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Baby Proof Fireplace

baby proof fireplace

    baby proof
  • A childproof object or environment is relatively safe for contact with children. The act of childproofing reduces risks to a level considered acceptable by a society, an institution, or, for example, to specific parents.

  • (Fireplaces) The fireplace flashings should all be removed and replaced as part of the new roof system or leakage will most likely occur before the roof is at the end of its serviceable life. In some instances this will require completely dismantling the bottom portion of the fireplace.

  • A place for a domestic fire, esp. a grate or hearth at the base of a chimney

  • an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built; "the fireplace was so large you could walk inside it"; "he laid a fire in the hearth and lit it"; "the hearth was black with the charcoal of many fires"

  • A structure surrounding such a place

  • A fireplace is an architectural structure to contain a fire for heating and, especially historically, for cooking. A fire is contained in a firebox or firepit; a chimney or other flue directs gas and particulate exhaust to escape.



"Hang jaga2 ayaq panaih, letak tempat jauh dari Rafiqh!"
"Benda2 tajam macam pisau, gunting tu letak jauh ke tengah sikit bila buat kerja tu"
"Jangan dok biaq dia main sorang2, perati tengok sama. Kalau diam lama sikit, pi jenguk."
"Kalau dia tidoq pun, rajin2 jenguk tengok."
Bla bla bla...
My mom keeps reminding me about all consequences that might happen due to my careless. Thanks mom...

I think all parents in this world are having the same problem once their babies are able to "move" by themselves... Yes, we have to think about the house surroundings, is it safe enough to raise the baby? No wonder nowadays we could found "baby/child-friendly" items everywhere...

Babies love to explore, they learn about life by exploring anything around them. As parents, we must make sure the surroundings are safe and it’s also a good idea to get trained in first aid and CPR so we will know what to do when something go wrong. Somehow, baby-proofing will help us to decrease the words "No" and "Don't" to our babies in term to let them get healthy and safely play.

Babies will get into everything. Just accept that right away. If it's dangerous or something you don't want your baby playing with/putting in his mouth, move it or secure it out of reach.

Babyproofing our home usually requires a very thorough reorganization. It can help to get down on our hands and knees to survey the room from a baby’s point of view.
Here is few tips on babyproofing :
- Anything with edges: Cover with corner guards.
- Appliances: If possible, keep them out of reach.
- Bathrooms: Put toilet guards on each toilet. Unplug and store all bathroom appliances safely after use.
- Cabinets: Put latches on all cabinet doors and never leave cabinets unlatched.
- Electrical outlets: Cover all unused electrical outlets.
- Floors: Fix splinters, nails, carpet tacks, and loose tiles.
- Fireplaces: Block with heat-resistant grilles.
- Furniture: Move furniture away from windows. Remove loose knobs. Put away glass-topped tables. When your baby is old enough to pull up to standing (about 12 months), lock in place any furniture she might pull on, such as dressers, bookcases, and cabinets.
- Gates: Put one gate at the top of any stairs and another gate three steps from the bottom. Gate doorways as necessary. Don’t use accordion gates, as babies can get stuck in them.
- Plants: Be sure that you have no poisonous plants in your house and that all potted plants are out of reach.
- Radiators: Put guards around them.
- Railings: Make sure that none are loose or have gaps that are 5" or more wide.
- Tablecloths: Remove them—babies pull them down.
- Windows: Put guards over any windows above the ground floor.

Keep Out of Reach :
- Ashtrays
- Curtain cords
- Electrical cords
- Exercise equipment
- Kitchen hazards
- Matches and lighters
- Office supplies
- Plastic bags
- Purses and bags
- Razors
- Sewing supplies
- Loose strings or chains
- Trash baskets

Lock Away :
- Alcohol
- Garage items (gasoline, lighter fluid)
- Guns (if they must be in the house at all)
- Household products (bleach, cleaning spray, dishwashing liquid, drain cleaner)
- Medicine
- Toiletries and cosmetics
- Vitamins

The list goes on... As parents, we must be alert to the environment around our babies.
Lets babyproof our house right now!

OK, where's my stuff?

OK, where's my stuff?

Here's Logan, ready to open presents. Per usual, we'd finished
pancake breakfast by about 7:30 a.m., so it isn't like he had to wait
long. He got some snowshoes and a snowsuit, sandals, a junior-sized
wheelbarrow and other fun things. So far he's most attached to a
little wind-up plane that rolls along the ground with the propeller

The biggest attraction for Logan this holiday season has been
candles. We have one of those candle-powered spinning nativity
things, and he wants it spinning all the time. Then there are just
the decorative holiday candles ... he wants those burning so he can
blow them out. Christmas day I found him with a little scented candle
I'd just gotten as a gift, and he was trying to open the child-
proofed drawer with the matches so he could light the candle. Then
there's the fireplace. Ugh. Clearly the matches are moving up to a
locked cupboard. I'm ready to put all the decorations away!

baby proof fireplace

See also:

premature babies born

hip baby shower invitations

baby girl nursery colors

baby boy shower invitations wording

jewish baby naming invitation

baby nursery photos

song with baby crying in background

Post je objavljen 04.02.2012. u 13:14 sati.