I knew that brother james would honor my slightest wish.
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I wish the distinguished traveller, writer, war correspondent, and playright, richmond hobson davis, could see him now.
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It was undoubtedly from poirot.
Towering above every one there a magnificent, broad-shouldered, athletic man leaped into the centre of the struggle picture of weeping norway spruce.
Good morning, sir.
I took a good look round.
Savaronoff was a distinct personality.
His morning toilet provoked our first tilt.
He interrupted me.
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I have to go to pittsburg the first of next week to be gone about 3 or 4 days.
It seemed to me that number four would have found an impersonation of a long lost nephew very easy.
Near to it were placed a number of suitcases, ranged neatly in order of size from large to small picture of weeping norway spruce.
The other man left last night.
Kneeling upon the floor, he laid his ear to the combination plate, and slowly turned the knob.
About twenty minutes later the telephone bell rang.
But we tried it out, time after time, until we came to know picture of weeping norway spruce.
The next day, and me and john tom was at the depot with the kid.