Gloves for airsoft. Airsoft boneyard. Airsoft gas pistol
Gloves For Airsoft
A modern combat sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets launched from a compressed-air gun
Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.
Airsoft is primarily a recreational activity with replica firearms that shoot plastic BBs that are often used for personal collection, gaming (similar to paintball), or professional training purposes (military simulations, a.k.a. MilSim, and police training exercises).
boxing glove: boxing equipment consisting of big and padded coverings for the fists of the fighters; worn for the sport of boxing
baseball glove: the handwear used by fielders in playing baseball
(glove) handwear: covers the hand and wrist
A covering for the hand worn for protection against cold or dirt and typically having separate parts for each finger and the thumb
A padded protective covering for the hand used in boxing, baseball, and other sports
airsoft girl
No gloves, no elbow protection, no head gear aside from the mask... LOL, I'm looking for pain.
During our Airsoft escapade at North Camp, Fairview. January 26, 2008.