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Eye-Sight Improvement Via Nutrition

The food you eat plays a big role in deciding how well you can see. The eyes and brain contain millions of highly specialized cells, which have specific nutritional requirements. Sometimes, all you need to improve your vision is a change in your choice of foods - implementing more fruits and vegetables into your diet and perhaps the occasional supplement for those micronutrients that are scarce in the modern day environment.

Essential Dietary Concepts - Food For Eyes

Nutrition should not be ignored, regardless of what road to self betterment you are taking. It certainly helps to scrutinize one's current dietary regime, prior to starting out on a system of visual improvement. Be sure to avoid all processed foods such as white flour, white rice and white pasta. Stick to the wholemeal variety of grains, mixed in with fresh fruits and vegetables. Over time, one must seek to do away with white rice, white pasta, dairy, beef, pork and fast food, and change to a program that is largely comprised of dark green leafy vegetables, all forms of fruit, brown rice, brown pasta, brown bread etc. If you do just this, you will notice a tremednous improvement in your health AND your eyesight.

With some particular micronutrients, it's a good idea to add in some supplements since they are hard to obtain from food. Despite having fresh raw fruits and vegetables, there are some micronutrients that will still likely be deficient in your body, due to the poor state of the soil in most places. Since we as humans have overused and polluted are food source based on land, an alternative option is to consume plants that grow in the sea - examples being wakame, kelp, dulse and sea lettuce. These contain far more nutrients than land-based plants.

Incorporate anti-oxidants into your diet. Scientists have spent much time testing and deliberating over the benefits of antioxidants, and it's been made quite clear that they are very beneficial to one's vision.

If you are diagnosed with an eye disease, research the nutritional aspects of the disease and adjust your diet accordingly. Focusing on your specific condition in this way will help you to get results that much quicker.

Remember that natural sunlight is a nutrient that we all need. Our ancestors in the past did not need eyeglasses. This is partly because of their diet, and also partly because they spent a large part of their day outside gathering food. If you're too busy and you want to be productive, why not put an audiobook in your mp3 player and go for a walk in the sun?

How To Do Away With Bad Eating Habits

We can sit here and talk all we like about what's good for us, but there comes a point when you realize that it just aint easy changing what you eat. The purpose of food is solely to nourish our bodies. We are so tied in with all those bad foods we eat, that we get down and depressed as soon as we change to a healthy diet From now on, rather than unconsciously reach out for whatever you normally eat, think to yourself - am I doing this for comfort, do I really NEED to eat this. Each time we reach for a 'treat', or go for something to eat even though we don't feel hungry, we need to pause for a moment to ask ourselves whether our body needs this food or whether it is serving another purpose.

Did you know that in many cases a lack of adequate hydration can trigger the hunger response. The only way to find out if you are really hungry or not, is to just take some water and wait to see if the hunger goes away. At other times what we really need is sleep, or exercise, someone to talk to, or a hug.

It is usually not our fault that we have developed poor food choices, but the blame can be attributed to our parents from the foods they gave us in childhood. When we were young and upset, many of us were soothed with a cookie, ice cream, or other sweets. Even as children we perhaps knew that this stuff would do us harm. Now in my opinion the highs you get in the immediate sense from such foods is not worth the long term sequelae of poor health and deteriorating vision. Fortunately, the fact that you are reading this article means you are willing to change all of that negative conditioning and regain control of your nutrition, your eyes and your life in general

It is usually better option to complement your current diet with healthier options, as opposed to having a complete overhaul to what you are currently eating. We soon find that as we feel better, we want to eat well to maintain our health.

Further educating yourself on the topic of visual enhancement through nutrition, will help to achieve better results faster. To learn more, click the following link: zeaxanthin.

Post je objavljen 03.04.2012. u 19:31 sati.