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How to Choose your domain and how to create the permalinks

This whole search engine thing is not just about positions, but also about presence. What would you prefer? Having one website domain on page 1 or having 2 or 3 websites on page 1? - You know the answer. So it's about presence and visibility. Wikipedia and Amazon are almost always among the search results on page 1. That's highly visible. Here we first talk about your very first domain name, even before you get a website, before you book hosting, before you get a domain and before you optimize your website. This will be part of your URL.
If your keyword is part of your URL, search engines give this a lot of weight. It is one of the areas we want to place keywords in, in order to gain high positions in the search results. A good SEO consultant can still get you top positions though even if the domain name is just some name, like "". I wouldn't say it if it wasn't possible. I heaved several websites to the top, without worrying about keywords in the domain name.

Keywords in Domain Name

There is nothing wrong naming your first domain name after your company. But even then you can add keywords. For instance if you offer plumbing services in Birmingham and your name is Bartlett, you could call your domain name "". This is the first step towards a good position in search engines. Start by placing keywords in your domain name. You can always check if any domain is still free searching it on a hoster's website.

Keywords in Subfolders and File Names

Apply the same to sub folders: ""
Here we have an additional keyword term in a subfolder. You can virtually use any combination. You can also place keywords in filenames. This could look like this: "".

2. Title Tag
We are not talking about the headline or caption of your website that everyone can read as shown in the browser. The way a visitor would be able to read it. No, we're talking about an invisible tag in the source code of your html document. Pretty much on the top. Remember, we are now working on the source code of your page. Websites that you see in your browser, like Firefox or Chrome, are the result of programming or coding. There is such a thing as a source code, to the uninitiated it looks like jumble. Now within this source code, best viewed with a plain text editor, we see a few so called tags on the top, the first few lines. Among them is the title tag. I'm the title tag. So within these 2, the first is the start-tag, the second is the end-tag, you place the title. This is one of the first tags on your web page.

Place your best keywords in here. The content of the title tag becomes the clickable link on Google! And it's the title in your browser, but with many tabs open, it is not so prominent as it used to be. But that's what it says on the tab of the browser. But it's not the browser we're worried about here, but the search engine. Although if someone bookmarks your page, this very title tag would be seen within his bookmarks also, so he knows later what he bookmarked and you would get a repeat visitor.

The title tag is weighted very high by the search engines! Therefore it is very important tag to place keywords in! Don't waste your words. Avoid titles like "Welcome to our web page" "This is our Homepage" or even "index-page", as some Html Editors are in the habit of placing this kind of title in the title tag. Search SEO Tools on Google to find something that could help you.

Change this using an ordinary text editor if necessary. This area is really important. Don't neglect it! Have you ever seen these obscure titles in a search engine? Nowadays you don't see this too often. Designers of websites have obviously caught on in the meantime, that there should be some sense to the title tag and yet occasionally you still see jumble.

You have around 70 characters for the title tag. I would not put more than 8 words in there anyway. Enter your most important keywords in there for this page. Focus your keywords. Concentrate on just a few. Repeat your most important keyword. Example: Lake Garda Hotels holiday rentals hotel accomodation Lake Garda. That's 64 characters in there. That's alright. More than 70 and Google will cut it off. It's good enough to convey to the visitor of the search engine what the site is all about. The wording flows reasonably well, but most important - our keywords are there.

Don't underestimate the readability and emotional impact the clickable title in a search result has on the visitor. Maybe it's the first time he comes across your page in search results. This title and the description that follows should animate him to click on it and visit your website to check it out. Did you know that the keywords that someone was searching for, will display as bold in the title tag which is the clickable link in the search result?

Your most important keywords go first. Lake Garda Hotels. This is the phrase I was optimizing this web page for.
Don't use quotes, try to avoid filling words like "and" "or" etc. I've used the * on occasion to make the search result stand out a little, likeLake Garda Hotels * holiday rentals * hotel accomodation Lake Garda, this only works if your listing is pretty safe in that position. But it would catch people's eyes.

Post je objavljen 16.04.2013. u 16:45 sati.