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Ferlangen pt 3 – Barons Grail

Small but sturdy building is dominated by tall and wide main door through which ogre may pass unhinged, which is funny because there is an ogre in Baron's grail tavern. Ogre's name is GOrk and is somewhat of celebrity among citizens of Ferlangen. Gork and owner of tavern have long lasting friendship, he takes care patrons behave and Clogin Guzzlewir feed him well. For there is nothing ogres respect more, than good cooking and Clogin is good cook even by harsh halfling standards.
Barons grail is known for it's good kitchen, and while nobles and wellstanding citizens prefer to visit Seven Blows of SIgmar as it is sort of sign of prestige to be seen in that tavern, everyone who likes good food will sooner of later visit Clogens tavern.
Despite it's at first sight small dimension there is much more space inside than it seams from outside, for backside oft he tavern is dug into the hill which makes it well protected and provides cool space for depositing groceries.
Clogin Guzzlewir has been in Ferlangen for almost thirty years now, and has prospered as inkeeper. He is around four feet tall and obesse even by halfling standards. His hair is straw blonde and curly. Sharp eyes visitor might notice he always wears shirt of well polished mail underneath his regular halfling clothes.
Gork is Large ogre that travelled to Ferlangen long time ago. He helped build tavern for Clogin with his very hands when they first arrived. He is harsh and takes nobodies shit, luckily for patrons he is also quite dumb and might not recognize cunningly formed insult. At all times he wears thick sheet of metal strapped acros his gut. Whole plate is scratched with groups of lines. Patrons like to speculate it's one scratch for every enemy he'd slain but noone knows for sure and Clogin if he knows isn't telling anyone, he just smirks at questioners and offers him keg of well spiced ale.

Post je objavljen 02.03.2012. u 11:57 sati.