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Things to Consider on Getting Your Los Angeles Clippers Tickets

Basketball time is now here and you’re so excited to see the Los Angeles Clippers. You can’t wait to run towards the stadium and get in line with the many other fans out there. Before you run out of the door, ensure you remember these pointers to ensure that you don’t get hassled when you're getting your Los Angeles Clipper tickets.

1. Don’t neglect to bring your wallet and cash. Of course, this appears like a no-brainer, but you might be too fired up to run out the door and end up forgetting everything. Rather than having to run home or experience the shame in without having the money to cover you tickets, make sure you pack all things in your bag or pocket.

2. Wear comfortable clothes. You don’t want to be itchy or tight while lining up. Lining can take hours and hours and you want to be at your most comfortable clothes. Jeans are perfect to wear while getting tickets, you get to look presentable and feel comfortable at the same time. Bring a nice warm jacket or sweatshirt. You might have to line up outside in the cold, so make sure you bring a coat warm enough so you won’t be suffering in the chattering cold.

3. Use proper shoes. This isn’t the moment to take out your very best heels or leather brogues. Since you’ll probably be standing the whole time, you need to wear flats or sneakers. Plus who has the time to select the suitable pair of shoes? You’ll wish to be there early, so sneakers are the way to go.

4. Carry water and snack foods. Again, you’re likely to be lining up for a long time so you may get hungry, particularly when you’ve skipped breakfast and most likely to end up missing lunch. Pack some crackers plus bottle water, that way; you don’t have to get out of the line simply because you had to buy something in the food court.

5. Bring a book, magazine, an audio track or tablet. You’ll be expecting a long, long time, so instead of getting bored while waiting around, makes it fun instead.

6. Bring a pal. What better way to reduce boredom by having somebody to talk to? Furthermore, having a pal may also be advantageous because they can cover you if you lack the cash or need a person to take your spot when you go to the toilet.

Post je objavljen 06.03.2012. u 15:33 sati.