Outdoor Beverage Cooler - Large Collapsible Cooler
Outdoor Beverage Cooler
A drink, esp. one other than water
any liquid suitable for drinking; "may I take your beverage order?"
A drink, or beverage, is a liquid which is specifically prepared for human consumption. In addition to filling a basic human need, beverages form part of the culture of human society.
A liquid to consume, usually excluding water; a drink. This may include tea, coffee, liquor, beer, milk, juice, or soft drinks
(of a person) Fond of the open air or open-air activities
Done, situated, or used out of doors
outdoor(a): located, suited for, or taking place in the open air; "outdoor clothes"; "badminton and other outdoor games"; "a beautiful outdoor setting for the wedding"
(outdoors) where the air is unconfined; "he wanted to get outdoors a little"; "the concert was held in the open air"; "camping in the open"
(outdoors) outside: outside a building; "in summer we play outside"
an iced drink especially white wine and fruit juice
a cell for violent prisoners
a refrigerator for cooling liquids
A device or container for keeping things cool, in particular
An insulated container for keeping food and drink cool
A refrigerated room
another coke ad 1964
Another cool coke ad. I have several of these, so I will be posting them as I find them!
Young country girl relaxing with a soda in her hand