Fmc ball valves - High pressure regulator valve - Safety valve manufacturer in india.
Fmc Ball Valves
(Ball valve) A ball valve is a valve with a spherical disc, the part of the valve which controls the flow through it. The sphere has a hole, or port, through the middle so that when the port is in line with both ends of the valve, flow will occur.
(Ball valve) used to regulate the flow of water and to shut off skimmers, drains and other lines in order to vacuum or run a spa or water feature.
A one-way valve that is opened and closed by pressure on a ball that fits into a cup-shaped opening
(ball valve) any valve that checks flow by the seating of a ball
Federación de Mujeres Cubans; a women's federation founded in 1960 and active in local and national politics.
Flight Management Computer
Federal Maritime Commission (Control of shipping acts USA)
Frozen Ball Valve
This is an example of a system that was not properly drained during the testing sequence. When shipped the mechanical contractor did not install or winterize the units. It is important to properly winterize units prior to shipment at the conclusion of test.
Ball Valve
Looking into a ball valve before it goes into the new heating system.