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Storm is brewing on the horizon. Storm the likes world of man has not seen in centuries. Storm of chaos.
Exiles from the northern province of Kislev arrive each day in our glorious Sun bathed Empire. Every day more and more of them come. They speak of unspeakable horrors and creatures to dark to be able to exist under this sun.
Then the night came, night that followed exiles and we are again at brink of destruction. But will there be a Hero that will stop advance of Chaos armies this time, will there be New Magnus the Pious who will spit his defiance into very eye of Daemon Lord. Will there be New day for the man of the empire.

As old bard finished his tale he took long sip from the tankard he was squeezing during his storytelling, overbalanced and fell from the table he was standing on. Laughing ovations followed his fall, but so did copper and that was all he cared about. Let fools laugh at him, let them, for the storm is coming and he wasn't going to wait for it here. Just as soon as he earns two karls he is going to be away from here, as far south as that money can take him.
Erm you Boy! Yes you! yelled old bard waving his gruby old hand towards barkeeper. Barkeepers name was Otto Schuelicht and he wasnt man who took jokes easily. He arched an eyebrow at his customer about to lash at man with his tongue but piercing scream stopped him in mid sentence. It was long and high pitched, unlike anything any of tavern patrons ever heard before. Even old beards looked troubled.
Are there birds that sound like that? Said young recuit barely old enough to be wearing arms.
Old trooper and sergeant Franz just exchanged knowing looks ignoring nervous yelps of young one. This is going to be day when he is bloodied. Screams or pain and fear were approaching fast. And door shook on its hinges, barely holding. Bard failed to suppress his whimper as doors fell down with second stroke.
It was him. Siluething against the storm was tall human, easily filling frame of the doors. One of his enormous hands were holding large blade as tall as any man, while other held still bleeding head of a soldier. Bard knew that man, it was old veteran that payed him stew last night. How the hell did that creature pass whole regiment of halberdiers, damned drunken bastards. But as he heard sounds of battle outside he knew he was wrong. Dark knight wasn't here alone.

Post je objavljen 05.02.2012. u 00:15 sati.