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Floor Standing Spotlights

floor standing spotlights

  • A beam of light from a lamp of this kind

  • Intense scrutiny or public attention

  • (spotlight) foreground: move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent; "The introduction highlighted the speaker's distinguished career in linguistics"

  • (spotlight) limelight: a focus of public attention; "he enjoyed being in the limelight"; "when Congress investigates it brings the full glare of publicity to the agency"

  • A lamp projecting a narrow, intense beam of light directly onto a place or person, esp. a performer on stage

  • (spotlight) a lamp that produces a strong beam of light to illuminate a restricted area; used to focus attention of a stage performer

  • standing(a): having a supporting base; "a standing lamp"

  • Used to specify the length of time that something has lasted or that someone has fulfilled a particular role

  • The table of scores indicating the relative positions of competitors in a sports contest

  • Position, status, or reputation

  • social or financial or professional status or reputation; "of equal standing"; "a member in good standing"

  • an ordered listing of scores or results showing the relative positions of competitors (individuals or teams) in a sporting event

  • A level area or space used or designed for a particular activity

  • The lower surface of a room, on which one may walk

  • All the rooms or areas on the same level of a building; a story

  • a structure consisting of a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale; "what level is the office on?"

  • shock: surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off; "I was floored when I heard that I was promoted"

  • the inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room, hallway, tent, or other structure); "they needed rugs to cover the bare floors"; "we spread our sleeping bags on the dry floor of the tent"



Stairs leading to the upper level of the silk factory.

I grew up in the Wild, Wild West of America; or at least what's left of it. Most days, I would saddle up my fiery, bay horse and we would gallop up and over the hill behind my house and spend the rest of the day exploring in the desert, literally not seeing a soul, road, house or sign of human life for hours and miles. The reality of farm life allowed me plenty of opportunity to develop a autonomous, confident self, who made things alone and if she failed, there was no one to blame but herself. I was an American girl, growing up without connection or perception of a past, only a present and a future of my choosing.

We lived in a trailer for most of the childhood I can actually remember. It was a small trailer to begin, then one day we bought a bigger trailer and the old one was rolled away. We knew where our trailer was placed after it left our property. I recall driving by it every so often, my parents would point and chuckle as my sister and I pressed our face to the window glass, gazing at what was once our home. It sat on the side of a barren hill, looking tiny and opaque, giving up no hints about the lives it housed currently.

The town I grew up in was incorporated in 1904, barely 80 years later I would be born. In history class we learned about the Indians that lived on the land for hundreds of years before Lewis and Clark arrived and after that, we shut our books and looked up to the current times. For me, my home and land were young, a near-white canvas that imagination and hard work would paint. From growing up in a house with wheels to living in a state with a mere 100 years of history, the thought of Europe, with all its recorded history, was an intriguing entity that called my name loud and clear for as long as I can remember.

My huge obsession with Europe fueled my decision to live in Italy for a year. Living there I had one unrealistic experience after another. Vintage wine-filled afternoon with Counts in Palaces, rides through Mugello on a shiny red motorcycles, picking olives in the early Tuscan fog, horse rides through the woods and the one I am writing about today: a trip to a empty villa, complete with a Byzantine Silk factory.

This day my friend and her boyfriend, knowing my passion for photo safari's took me out in the countryside near Pisa to visit a family estate. I hopped in the car as I did most of my mornings in Florence, a little confused as to where we were going or what we were doing (blame it on the Italian as a second language) but confident I would have the absolute best day of my life. And so it started, me staring wide-eyed, like a child out the window taking in the intricate beauty of Italy. We arrived late morning and parked in a gravel lot, walked across the street and unlocked a large gate. As we pushed the gate open it groaned a supernatural welcome into the interior silent paradise so layered with voices from centuries gone by, my ears were ringing in seconds and my imagination began to paint hypothetical situations in rapid iterations.

When I enter dream-like real life scenarios I often hold my breath, but I also hold my breath when I am shooting. Needless to say I spent the next two hours intermittently gasping for air, sending blood shooting into my forehead, rocking me back and forth as I readjusted my eyes and stance. As my hosts coolly gave me the grand tour and answered my silly questions, I shot furiously, vowing to capture the unreal scene forever on film.

The villa was situated next to a silk factory. The factory, now empty, with nature creeping from every angle, was Byzantine style architecture, which seemed to cut Italy's tender sky, so used to gentle arches and domes. Huge rooms, echoing in their emptiness, once held worms that produced fabric for the wealthy. Next to the factory were the servants quarters, long since over taken by trees and vines which filled the space once filled with countless generations of life.

Behind the villa overgrown gardens twisted around ponds and sculptures leading to a cavernous "lemon storage" structure. Entering the domed building, the ceiling covered in terra-cotta tile, I snapped my way to the back where a dark passage pulled me in as far as I dared to move through the darkness. Next a proportional, but small, personal church stood ornately in the woods. Leaving me wondering about the loneliness inherit in these self-sustained enclosed communities of medieval Italy.

Finally we were ready to enter the villa. While it was mostly empty in each room a small treasure and glimpse into the past sat serenely in the dim light, covered in a fine dust. Some rooms there were grand curtains, dingy and fading, still proudly doing their job of blocking out the world from pouring through the windows. Other rooms storm shutters were strewn across the floor, unable to withstand the storm of passing time. The main rooms seemed filled with life to me, laye

body language

body language

The coy black shoes stood right in the middle yet too timid to take ths spotlight awkwardly spoke to the bold red slip ons. The Hawaii chaps couldnt care much, they were so high on life and the buzz of music, the people, the rush of the chatter, they walked from a pair of footwear to another. The khakhi floaters stuck to the corner, not belonging to the event in attitude. The unlaced shoe sort of lost, spent most of the evening feeling very incomplete.

Such is the life of shoes these days. Wonder what takes place in the minds of the wearers.

floor standing spotlights

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Post je objavljen 06.02.2012. u 03:08 sati.