Guaranteed payday loans are targeted at working consumers in a secure job with a fixed pay every month that assures the lender of the consumer's repayment capability. The payday lender would have completed his homework on the potential borrower to check out the borrower's financial background before selecting him or her to take on guaranteed payday loans.Many working consumers tend to accept these marketing gimmick offers as they are made to feel privileged as the few selected by the lender. Many of them take up the loan offer although they may not really need a payday loan. However, with their steady income job, there is no issue in servicing the loan at the due date. The lender benefits most from this deal as he charges a neat profit through the interest attached to the loan. Hence, the working consumer should be cautious about such loan offerings they should consider carefully before taking up the loan. more
Post je objavljen 16.07.2012. u 10:00 sati.