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Još 10 dana do izlaska MDNA!

Perez Hilton će sutra na svom blogu objaviti jednu cijelu pjesmu s albuma "MDNA"!!!


Procurio je tekst pjesme "TURN UP THE RADIO"! Tekst su napisali Madonna, Martin Solveig, Michael Tordjman i Jade Williams, a glazbu Madonna i Martin Solveig.

When the world starts to get you down
And nothing seems to go your way
And the noise of the maddening crowd
Makes you feel like you're going to go insane

There's a glow of a distant light
Calling you to come outside
To feel the wind on your face and your skin
And it's here I begin my story

Turn up the radio
Turn up the radio
Don't ask me where I wanna go
We gotta turn up the radio

It was time that I opened my eyes
I'm leaving the past behind
Nothing's ever what it seems
Including this time and this crazy scene

I'm stuck like a moth to a flame
I'm so tired of playing this game
I don't know how I got to this state
Let me out of my cage cause I'm dying

Turn up the radio
Turn up the radio
Don't ask me where I wanna go
We gotta turn up the radio

Turn up the radio
Turn up the radio
Don't ask me where I wanna go
We gotta turn up the radio

I just wanna get in my car
I wanna go fast and I gotta go far
Don't ask me to explain how I feel
'Cause I don't want to say where I'm going

Turn down the noise and turn up the volume
Don't have a choice cause the temperatures pounding
Leaving this place is the last thing I do
That I want to escape with a person just like you

I'm so sick and tired of playing this game
We gotta have fun it it's all that we do
Gotta shake up the system and break all the rules
Gotta turn up the radio until the speakers blow

Turn up the radio
Turn up the radio
Don't ask me where I wanna go
We gotta turn up the radio

Turn up the radio
Turn up the radio
There's somethings you don't need to know
Just let me turn up the radio

Turn up the radio
Just let me turn up the radio
Just let me turn up the radio

"Give Me All Your Luvin'" ipak bilježi neki uspjeh. Prvi singl s albuma "MDNA" je postao Madonnin 41. singl koji je dospio na prvo mjesto Billboardove ljestvice dance pjesama! "Girl Gone Wild" je potencijalni sljedeći broj jedan, a ovog tjedna je odskočio sa 46. na 20. mjesto.

1. Madonna — 41
2. Janet Jackson — 19
3. Beyoncé — 17
3. Rihanna — 17
5. Kristine W — 16
5. Donna Summer1 — 16
7. Mariah Carey — 15
8. Whitney Houston — 13
9. Lady Gaga — 12
10. Deborah Cox — 11
10. Jennifer Lopez — 1

Madonna je održala intervju sa urednikom Billboarda i voditelja radija Sirius, Larry Flickom za razgovor o njenom novom albumu "MDNA". U razgovoru je otkrila da je s producentom Benny Benassiem morala komunicirati preko njegovog rođaka jer ovaj talijanski DJ slabo poznaje engleski jezik. Priznala je da su Orbitove nove pjesme pronašle njenu ranjenu dušu. Organizirani i planski francuski producent Martin Solveig je iznio Madonninu ironičnu stranu, ljubav jezika, ljubav ritma jezika.

Madonna će na svjetskoj turneji izvoditi akrobatske pokrete na žici! U pripremama za stajanje na žici joj pomaže stručnjak Andy Lewis.

Post je objavljen 16.03.2012. u 21:57 sati.