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Bijeg ili metak u glavu


Prije nekoliko mjeseci kontaktirao me je mladi student iz Valonije, da bi pohvalio moj politički aktivizam. Već duže vrijeme održavamo političku korespondenciju. U međuvremenu smo postali dobri prijatelji. Opisao je današnju Belgiju kao pakao na zemlji za osobe domoljubnog opredeljenja: neomarksisam, masonerija, cionizam, pedofilija, rasne tenzije, gender politika, sirmaštvo itd. Rješenje vidi u bijegu ili metku u glavi, kako mi je pisao. Odgovarao sam mu da Hrvati neće biti tako glupi da pristupe u EU i postanu privitak mrtvačke judeo-masonske "civilizacije" - odnosno svinjske štale. Obećao sam mu da ćemo, kada Hrvatska bude nacionalistička, davati politički azil njemu i drugim žtvama totalitarnog Zapada.

Ispunio mi je želju, složio je članak o svakodnevnom ludilu u EU.


First of all, may the readers forgive my english, i'm a french speaking person. I live in Wallonia, in the south of Belgium and I'm a student in my last year of university. I'm not a member of any party or association (that would mean my expulsion of my uni if this party or association was nationalist) and I only talk for myself.
For the foreign reader, Belgium probably evoke richness and welfare and in any case, a developed and democratic country.
Well, like in many things there is a difference between the reputation and what you will find on the field.
Wallonia has maybe being what the reputation says but it was without counting with now more than 40 years of socialist majority, the politics of the EU and the concentration of the European medias in the hands of communitarian groups with political (Zionist) goals.
To begin with the economical situation, the reader can have a picture in mind of what, here south west Belgium, can be and how it is different of its reputation:
This documentary is from the far left, as you can recognize the style at the way of describing. But anyway, despite the commentary, the details mentioned are true. Despite what most people, even in our own country think, we got slums, and (officially) one out of 5 persons under the poverty threshold (for this number I only have the source in French:, for those who want to check)
I will of course not show you 50 pictures of the ruin of some parts of our region but you got the idea. Of course, as a tourist, you will see never or very few of these things since our government touristic politic try to hide these things to foreigners by all the ways possible.
But still, anyone who will study the economical characteristics of this region will find out many truths. All of this situation didn't happen by simply bad luck.
To my opinion there are two main reasons.
1)Globalization, helped by its tool, the EU that has totally destroyed the remainings (already weak) of our industry by opening the economical borders, sending entire parts of our population to unemployment.
2)The socialist party's domination since more than 40 years.
Some people will argue : "you elected them, they reflect the people" and some hate us for this. This affirmation is only part of the truth. Yes they were elected...but in which conditions? The state taking 50 to 55% of our wages with taxes, which are suppose to provide a good social protection, welfare and various services. Since we give such enormous parts of our wages, we totally depend of it.
By holding this system and thanks to a very extended network of clientelism and corruption, they literally hold the popular classes by the throat. If you are not rich, your comfort and welfare depend of your network and the contacts you got, linked with the party, the administration or the freemasons (whose the totality of the party are members).
So what's happen during an election? It's very simple : they threat our people. They use their clientelist network to terrify the poorest or those who can't read or write, telling them that if the party came to loose no one would no more help them to survive (50 to 55% of your wage being given to the are forced to depend of it). Recently, Elio Di Rupo, at that time president of the party, didn't hesitate to predict "a social bath of blood" if the Party came to loose.
How about the wealthiest parts of the population? No need to worry. Our universities are totally run by the structuralist (and post structuralist) school of thought, promoting a far left wing ideology (in practice) of "diversity", mixing, self hate and then, of course, all of those who went to these universities vote for the system. Not only the strong left actually ruling the region but also the "opposition" who call itself "social liberal". If the socialist Party takes Nelson Mandela, the butcher and executioner of the Boer people as its model, our opposition is in fact, to my point of view, even more committed in the new world order ideology. They openly call for the end of the borders, more power to finance and, are one of the only political formations who asked (via "Louis Michel" and today his son, "Charles Michel") for the integration of North Africa to European Union with a total freedom of circulation that would increase even more the migration waves.
In front of this political situation, I will then permit myself to moderate a bit the legitimacy of our elites for the simple reason that they are elected by threats, manipulation and the brainwashing of our youth. I will of course admit that, despite these facts, a significant part of our population vote for them by ideology too. Can we really talk about democracy, as they love this word, in our situation? I will let you judge by yourself.

Last point of this little article: our universities. Having studied there I can't do without insisting on this point.
Human sciences and economy (but also biology and some natural sciences too, manipulated to fit with the ideology) are literally cancered by post structuralists and their siblings, the Neo Marxists. All the psychological theories and courses promote with no exeption "free love" and the destruction of the family (but only European families, migrants being taught to continue to follow their own culture and principles). Many sociologists or psychologists are activist in the gender theories and in favour of the legalisation of paedophilia in order, and I quote, to "free the child from the capitalist exploitation". They add to this that rape and heterosexuality are both a simple "social construct", and promote a systematic mixing, white people being to their eyes "part of the history".
The only accomplishment of white people is white racism, our civilisation being reduced to "an unfair social construct" as well as the difference between man and woman. (the famous Judith Butler is currently a leading authority of human sciences).
In economy, don't think it would be different. Numbers are the appearance of seriousness. We learn various problems of this world, the only solution being a world government under the authority of the banks, inhabited by the principle of free trade. Borders must be totally opened and of course, culture is a simple remaining of a past of superstitions deserving to be abolished.
If this vision is opposed to neo Marxism and Post structuralism, know that you got here one of the only possible debate in our universities.
In our "education system", dishonesty is the rule. I already heard that the victims of communism, it's maybe sad but were after all, only people opposing to equality and anti racism. Paying tribute to them is suggested being "white racism" because it's committing the crime of caring about "white conservatives" while Africa and jews have suffered (and continue to do).
They promote quotas in every sectors of life, justifying "white people are only 8% of the world population, how comes they are still leading Europe in a globalized world?". Their solutions are of course racial quotas and the overrepresentation of "sexual minorities" to teach tolerance to our people.

This constant decrease and way to mock everything European is coupled with a total praising and respect for everything coming from the third world (except the Muslim countries, also decreased), every aspect of these cultures, always showed in comparison of our "ridiculous" and "racist" European heritage (that is an efficient tactic to make each people hating each other by opposing them..). Some theories even suggest that our technologies and inventions would have been stolen to black people and Indians, that our only accomplishments are the results of a stealing to people that are far more superior to us.
The reader can believe me or not but he has to know that I've never seen any opposition reactions during my studies except from myself with a lot of pressures in return. I know only ONE person in all the university who got a nationalist opinion. One...

I have no idea about how my little text can be perceived. For some it will be an exaggeration, but I warn them that this "exaggeration" is anyway deeply based on the situation of most of the European Union...some countries are simply more advanced in the process than the others.
Some others will say I simply describe a situation that is today banal and totally normal in most of the EU. Despite the specific aspects of my region, many others parts of Europe are suffering from the same kind of problems.
To the contrary of some others parts of the West, the relative poverty of Wallonia had the "advantage" (on the moral point of view only, of course) to avoid some degeneracy and decadence that are far stronger in wealthier countries. In addition, the archaism of the direction of the socialist party can have been a brake to some "new" globalist ideas too.
But to my opinion, these hopes are so weak in comparison of what is coming if the situation continues to be like it is today and evolutes in this way.

U EU smo ušli, ali san o nezavisnoj državi još živi!

Šime Tolić

Post je objavljen 05.02.2012. u 10:01 sati.