Neki dan sam došla do kompliciranog zaključka u vezi moga razmišljanja-nema objašnjenja.
Pokušala sam objasnit kako funkcionira moj vlastiti um i ne znam,to je sve uvijek tako zbrkano.Često me pitaju kak ti to sve tako povezuješ,a jbg,počnem pričat jedno i jednostavno odlutam,eto ga i sada mi misli lutaju uokolo,jednostavno se ne mogu držati jedne jedine teme,poput tornada emocija,misli i podražaja vanjskog svijeta stvari se nakupljaju u vrtlog dok jednom eto sve ne eksplodira i bog-te-pitaj-što-napravi.Danas me drži Megadeth,došlo mi slučajno jutros na playlisti,eto nekako i pojam te snage tornada se uplela negdje u Mustainove misli i izrodila ovako odličnu stvar...
This morning I made the call
The one that ends it all
Hanging up,i wanted to cry
But dammit,this wells gone dry
Not for the money,not for the fame
Not for the power,just no more games
But now I'm safe in the eye of the tornado
I can't replace the lies,that let a 1000 days go
No more living trapped inside
In her way I'll surely die
In the eye of the tornado,blow me away
You 'll grow to loathe my name
You 'll hate me just the same
You wont need your breath
And soon you 'll meet your death
Not from the years,not from the use
Not from the tears,just self abuse
Who's to say,whats for me to
Cause a big nothing it 'll be for me
The land of opportunity
The golden chance for me
My future looks so bright
Now I think I've seen the light
Can't say what's on my mind
Can't do what I really feel
In this bed I made for me
is where I sleep,I really feel
I warn you of the fate
Proven true to late
Your tongue twist perverse
Come drink now of this curse
And now I fill your brain
I spin you round again
My poison fills your head
As I tuck you into bed
You feel my fingertips
You won't forget my lips
You 'll feel my cold breath
It's the kiss of death
Inače Tonrado of souls je sa albuma Rust In Peace koji je 4.studijski album Megadetha.I prvi na kojem suradnju započinju (meni osobno) najdraži Megadethov gitarist Marty Friedman i bubnjar Nick Menza.Također Rust In Peace je 1991. nominiran za Najbolji metal album na Grammy Awardsu.
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Post je objavljen 13.05.2011. u 01:06 sati.