = 1/4 (28.96 + 48.16 + 86.2) + 1/4 (29.43 + 46.21 + 84. 81) + 1/12 (160)
= 40.83 + 40.11 + 13.33
= 94.27

This is what I see are the extras on your end according to the sheet and they amount to $115.18:

4/15/2013 $20.61 CVS
4/21/2013 $53.13 Ace (light bulbs, bathroom cleaning supplies, Murphy Oil - I can take out the bathroom stuff, Izzy, if you want)
5/8/2013 $13.40 CVS (HPP on groceries sheet)
5/10/2013 $28.04 CVS

I have bought one 12 roll of toilet paper and 1 detergent which after checking at the CVS comes to about $15 making the total of extras $130.

Divided by 4 this amounts to $32.5. In my case $15 should be subtracted from that which makes my debt for extras $17.5

Wrapping it up: my utilities amount to $94.27 and my debt for extras $17.5 If there is a flaw in this calculation or I've missed something I'd appreciate if you'd point it out to me. If not, having written one check for $230.73 to Isabel on Tuesday I believe I owe another of: (175 - 230.73 + 94.27 + 17.5) = $56.04




Sent Items
Friday, May 31, 2013 11:28 AM

Thanks for the document. As far as the check is concerned I have given it to you 2 days ago. You were free to cash it in back then and you are still. As far as the data sheet is concerned, regardless of whatever my tone might or might not be I have a right to see the bill I'm expected to pay (and would have the right even if I did not buy anything on my end). I might add that I didn't like the tone of your previous e-mails either, e.g. "And you're not calculating correctly" or "she didn't tell me and neither did you". The former because $92.06 bill was referred to as the internet bill (and not the utilities bill). The latter because I did not sublet from you but from Nora so I suspect it's not my responsibility to inform you of the conditions of that subletting.

Having a blast,

Cane on behalf of Isabel []

Friday, May 31, 2013 11:08 AM
After splitting it down by month, I can see something went awry in June w.r.t the internet, which is maybe where my incorrectly splitting it with respect to Nora got reflected, but the updated totals are not too far off. Final amounts look like this.
to Isabel to Izzy to Isabel bundled with June rent
Cane $54.23 $68.84 $229.23
Lizzy $13.90 $26.83 $547.90
Nora $2.67 $24.00 $361.67
Izzy $0.00 $0.00 $548.50

If you would like to add your toilet paper purchases and have me re-run the math, Cane, you may do so, but I will need the check for $175 today. (Likewise, ladies, if you would like to rewrite me rent checks, by today please. Otherwise I can fix anything I might owe you or vice versa when we do groceries after finals because I ain't got time for this right now.)

I admit I was loathe to give you access to the data sheet, mostly because I found your tone a little condescending. (Ah, the wonders of email communication?) But, if you've bought toilet paper, we have to reflect that in the data sheet, so I guess you have to see it.

I've uploaded the data sheet as a google doc so we can all access it and see your changes and the revision history. The link is here:

I am keeping a copy of the original on my hard drive where I will update with toilet paper additions or whatever that you make on the doc.

So. As I said. Rent from all of you (Nora excepting) needs to be paid NOW. Otherwise, I am available again starting next Thursday to discuss this further. Have a blast with the google doc but pay me your rent.

- Isabel


Sent Items
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:10 PM
I think I got the miscalculation now,

So on top of 1/4 utilities ($92.61) from April to 1/3 of June, the extra overall cost is $114.91 which divided by 4 makes it $28.73 (not $57.06). And in the spirit of division to this $114.91 my contribution (I'd ballpark it around $20) should be added, that should then be divided by 4, and from that my contribution should be subtracted arriving at the extra cost I owe. In short, it would be good if I could see the data sheet.




Sent Items
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:58 PM
The wonders of math,

Let's see like this. If you add the average utilities spending and divide it by four that comes to 40$ per month per person. Which makes $93.3... I should add for the utilities (which I guess is what the Internet bill is for). But then I'm still blocking on $55 (or $57.06 to be precise) I should add to the rent. Because that implies altogether $228 extra dollars were spent on light bulbs, paper rolls and so on in these 2 and 1/3 months which again I find a bit odd. Of course there are stuff like light bulbs, kitchen paper rolls and so on, but to my recollection we have not cleaned the bathroom once (and kitchen fared slightly better). Also, I certainly didn't count occasions when I bought toilet paper or detergent as something I expected to be divided four ways (but if you wish I'll be happy to add that to your spread sheet and then we can do further analysis).


Cane on behalf of Isabel []

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:17 PM
Also, the other 2/3 of the utilities for Nora *should* get discussed later with our three-way grocery split email... hm.

