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Appliance Parts World : Ny Cash For Appliances : Cash For Appliances California 2011.

Appliance Parts World

appliance parts world

  • An apparatus fitted by a surgeon or a dentist for corrective or therapeutic purpose

  • The action or process of bringing something into operation

  • The act of applying; application; An implement, an instrument or apparatus designed (or at least used) as a means to a specific end (often specified); Specifically: A non-manual apparatus or device, powered electrically or by another small motor, used in homes to perform domestic functions (

  • durable goods for home or office use

  • A device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task, typically a domestic one

  • a device or control that is very useful for a particular job

  • the local environment; "he hasn't been seen around these parts in years"

  • (part) something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"; "the animal constituent of plankton"

  • An element or constituent that belongs to something and is essential to its nature

  • (part) separate: go one's own way; move apart; "The friends separated after the party"

  • A component of a machine

  • A piece or segment of something such as an object, activity, or period of time, which combined with other pieces makes up the whole

  • The earth, together with all of its countries, peoples, and natural features

  • Denoting one of the most important or influential people or things of its class

  • All of the people, societies, and institutions on the earth

  • global: involving the entire earth; not limited or provincial in scope; "global war"; "global monetary policy"; "neither national nor continental but planetary"; "a world crisis"; "of worldwide significance"

  • universe: everything that exists anywhere; "they study the evolution of the universe"; "the biggest tree in existence"

  • people in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest; "the Western world"

War of the Worlds: Advance of the Martians

War of the Worlds: Advance of the Martians

"After the glimpse I had had of the Martians emerging from the cylinder in which they had come to the earth from their planet, a kind of fascination paralysed my actions. I remained standing knee-deep in the heather, staring at the mound that hid them. I was a battleground of fear and curiosity.
I did not dare to go back towards the pit, but I felt a passionate longing to peer into it. I began walking, therefore, in a big curve, seeking some point of vantage and continually looking at the sand heaps that hid these new-comers to our earth. Once a leash of thin black whips, like the arms of an octopus, flashed across the sunset and was immediately withdrawn, and afterwards a thin rod rose up, joint by joint, bearing at its apex a circular disk that spun with a wobbling motion. What could be going on there?
Beyond the pit stood the little wedge of people with the white flag at its apex, arrested by these phenomena, a little knot of small vertical black shapes upon the black ground. As the green smoke arose, their faces flashed out pallid green, and faded again as it vanished. Then slowly the hissing passed into a humming, into a long, loud, droning noise. Slowly a humped shape rose out of the pit, and the ghost of a beam of light seemed to flicker out from it.
Forthwith flashes of actual flame, a bright glare leaping from one to another, sprang from the scattered group of men. It was as if some invisible jet impinged upon them and flashed into white flame. It was as if each man were suddenly and momentarily turned to fire.
Then, by the light of their own destruction, I saw them staggering and falling, and their supporters turning to run.
I stood staring, not as yet realising that this was death leaping from man to man in that little distant crowd. All I felt was that it was something very strange. An almost noiseless and blinding flash of light, and a man fell headlong and lay still; and as the unseen shaft of heat passed over them, pine trees burst into fire, and every dry furze bush became with one dull thud a mass of flames. And far away towards Knaphill I saw the flashes of trees and hedges and wooden buildings suddenly set alight.
It was sweeping round swiftly and steadily, this flaming death, this invisible, inevitable sword of heat. I perceived it coming towards me by the flashing bushes it touched, and was too astounded and stupefied to stir. I heard the crackle of fire in the sand pits and the sudden squeal of a horse that was as suddenly stilled. Then it was as if an invisible yet intensely heated finger were drawn through the heather between me and the Martians, and all along a curving line beyond the sand pits the dark ground smoked and crackled. Something fell with a crash far away to the left where the road from Woking station opens out on the common. Forthwith the hissing and humming ceased, and the black, domelike object sank slowly out of sight into the pit.
All this had happened with such swiftness that I had stood motionless, dumbfounded and dazzled by the flashes of light. Had that death swept through a full circle, it must inevitably have slain me in my surprise. But it passed and spared me, and left the night about me suddenly dark and unfamiliar.
The undulating common seemed now dark almost to blackness, except where its roadways lay grey and pale under the deep blue sky of the early night. It was dark, and suddenly void of men. Overhead the stars were mustering, and in the west the sky was still a pale, bright, almost greenish blue. The tops of the pine trees and the roofs of Horsell came out sharp and black against the western afterglow. The Martians and their appliances were altogether invisible, save for that thin mast upon which their restless mirror wobbled. Patches of bush and isolated trees here and there smoked and glowed still, and the houses towards Woking station were sending up spires of flame into the stillness of the evening air."

An idea that has been stuck in my head for months. It finally came to life with the arrival of my brown grass stems, of course grey or black would be better, but these are not available, so I settled for brown. See notes for info if confused.

Jinx for the Win!

Jinx for the Win!

Cartellone pubblicitario nei pressi di un autogrill vicino a Varese.

(Vabbè, non sarà proprio il massimo della finezza, ma almeno l'idea è originale ...)

On a rest area along a highway near Varese, such Billboard ad (of an Italian distribution company for domestic appliances, part of a multi-national group) invites Italians to 'jinx' the opponents of the Italian NT in the upcoming Football (sorry folks on the other side of the pond, I'll NEVER call it soccer ...) World Cup.

If buy something at their stores AND guess what team will be kicked out of the competition first, they'll give your money back ... but ONLY for you to use it in order to buy something else there ...

FYI - The 'hairy' guy in the picture is motorbike racer Marco Simoncelli.

appliance parts world

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Post je objavljen 01.02.2012. u 19:49 sati.