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Crystal window cleaning : How to clean wax from ears.

Crystal Window Cleaning

crystal window cleaning

    window cleaning
  • (window cleaner) someone who cleans windows for pay

  • Interior and exterior window and glass cleaning services.

  • Any solid consisting of a symmetrical, ordered, three-dimensional aggregation of atoms or molecules

  • a solid formed by the solidification of a chemical and having a highly regular atomic structure

  • a crystalline element used as a component in various electronic devices

  • A crystalline piece of semiconductor used as an oscillator or transducer

  • quartz glass: colorless glass made of almost pure silica

  • A piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces

349. Help in an oil clean up

349. Help in an oil clean up

Well I spent the last two days at Ryans. He came and got me fairly early on Sunday and we drove forever! trying to find this place to go swimming. I guess the Cowographers go there every year and we were meeting them there, it was a pretty ride. We got there after a couple hours in the car and oh my goodness was it worth the numb butt! We went to Krause Springs in Spicewood. The whole place was just gorgeous, the trees were huge and amazing and the water was perfect, there were water falls and lots of places to explore. And I caught a lizard, by its tail, and it was awesome until it detached its tail and Ryan tried to touch me with it and it was seriously creepy lol. And ofcourse it was nice hanging out with all of them. We were there a couple hours before hunger won and we left and went to Dominos. Kenzie rode with us so afterwards we sat at her house for a bit. Ryan played with his whip and Crystal and I watched and talked. It was so nice to just sit outside. Ryan tried teaching me how to crack the whip but it made me scared so I didnt really do well lol. The next day we basically just hung out. It was an alright day. I started sewing my costume pants, Ryan and I started playing Dungeon Seige 3 (I like it so far), I put out the trap for the mouse (which I totally saw this morning and its cute!!). At about 10 Ryans room mate asked him to go to the ER with him so Jefferson (one of Stephanies friends) and I ended up talking for quite awhile. It was cool lol hes pretty rad, I like how he says "solid" and "I can dig it" lol. He made me want to play D&D though cause we were talking about it and sharing some stories. Then Jo came home and her and Jefferson went to bring the guys at the ER something to drink. Then Bryan came home and it really started to get late. I tried to go to bed, I really did, but it didnt really work. I finally fell asleep around 2 or 3 but I woke up at like 5:30 and Ryan still wasnt back so I texted him and ended up not getting back to sleep til 6 and woke up an hour later and shortly after asked Jo to take me to work. Ryan showed up shortly before I left, they spent 10 hours at the ER!!! Ridiculous huh?! I felt so bad for them. I was pretty tired too and it took all I had in me to not just call in and go lay down next to my exhausted boyfriend lol. But I made it through the day, it was sooooo boring. I worked 9-5 and barely anything happened and I was alone until 3. I talked to Raul a bit and ate lunch, even tho I wasnt hungry lol. My bunnies are still at Ryans.. its weird lol. I need something to do. Im so bored and so tired and its just too early. I work 4-9 tomorrow, Im more ok with those hours but not ok with the lack of hours! I might sew some more tonight, who knows. I need a new book but I have no idea what to read. Im so not looking forward to 5 days in a row of work but Im enjoying this whole 2 days in a row off thing, I just wish I could get a Friday and Saturday lol.

Sticky note. I always see those picture and the things on TV, I know you do too, and I know its suppose to look devasting and its suppose to pull on your heart strings, and it sure does. I would just like to be involved in helping, and plus for some reason the little ducks and otters covered in oil look so cute!!!
I actually like this picture, the way the lighting came out just made me happy. I want to do a photoshoot, I miss taking pictures.

My Rock Crystal!

My Rock Crystal!

I have 3 wonderful rock crystals!.....this one, is the tallest! One day, when I was cleaning my livingroom; I discovered some beautiful sunrays through the window. The rays were consumed by my loudspeakers! For fun; I took this rock crystal; placed it in front of my loudspeaker and the sunbeams went through the crystal.......I wish you a nice day, Bent.

crystal window cleaning

See also:

dry clean usa locations

brush clean up

list of household cleaning products

cleaning lead dust

how to clean the back of your tongue

how to clean your computer mouse

how to clean a office

Post je objavljen 06.02.2012. u 22:32 sati.