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Modern sanskrit baby names : Baby monitors ratings : Baby gender by heartbeat

Modern Sanskrit Baby Names

modern sanskrit baby names

    baby names
  • The most popular given names vary nationally, regionally, and culturally. Lists of widely used given names can consist of those most often bestowed upon infants born within the last year, thus reflecting the current naming trends, or else be composed of the personal names occurring most within

  • An ancient literary language of India. Early yoga literature and terms were written in Sanskrit.

  • To dream of Sanskrit, denotes that you will estrange yourself from friends in order to investigate hidden subjects, taking up those occupying the minds of cultured and progressive thinkers.

  • An ancient Indic language of India, in which the Hindu scriptures and classical Indian epic poems are written and from which many northern Indian languages are derived

  • (Hinduism) an ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism); an official language of India although it is now used only for religious purposes

  • Characterized by or using the most up-to-date techniques, ideas, or equipment

  • a typeface (based on an 18th century design by Gianbattista Bodoni) distinguished by regular shape and hairline serifs and heavy downstrokes

  • belonging to the modern era; since the Middle Ages; "modern art"; "modern furniture"; "modern history"; "totem poles are modern rather than prehistoric"

  • a contemporary person

  • Of or relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past

  • Denoting the form of a language that is currently used, as opposed to any earlier form

Usually when we talk about energy, we are refering to an ongoing source of power, something that is able to generate power, such as an electric generator. In a similar manner, when we speak of an energetic person, we usually mean a vigorous person, someone who possesses enormous energy. When we are around such a person, we feel there is a bank of energy happening. That person works so hard that we feel guilty being idle around him or her. We feel that we should do something too, and we begin to work very hard. Then no one can say that we have been bad boys and girls, that we haven't done our chores, washed the dishes or ironed the sheets. Because we feel that person's enormous energy, we begin to perk up, and we stop being idle. We begin to take part in the energy.

Then there is another kind of energy, which is self-existing. Self-existing energy is not dependant on something or somebody else; it simply takes place continuously. Although the source of such energy is difficult to track down, it is universal and all-pervasive. It happens by itself, naturally. It is based on enthusiasm in the sense that we trust what we are doing, and freedom in the sense that we are completely certain that we are not going to be imprisoned by our own energy, but instead, freed constantly. In other words, we realise that such energy does come up by itself, and that we can work with it. This self-existing energy is the potentiality of siddhi, a Sanskrit word that refers to the ability to use the existing energies of the universe in a very special and appropriate way.

Self-existing energy is difficult to describe in words or concepts. When we try to describe this pattern of energy, we are only fingerpainting. Basically, it is the energy of the psychological realm. No matter what state of mind we are in, we experience a particular quality of life, that is, we experience an emotion. We begin to feel an electric spark taking place. That energy can come out of having a quarrel with our wife or out of having a severe accident or a love affair. It comes out of being either rejected or accepted.

This energy is created both when we fail to do something and when we accomplish something. Rejection or acceptance by the world does not mean that the energy is either invalid or valid. Rather, there is transparent energy happening all the time. Whether we are in a appropriate situation, in accordance with the laws of the universe, or we are in a inappropriate situation, not in accordance with the laws of the universe, energy is constantly taking place. This energy, from the vajrayana or tantric point of view, is simply the energy that exists. It does not mean being hard-working or extremely industrious, always doing things, being a busybody, or anything like that. This energy can come from all kinds of challenges, in the positive or negative sense. Such energy takes place constantly.

Self-existing energy permeats all of our emotional relationships: our emotions towards our relatives, our lovers, our friends, and our enemies. It also permeats our philosophical beliefs: either something is happening "right" according to our beliefs, or something has gone "wrong" according to our beliefs. Some situations try to dislodge us from our philosophical or religious commitments, and some situations try to draw us into certain commitments. All kinds of energies take place. So when we talk about energy, we are not talikng about vigor alone but about that which exists in our lives. It is as though flint and steel were rubbing against each other and sparking constantly, again and again. That is, the phenomenal world exists, and we either rub against it or with it, and that rubbing is constantly creating a spark.

According to the tantric understanding of reality, energy is related to the experience of duality, the experience that you exist and others exist. Of course, both those concepts are false, but who cares about that? -- at the time, anyway.The deceptive existence of you and other rubs together, nevertheless. Sometimes you are conquering the world and sometimes the world is conquering you. It is like riding on a balloon in the ocean: sometimes the balloon rides on you and you are underneath the ocean; sometimes you ride on the balloon and the balloon is underneath the ocean. That play of duality takes play constantly; that kind of electricity takes place all the time.

So the basic notion of energy is nothing particularly magical or miraculous. It is simply rubbing together of the duality of you and the phenomenal world, you and other. We are talking about that spark, that fire. It is real fire, real water, real earth, and real air: the real elements are working with you. Still, at this point we have no idea who you are, actually. Let's just say we are talking about the basic you. Let's leave it vague at this point; otherwise it is going to get too complicated. Just leave it at you, this vague stuff that exists somewhere or oth

sanskrit letter I

sanskrit letter I

Sanskrit art will inaugurate a seria and I will create a group for that. Anyone can participate. To create artwork letter in Paint with AirBush, like me for example. But all kind of contributions are welcomed: sanskrit on sand, body painting, sanskrit on sand, sanskrit wirh petals and so on.

modern sanskrit baby names

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Post je objavljen 05.02.2012. u 01:55 sati.