Izvrsna stvar!
The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure, to live it you have to explode.
There's a lion in the room, there's a demon escaped,
There's a million dreams gone, there's a landscape being raped,
As her beauty fades and I watch her undrape,
But I won't, but then maybe again, I might.
Oh, if I could just find you tonight.
If you don’t believe there’s a price for this sweet paradise
Just remind me to show you the scars
Cijeli tekst je ovdje. Možda će te potpuno uvući u sebe, možda te neće ni okrznuti. Da nije to nešto slično kao život? Možda ćeš ga živjeti, možda ćeš samo proći pored njega, a on pored tebe, bez dodira, bez uključivanja, isprepletenosti, uronjenosti, bez osjećaja da je to- to.
Post je objavljen 07.10.2012. u 06:46 sati.