(Solenoid valve) A solenoid valve is an electromechanical valve for use with liquid or gas. The valve is controlled by an electric current through a solenoid coil.
(Solenoid Valve) A quick-opening valve which is mounted on a pressurized tank. The opening of the valve generates a cleaning pulse which dislodges the dust from the filter elements.
(solenoid valve) An electrical device operated by a magnetic coil to make the valve either open for flow or closed to shut off water flow.
A list of all the books or resources in a library
a complete list of things; usually arranged systematically; "it does not pretend to be a catalog of his achievements"
catalogue: make a catalogue, compile a catalogue; "She spends her weekends cataloguing"
A publication containing details and often photographs of items for sale, esp. one produced by a mail-order company
a book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things; "he found it in the Sears catalog"
A complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systematic order, in particular
American Society of Clinical Oncology, a professional society.
Ascó is a large village in the comarca of Ribera d'Ebre, Catalonia, Spain, on the right bank of the Ebro river. The village of Ascó is known for its nuclear power station, and for excellent fishing in the river.