I'm realizing as I look over this that I may have given you more than 1/3 of the utilities division somehow as a result of how we do these divisions (basically we have a spreadsheet that calculates the average spending, and then how much you are above or below that.)

Splitting out a third of an individual month from all of this, then, is super complicated, because we didn't do this breakdown at the end of April and May. So I can (and maybe should?) calculate this month-by-month if you're coming up with something incredibly different, which might help isolate 1/3 of June. on behalf of Isabel []

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:07 PM
And you're not calculating correctly. As I explained, we offset costs to each other by paying for other utilities. You don't have to pay for gas, as you'll notice. This is because the gas does not go all the way to compensating Izzy and me in return for internet and electricity. So Lizzy also has to pay a little to me and to Izzy to make up for that -- that is to say, Lizzy still spends less than our average spent on utilities, so she is not owed any for gas.
Further, and I ought to have explained this in the first email, Izzy and I are also owed more because we have largely been the ones replacing the light bulbs and buying the majority of the cleaning supplies. Lizzy has also offset some of her total spending by buying dish soap and paper towels here, for example. (Izzy and I also seem to be the only ones who ever use most of these supplies--even though I'm barely ever home, as indicated I guess by the state of our bathroom--but that's another issue.)

Unlike groceries however, these costs (at $114.91) are factored into "utilities" because they go towards upkeep of the whole house. (Having most of the lights working in the kitchen is nice, for example.) If you have any objections contributing to the maintenance of the kitchen and the floors, for instance, now is the time to let us know, I guess.
The internet bill is consistently around $85 (give or take a few cents). The electricity is consistently around $45, again give or take some dollars. The gas is consistently at about $30. For June, we've projected amounts based on past amounts generally and for June historically for this apartment, because otherwise we have no way of guaranteeing that you will pay us after you leave for these 1/3 June utilities payments, not all of which happen before you leave (for instance, the electricity bill due June 31 will likely arrive around the 14th).
So 1/4 of April and May plus 1/4 of the first third of June comes out to nearly $100 (to be precise, it comes to $92.61). Total pure utilities spending (that is, not including light bulbs &c) was $483.77.

The additional $57.06 is to even you out to the average level of spending. Total spending, with the light bulbs and dish soap and bathroom cleaning things and all of that bundled in, was $598.68.
Lizzy spent $109 total, $88.39 of it for gas. I spent $220.54 total, $139.37 of it on electricity. Izzy spent $269.14 total, $256.01 that on internet.

Hope this has been helpful.
- Isabel


Sent Items
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:19 PM
Hey Isabel,

I wrote the checks and I slipped yours under your door. Though, I would like the breakdown, especially for the internet, because if I'm calculating correctly the monthly internet bill for the whole household is $161 which seems to me to be a bit ridiculous.


Cane on behalf of Isabel []

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:02 PM
I have received zero rent checks. So this seems like as good a time as any to bundle payment for utilities in with checks owed to me, and otherwise work out payments between the rest of you. Here are the totals, as well as who the amounts are owed to. I NEED THE CHECKS FOR ME TODAY. Except for the rent from Nora, obviously. Stick them on the white board by the front door and I'll pick them up when I get a chance today. Please also get the checks to Izzy ASAP.

Cane: check to Isabel for $230.73 (June rent plus electricity for April, May, 1/3 June)
Cane: check to Izzy for $93.94 (internet for April, May, 1/3 June)

Lizzy: check to Izzy for $25.53 (internet plus for April, May, June)
Lizzy: check to Isabel for $549.14 (June rent plus electricity for April, May, June)

Izzy: check to Isabel for $548.50 (June rent)

AS SOON AS YOU READ THIS EMAIL, go write the check and give it to me.
- Isabel.

As for where these amounts came from:

(1) Utilities
I pay electricity, Izzy pays internet, and Lizzy pays gas. Between splitting these costs, we ladies offset a lot of what we owe each other.
Cane, you are not responsible for any of the utilities (and we don't share groceries with you), so you do not have this means of offsetting what you owe by otherwise contributing to the apartment, and this is why you appear to owe more for utilities. It's all even in the end, but much of what Lizzy owes me, for example, is offset by her paying for gas.
Let me know if this explanation is confusing and I can send out a more detailed cost breakdown from the spreadsheet.

(2) Groceries
We are splitting groceries three ways, ladies, since Cane buys his own food. I'll send those amounts separately as my departure date approaches (June 16).

(3) Rent
As a reminder, rent breakdown looked like this:
Cane: $175
Nora: $359
Lizzy: $534
Izzy: $548.50
Isabel: $548.50

For a total of $2165 for June.

Post je objavljen 06.06.2013. u 06:03 sati.